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"HAPPY 1 MONTH" Adrian said as he handed me the present. I opened the gift it was a half broken heart necklace. Adrian was wearing the other half of the broken necklace. I hugged and kissed him. He helped him put the necklace on.
"I love it babe" sex haven't come up in our relationship yet, he knows I was going to give it up that easy, but I didn't want to run him off by not giving him any sex. I was waiting until we made it to 3 months I know guys can't really hold it like most girls can so I know Adrian wanted to have sex.
"I'm ready" I whispered in his ear ,I was ready and I wasn't ready it wasn't like I was a virgin but not haven't sex for 2 years felt like I was a virgin. We go up to his master bed room and starts with foreplay. Adrian kisses me as he takes off my clothes and his. We fall on the bed he began to kiss me from my neck to my vagina. He grab his handcuffs from his drawer and handcuffs me to the bed.
"Close your eyes" he told me I close my eyes as he kisses me and unstraps my bra and takes off my panties. He began to suck on my nipples it felt like heaven biting on my hard nipples. He blind folded me I had no idea what was happening. I was still hand cuffed so I couldn't move. He gets on top of me I felt his third leg on my left thigh I heard the condom wrapper open and the lube coming out the bottle. The sound of the condom going on his penis gave me shivers throughout my body. He was in. I bit my bottom lip I haven't had a penis in me for 2 years. He gave big strokes pounding my body like I was a piece of meat. Suddenly something went in my mouth , I couldn't see nor remove the thing  Adrian put in my mouth I felt the sweat from his body drop from mine he was going hard and hard I couldn't moan with the thing in my mouth. Adrian un-cuffed me turned me over and cuffed me back up. He put his hands around my neck and choked me it felt like I was dying but I was dying in a pleasure way. I couldn't talk , breath, or see. Adrian went in beast mode, he took his penis out went in between my legs kiss my neck and resume what he was doing. I knew it was going to he like this dating a man for 1 month and not giving him any sex just didnt know he was going do the other things.
He was finished he un-cuffed me took the thing out my mouth and took the blind fold out my mouth. It was a sex toy I didn't know what it was called but I knew from the shape and the way it felt in my mouth it was sex toy. I didn't ask any questions , we were sweaty and outta breath we got in the shower and made love in the shower. I thought we were done he didn't feel the same way he pushes me against the shower door and began kissing me repeatedly.
After the shower we got dressed no words was spoken about what had just happen. I put the clothes I had on back on while   Adrian put on something different. As I waited for him to put his clothes on my phone went off it was Jennifer. It knew what she wanted I ignored the phone call.
"Ready" he said as he put his sun glasses on, the room smelt like sex I would be surprise if the maid wouldn't pass out when she walk in the room. We got in his 2015 Honda I was hungry, food after sex sounded real good right about now.
"Can we get something to eat I'm starving" I rubbed my stomach., I still can taste to rubbery sex toy in my mouth. Cops was suppose to be the good guys in this case   Adrian did me so good he should pay for the crime he just did.
We pull up to McDonalds I rarely ate fast food but I was starving I could eat anything, I needed to get the rubber smell out my mouth. We got out the car and walked into McDonald's. I forgot Jen worked at this one I could see her sad face from the door all the way in back flipping them burgers. We walked up to the cashier.
"Hi how may I take your order" she said with a smile, she was the only one here that was in a good mood.
"I'll take a number 5 with no pickles or tomatoes" I said. "You hungry" Adrian shook his head no, Jen turned her head knowing my voice she finished flipping the burgers and walked up to the front.
"I thought you don't eat fast food" Jen said while smiling.
"I don't but I'm hungry" I laughed. "How are things" I asked. I could tell Jen was mad by the way she was looking at me. "I forgot to call you back I'm serious" Jen walked back to the stove.
"Everything alright between you two" Adrian asked, I shrugged my shoulders, I was tired of being Jen's ATM machine she never paid me back the money she "borrowed" from me.
"Number 5 with no pickles and tomatoes" the cashier said I grabbed the back as Adrian swiped his debit card.
"Call me Jen" I yelled as we walked out Mcdonalds and got back into   Adrian car. I took the burger out the bag and wrapped it and bit the burger, it was so good and greasy  Adrian just looked at me. "You want some?" I asked. Adrian took a bite out my sandwich and laughed. "You said you wasn't hungry"
"I'm not"
"  Adrian I want to see you in action, seeing you in your uniform turns me on but I wanna see you actually do something like hand cuffed someone put them against the car things like that" Adrian laughed.
"You know that's very dangerous I can't have you there when I'm arresting someone I don't want you to get hurt" I wrapped my burger back up and put it back in the bag and side eyed Adrian . How could I get hurt? I asked myself. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I shook my head.
"I'm just wondering how can I get hurt"
"Well...there's several ways you could get hurt" I didn't want to hear it I took my burger back out and resumed eating as Adrian drove off.
We arrived at the beach, I heard a familiar voice I turned around and there was Shannon. I ran towards her and jumped into her arms.
"What are you doing here" I smiled cheek to cheek.
"I got a call from your friend...Adrian right?" its been almost 3 years since I saw Shannon all I could do is smile. "Thank You" Shannon said to Adrian as she shook his hand. I kissed Adrian .
"I'll let you two catch up" Adrian walked away. Shannon and I sat on sand.
"I was saving up to see you, but you're here now" we laughed simultaneously.

As Shannon & I caught up my phone ringed. It was Jennifer I never should've told her to me, I ignored her call once I couldn't ignore it again.
"Hello" I answered
"Can I borrow a couple of dollars" Jen asked. I knew exactly why she called.
"Jen I'm broke I have bills to pay myself" I sighed. Jen knew I got a raise at work so she knew I was bringing home money.
"All I need is about 200 Safari, I will pay you back." it was bull crap as much money as she owed me I would be surprised if she even paid me 20 dollars back.
"Jennifer..." I sighed "You say the same thing all the time, I'm still waiting on the money you owe me." I had to tell Jennifer how I felt. Jen didn't say a word she just hung up. "This is why I hate ungrateful people" I rolled my eyes.

I had to get Jen ungrateful ass out my head so I decided to go to the dance studio. Shannon came with me. I turned on Piece Of Me by Britney Spears and put my hair in a pony tail. Shannon danced to but not like how I danced, we made a dance to Piece Of Me a while back I was surprised she still remembered the dance.
"slow down" Shannon said as she caught her breath. Shannon couldn't keep up even though she knew the dance she was still slow. I didn't slow down I continued to dance until the song went off and switched to a song I didn't like. The Drake song came out, I couldn't dance to any Drake songs the way he raps I couldn't make up a dance to it. I stopped the song and sat down and drunk some water.
"what's wrong?" Shannon asked. I didn't want to tell her I've been giving Jen money almost every month.
"nothing" I continued to drink my water, until I got a call from Hazel.
"SAFARI YOUR MAN JUST GOT IN A GOT ACCIDENT...I'M OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW THEY'RE PUTTING HIM IN THE AMBULANCE TRUCK." I was speechless I hung up the phone and ran out the dance studio.

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