Love After War

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"We need to get to get to the bottom of this" Adrian said. Adrian, Apollo, Romeo and I were sitting in their hotel room. "Romeo I don't trust you"
"He's innocent until proven guilty" Apollo stood up for his man. I didn't say a word, I didn't even want to be apart of this shit.
"You 3 talk about this , this has nothing to do with me...I'm gonna go with my girls" I walked out the hotel room into Hazel and Jen's. Hazel wasn't there , she was obviously in Tevin's room. Jen was on the phone with Bobby.
"Bobby I'm coming back home in like 2 days calm down" Jen was always stressing over this fool, I wonder what it was this time it couldn't be money problems he pawned the ring already and I just gave Jen 3 thousands. I walked over to her to hear their conversation.
"Look I'll call you in a few" Jen hung up the phone.
"Everything Okay?" I asked.
"It's Bobby...he's annoying me, I shouldn't be under so stress it's not good for the baby"
The baby?
"Baby... what baby, oh my gosh you're pregnant Jen."
"Surprise" Jen smiled, I hugged Jen I was so happy for her.
"Does Hazel know?"
"I haven't gotten a chance to tell her she's been with Tevin all day , I just took the home pregnancy test like an hour ago" Jen gets up, and walks to the bathroom digs in the trash and shows me the pregnancy stick. "See, two lines and that means I'm pregnant" I was speechless I was lost for words.
"Congrats though" I smiled and hugged her again.
Later that day we all met up for dinner even Sasha and Britney.
"To making it to the finals" we toast.
"Jen why are you drinking water, you love champagne" Hazel said.
"I'm pregnant" she said. Hazel face lit up.
"You're lying..." Hazel smiled. "And you didn't tell me"
"You were too busy making love with that guy over there."
Tevin didn't even look up he just continued to eat.
"I'm sorry" Hazel gets up hugs and kisses Jen on the cheeks.
After dinner was over we couldn't go back to the hotel, we went to time square.
"I've been here multiple times" Hazel bragged, Tevin hugged up against her and kisses her.
Adrian still seemed mad, couldn't stop looking at Romeo.
"Come" I said grabbing his hand. Apollo knew he was still mad at Romeo but he ignored him put his arm around Romeos shoulder.
"Safari get off me" he snatches his hand away from mine.
"What the hell I do" I yelled. We were making a scene in Time Square. "Tell me Adrian, because you're yelling at me like I've done something to you"
Just stop talking to me...I'm not in the mood" I was getting mad myself.
"Adrian" I laughed and shook my head. He looked at me like he was about to smack me. "What are you going to do? Smack me" I laughed. He couldn't be mad at me for long he starts laughing.
"Safari Jessica Fitzpatrick" he grabs me by my waist.
"Adrian Tyler Brooks, you need to not take your anger out on me ... I'm on your side" I kiss him. "Even though you know I love it when your mad that vein in your neck pokes out"
"You know we could ditch these fools and you know" SEX SEX SEX! that's all.
"And go where ? We're no where near the hotel room"
"Who said anything about the hotel room, there's many places we could go" he winks, we walk away slowly I beat they didn't even realize we left.
"I have no idea where the fuck we're going to go"
"I'm a millionaire Safari we can go anywhere"
We went into 4 different buildings none was right or the bathrooms were full. So we go back inside the restaurant we just left from earlier.
"Hey I think I left something here" the waiter let us through. We went inside the restaurant bathroom and puts me on the sink and kisses on my neck until we heard one of the toilets flush. The guy walks out the stall, I was sitting on the sink heels and pants off with my shirt unbutton.
"Excuse me" he smile and wash his hands and walks out the bathroom. After seeing him walk out the bathroom I wasn't horny anymore
"We're in a public bathroom , we can't have sex people go in and out" I hopped off the sink pulled my pants up and put my heels back on. I know Adrian was pissed we didn't exchange words we just walked out the bathroom.
"Found what you left?" The waiter smiled. I smiled back and nodded as we walked out the restaurant. I called Jen her phone goes straight to voice mail I call Hazel her's go straight to voice mail to.
"Well no one is answering" I put my phone back in my pocket. Adrian still haven't said anything to me. "I know you're not mad because I didn't want to have sex in a public bathroom, Adrian last night we had a threesum with my sister"
"Baby...I'm addicted to sex"
"Like ...addicted addicted"
"I have to have sex about 4 times a week"
"Why don't you go to rehab for it"
"Because I don't want to...I'll be apart from you way too long" he grabs my waist again.
"You need to get help baby"
"I don't need help baby"
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
No words was said all the way back to the hotel. I knew he was pissed at me, we got into the hotel room still silence.
"Adrian what's our problem...why are you mad? You have a sex addiction Adrian"
"So what Safari?"
"You're kidding're a sex addict Adrian"
The argument started.
"Safari" he hits his hand on the wall.
"I'm helping you and you want to get mad at me! I didn't do shit to you" he gets in my face breathing heavy his muscular chest hitting my face.
"What Adrian" I looked up at him. He bangs his fist against the wall and kisses me. I wrap arms around his neck as he takes my shirt off. He pics me up and lays me down on the bed, I know I was suppose to be helping him but I couldn't. He takes my bra off I take his pants off. He stops me.
"Safari I'm so pissed at you" he didn't want me to touch him, he takes control of me. He lifts me up and puts his head between my legs. He turns me over bites my neck, aggressively he turns me back around puts his dick in my mouth, he gets on top of me making me gag in and out he goes. He throws me against the wall and slides in. My back against the wall he's bouncing me up and down. There was a knock on the door.
"Hotel manager" they said from the outside. Adrian goes to the door.
"Adrian don't open the door I'm naked" he opens it anyway.
"What?" Adrian said angrily.
"Uhh..." the manager couldn't get his words out his mouth he was looking at Adrian's junk and peeking at my vagina I got under the covers. "We got a complaint about loud noise"
"We're having sex" Adrian shuts the door in the managers face.
"What are you doing?" Adrian grabs my feet and pulls me out the covers kisses me and resumes fucking me.
The next morning we woke up, Adrian smiled.
"Good Morning" he kisses me on my forehead. "I got a little crazy last night" he chuckled. I didn't laugh or smiled, finding out about his sex addiction worried me he has so many flaws being a drug dealer, a sex addict and he's a cop I never fell for his type I don't know what made him different.
Jen , Hazel and I went to brunch I told them about Adrian's sex addiction.
"Drug dealing sex addiction what else?" Jen said
"I love him though" I sighed and took a sip of my coffee.
"We know you do ...he hasn't hit you right?" Hazel said.
"Not in a bad way...he'll hit me during sex, but I hit him too"
"And he's not going to rehab?"
"No...but we had an argument last night but it turned into sex"
"That's Called Love After War" Hazel laughed.

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