One Night In Paris

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Its been a week since Adrian and I started hanging out. My whole attitude had changed I let my guard down. My friends knew I was seeing a guy they just didn't know who. Everytime I would look at my phone and smile at the cute text messages Adrian would text me they would whisper to one another.
"Safari so you're not going to tell us about your new man" Hazel said. I laughed as I put my phone back in my pocket.
"I'm not saying a damn thing to you guys, things are going great and I don't want to ruin things between us."
Hazel and Jennifer side eyed me and than whispered in each others ear.
"Is it Harold" Jennifer said
"I know you're not seeing Harold" Hazel added on
"He's more in love with them donuts than he will ever be with any girl" Jennifer laughed. I looked at the two of them and gave them the middle finger.
"Harold is like my brother I'm not seeing Harold you idiots , why the hell would you think I'm seeing Harold" I rolled my eyes crossed my legs and took my phone back out. I knew the girls was dying to know who my mystery man was but I wasn't ready to tell them. In plus they wouldn't have no idea who Adrian Brooks is. Adrian texted me back to meet up with him at the mall.
"I'll hit you two up later on" I said , Hazel and Jennifer knew I was meeting up with Adrian.
"meeting up with your man" Hazel smiled. "I haven't seen you this happy in...well I can't remember I'm happy for you. I blew Hazel and Jennifer a kiss and walked away from them and got into my car.

I walked in Gucci where Adrian told me to meet him at. I knew cops make alot of money but I didn't know Adrian shops at Gucci or was he trying to impress me. We wore our matching shirts that said "His" "Hers" with the arrow pointing at.
"You like these" he asked me I took the shoes out his hand and looked at him.
"No" I handed him back the shoes. I picked up a different pair of shoes and handed them to him. Adrian isn't like the stereotypical cops people talk about, maybe its because he was a young cop in his late 20s. Adrian was the first cop I knew that wore Gucci. After Adrian bought his shoes we walked around the mall holding each other hand.
"What would my lady like" he said as he hugged me from the back. There were many stores I would've liked to get stuff from.
"Victoria Secret" I said. His face lit up knowing Victoria Secret is a store full off bra's and panties. We walked in Victoria Secret I went straight for the perfumes. I didn't come on here to shop for kinky underwear I came here for the lotion and perfume.
"You sure you don't want anything panties" Adrian raised his eyebrows. I laughed and gently pushed him.
"I have plenty of underwear from here" we walked to the cash register. After we came from Victoria Secret Adrian and I went to a couple other female stores like Forever 21 and Wet Seal.
"I want to take you somewhere" I said as I grabbed his hand and ran out the mall. Adrian was confused he had no idea where I was taking him. We walked into an empty building.
"What are we doing here, what is this place" Adrian asked. I dropped the shopping bags. And turned on some music from my phone.
"I'm a dancer, professional dancer I've been dancing since I was 6 years old" I turned up the music and began dancing. Adrian sat in a chair and watched me dance. I grabbed his hand and picked him up and turned on my favorite song "I Wanna Party" from the movie Rio. I grinded on Adrian to the beat. Adrian was stiff I had to loosen him up. My hips were too fast for his so I had to slow down, and teach him the dance I made to this song.
Adrian was too stiff but he was getting the hang of it I sat him down and began dancing infront of him. It was easy to move my hips considering being Hawaiian. After I was finished dancing for Adrian we sat in the empty building.
"So this is where you come to dance?"he asked
"Yeah been coming here since I was 6, I knew dancing was my passion when my mother died when I was 10 dancing was all I had left"
"You don't have any siblings"
"one my older sister but she moved all the way to New York, Hawaii wasn't for her" Adrian grabbed my hand and kissed me on my cheek.
"You have dancing and you have me" he smiled.

It was 8pm I was getting ready to go on stage and perform I invited Adrian , Hazel , and Jennifer to the show. It was time to introduce them to Adrian. Adrian texted me good luck I smiled and looked at the audience smiled and waved at him as Hazel and Jennifer were walking to their sits.
"Introducing Safari Fitzpatrick" the announcer said as I came out. "BANG BANG" by Jessie J , Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj came I danced to the beat. After I was finished the crowd stood up and cheered. I walked over to Adrian and hugged him. Hazel and Jennifer came over.
"So this is your new man you weren't trying to tell us about" Hazel said. Adrian and I laughed as he hugged me tighter and kissed me on my forehead
"Adrian these are my best friends Hazel and Jennifer , Hazel and Jennifer this is Adrian" I said as the 3 of them shook each others hand.
"I hope you're treating her well" Jennifer said. "This is my girl I don't want to cut you"
"Umm Jen he's a cop" I said, Jennifer face lit up as she apologized quickly.
"I'm sorry officer Adrian" she said. Adrian couldn't take her serious so he chuckles. "Come on Hazel lets leave these two alone" Jennifer and Hazel walk away.
"You really are a great dancer Safari" he said. I smiled and said thanks.
"Dont you have to be at work around 9" I said. Adrian looked at his watch kissed me and walked out the door. Hazel and Jennifer walk back towards me.
"Where's your man rushing to?" Hazel said.
"Work" I chuckled as we walked out the door.

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