Go wait for me in your room

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Chapter 24

Sunday, 8:42 pm

In the bunker

Jayla's POV

I'm in the library, having yet another argument with Dean. Well, less of an argument, more of a screaming match. I think I'm winning.

Jayla: Stop telling me what to do!

Dean: Do what you're told and I won't have to tell you anything!

Jayla: That doesn't even make any sense!

Dean: It makes perfect sense! If you would just do what you're told, the first time, I wouldn't have to tell you again! And we wouldn't have to keep having these conversations!

Jayla: This isn't even a conversation! You're just yelling at me!

Dean: Because yelling seems to get through to you, better than just talking does!

Jayla: Well it's only pissing me off! Quit it!

Sam: Both of you, quit it! He yells from his room.

Jayla: Mind your own fucking business!

Dean: Hey! He yells as he smacks the back of my head Watch your fucking language!

This bitch. "Watch your FUCKING language"? No. YOU watch YOUR fucking language. And maybe, just MAYBE, I'll watch mine.

Jayla: Quit hitting me!

Dean: Quit swearing and I'll stop hitting you!

Jayla: That's literally abuse!

Dean: Don't start with that! It's not abuse and you know it! You should know, by now, that we only hit you when you do things you know you shouldn't be doing! And we only ever hit you in disciplinary ways! So don't start with this "That's abuse" bullshit!

I think I hit a nerve. I've been hitting his nerves all day. And honestly, it was pretty funny until he started yelling.

Jayla: Bubba-

Dean: I'm not done. I'm so fucking tired of you pulling that card. For the passed few days, every time we try to discipline you, you say something about it being abuse. It's not abuse, Jayla, and you know that. You know we wouldn't abuse you. We'd never abuse you. So the abuse card ends now. Or you're gonna get spanked every time you try it. Do you understand me?

Jayla: I'm sorry. I didn't mean-

Dean: Jayla Lynn, do you understand me?

Jayla: Yes, Sir.

Dean: Good. Now go wait for me in your room.

What? Why? I thought the argument and talking was over. Why do I have to go to my room?

Jayla: Why?

Dean: Because starting today, you're getting spanked every time you pull the abuse card.

Jayla: You're gonna spank me?

Dean: Yeah, I am. And then you're gonna go apologize to Sam for saying what you said to him, then you're gonna take a shower, like I asked you to, 30 minutes ago. And then you're gonna get ready for bed.

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