After Paris

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The next morning we woke up with our clothes still on thank god because I wasn't ready to have sex with Adrian yet. We got up and walked out the hotel room, we didn't have a tooth brush so I breath was kinda smelly. We got in the limo and was on our way back to Hawaii.
"I had fun" I said, I wanted to kiss him but I hadn't brushed my teeth yet. We got out the limo and got on the jet. I was still tired I snuggled up on Adrian and went back to sleep. One long ride later we were back in the Hawaiian parking lot where we left from last night. We got off the plane into his car and drove off.
"Sorry if I forgot you had work this morning" Adrian said.
"Its Saturday I only work on the weekdays" I said
"You want me to take you home?" he asked. I didnt want to leave him he never offered me to go to his house so I was confused why hadn't he. I didnt want to say NO I WANT TO GO TO YOUR HOUSE
"You never invited me to your house" I said softly.
"Oh I'm sorry we can go there now" he said. I was happy I wanted to see what his house was like, since he had a private jet I'm pretty sure his house had to be nice. We arrived to a mansion. He stuck his head out. "Adrian Brooks" the gates open. There was a huge yard , a pool in the bag and many more. We got out the car and walked in his house. I said I wasn't gonna ask him if he was rich but it was obvious he was.
"You're rich" I said looking at the chandler on his ceiling.
"my grandfather was rich he left his money to my father and after he passed he left it to me, my brother lives here with me I couldn't live in a big mansion by myself"
"So why are you a cop if you're rich I mean you don't even have to work a day in your life?" I asked. We sat down on the couch.
"just like how you have a passion for dancing I have a passion being a cop when I was younger I would visit the police station once or twice a week so I went on to be a police officer." Adrian just attracted me more. He kissed me as his brother came in.
"Who's this" Apollo asked. Apollo stood about 6 foot 2 green eyes he was skinny , not muscular like Adrian.
"Safari this is Apollo" I guess it ran in the family with pearly white teeth Apollo smiled from ear to ear Adrian and Apollo could be twins they resembled each other so much. Apollo walked away. "You wanna see the whole house" Adrian asked as we got up and walked around his house.

"So he's rich" Hazel said. "Why is he working , if I was rich I would never..." I stopped Hazel.

"He always wanted to be a cop" I said. Hazel and I were at her house on the couch. Jennifer walked in the Hazels house bursting into tears. Jennifer sat down in between us. "What's wrong" I said. We knew what it was Jennifer and her boyfriend Bobby couldn't pay the for the house the bought.
"We're getting kicked out" Jennifer cried. I looked at Hazel and whispered
"Keep your mouth shut." Jennifer was my girl I knew what Hazel was going to say. I wasn't about to ask Adrian to help me with Jennifer's rent. We haven't even been dating for 2 weeks yet. "Look I have 500 for you that's all I can give you" I lied I been putting money aside so I could take this trip to New York to visit my sister Shannon. I had enough money but I heard New York is very expensive so I needed to take about 15 to 20 grand. New York had stores that I never heard of before. Shannon would send me a gifts from high fashion designer that cost about 2grand a piece. Like the LV bag she sent me that cost 2,200 dollars.
"I owe you Safari" Jennifer said as she took the money out my hand. I don't know why Jen thought she and Bobby could pay a 1300 dollar rent with minimum wage jobs. Jennifer wiped her face and put a smile on her face.
"What are you two up to" she said. We shrugged our shoulders . "I have to get this to my landlord" Jennifer hugged us and walked out Hazels house.
"This is 3rd time we gave Jen money we can't keep giving her money" Hazel said. "why can't she and Bobby live in a studio apartment, its not like they have kids its just those two there's no reason for them to have a 4 bed room 2 bathroom house if they can't afford it" I shook my head to what Hazel was saying.

Later that night Hazel and I walked in the police station to visit Adrian. Harold of course sitting there not doing a damn thing , Adrian was in the back on the phone with someone. It was a slow day for them. Adrian turned around and smiled.
"I'm gonna go talk to Harold" Hazel walked away as I sat on Adrian's lap. Hazel walked towards Harold folded her hands and shook her head.
"You're just gonna eat your way to death huh" she said. Harold dropped the donut and wiped his mouth.
"what's going on with those two?" Harold asked.
"They're dating" Hazel replied. Harold eyes lit up. I could here their whole conversation from the back. I got up from Adrian's lap and walked towards them. As I walked towards them I could feel Harold staring at me. I chuckled a little bit. "Harold I know you gotta crush on Safari but you do know you're not her type."
"Harold you're like my older brother" I said. Harold didn't want to hear that. I still couldn't believe he had a crush on me. "What is your wife gonna say about you having a crush on me." Harold's wife Bianca was thick but not as big as Harold she was a Spanish freak. I dont see why he would want to give up a Spanish freak for me.
"Well I'm not going to lie you two look good together" Harold side eyed me. I laughed and blew Harold a kiss he caught it. Adrian walked out the back smiling. "You couldn't even tell me Adrian, I tell you how bad I want Safari everyday" Harold was furious. Adrian hugged up from behind me.
"You have a wife Harold" Adrian laughed. Harold continued to side eye us.
Hazel shook Harold shoulders.
"Wake up fool, you have a beautiful wife that loves and adores you why are you trying to ruin things between you two" Hazel yelled at Harold. It wasn't like Harold was ugly Harold was a cute heavy guy but he just wasn't my type. "Safari we have to go" I almost forgot what me and Hazel had planned. I kissed Adrian and walked out the door.

"Oh I didn't tell you , he took me to Paris last night" I said as we got into my car. Hazel didn't get in she just stared at me like she was ready to jump on me.
"So you just wasn't going to tell me that huh" she said. I got in the car and cranked up the car and rolled down the windows.
"Are you going to get in or what?" I asked. Hazel sucked her teeth and got in the car. "We went to Paris last night went to this expensive restaurant we went to a Paris dance club partied after that we went to a hotel"...before I could finish Hazel interrupted me.
" You didn't have sex...did you...oh my gosh you had sex you barely know Adrian what if he has crabs , aids, herpes" Hazel went on and on. I laughed until my stomach started to hurt. "Safari I'm so serious"
"We didn't have sex Hazel calm down" I drove away. Hazel sighed, Hazel always acted like my mom when it came to relationships, it was funny and really annoying at times.
We arrived at the spa. I need a massage so bad , dancing isn't easy. Every two weeks the girls and I go to the spa, Jennifer was tight with money so she couldn't come this week. We took our clothes off and got on the massage bed. The masseur Jordan knew what he was doing, he always got in the right places while massaging me. Jordan and I had a fling a while back until I found out he was married. Just because we didn't work out doesn't mean I had to stop getting massages from him. I loved when he massaged me I knew he missed me that the main reason why I loved it. Hazel always had a crush on Jordan. Jordan never felt the same way it was like Harold and I, Hazel wanted Jordan to massage her instead of the masseuse that massaged her everytime we came.
"Jordan...Jordan...Jordan" Hazel said as she groaned knowing that the masseuse hit the right spit.
"Yes" Jordan replied. Hazel didn't want to look desperate so she never asked him why he doesn't want her.
After our massage was done we went in the mud bath.
"I wish Jen was here" I said. Hazel didn't reply she just put the cucumbers on her eyes and tilt her head back.

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