Dangerously In Love

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"Wh-what are you doing here ? And how'd you find out where I live" I was in complete shock I had no idea why the hell they came here ...and to my house. I let them in my house.
"They're coming for Adrian...they know where he lives and everything." Noel said. Adrian walks in the living room with his uniform on smiling his face changes instantly.
"Noel and...what are you doing here" I looked at Adrian and shook my head.
"They know where you live they know almost everything about you...they're coming to Hawaii" Adrian sat next to me.
"Who? I thought you shot Heckler in the head who's coming here"
"I heard his workers talking" I walked away into my room to change out my robe into clothes and walk back to the others. Adrian was speechless.
"I have to get to work" Adrian kisses me and walks out the door.
"Where's your daughter?" I asked.
"With my parents" Noel said.
I let Noel and his wife sleep in my guess room for the night. I got up and got ready for work. I woke them up
"Hey!" I shook them , I wasn't going to let them stay in my house without me watching over them they might've help rescue Adrian but I still didn't really know them. They woke up.
"I'm about to leave ...and I don't allow people to stay in my house without me being around" I lied. They got up and we walked out my house.
I walked into work nervous about what's going to happen to Adrian.
"What's wrong?" Rhonda said. I shook my head nothing. "I know it's something tell me" too many people knew about Adrian being a drug dealer I couldn't go tell his business its not place to put out his business.
"I'm fine Rhonda" I said I didn't mean to snap at Rhonda just a lot is going through my mind , this dance competition , Adrian getting hunted down its just too much.
After work I went over to Hazel's.
"Wait...you told me nothing happened, Safari this guy is getting hunted down and you rescued and now they're here in Hawaii"
"They're not here yet , Noel said they know where he..."
"Who the fuck is Noel?" She cut me out, I wasn't mad that she was mad at me she had the right to be mad at me.
"Noel is a guy that helped me get Adrian back" Hazel sighed.
"Safari Jessica Fitzpatrick" she shook her head. "I don't even know what to say , because my opinion doesn't matter...I mean what could I say? No Safari break up with him he's bad news"
Jennifer walks in Hazel house with a big smile.
"I've just been promoted to General Manager" she was smiling from ear to ear her whole attitude changed when seeing us talk.
"Jen... Safari isn't safe here" Hazel said.
"I am safe"
"Oh...tell her the story you just told me , if you don't than I'm glad to" Hazel was heated. "So she goes to Russia to rescue Adrian , do you know what she had to do , her and some guy name Noel shot the person that's coming after him"
"I didn't shoot anyone I stayed in the car"
"If you robbed a bank and you said I was just with them I didn't rob the bank they wouldn't give a fuck you was still with them...come on Safari this isn't you" Jen said. I didn't even realize I was changing I didn't feel like I was changing they only change I felt was having sex with Adrian that's all.
"You know I don't need you two to come at me I know what I got myself into I love that man love makes you do stupid things"
"Love? This is stupidity killing a guy Safari"
"It was the guy or Adrian" I said.
"And what if they so happen to come here and kill Adrian"
"I thought you said they killed him Hazel" Jen looked confused.
"Oh it gets better the people that works for the guy is coming to Hawaii they know exactly where Adrian lives" Jen couldn't even say word.
"Can you two just stop please" I walked out Hazel house, they walked behind me.
"And where are you going?" Hazel asked.
"Away from you two I know I've done something fucking stupid but telling me over and over what the fuck is that going to do ? No a damn thing I just can't I need to get away from you two." I got into my car and drove off.
I told Romeo to meet me at the dance studio.
"You okay" I sounded angry on the phone.
"I'm okay I just need to blow off steam , can we please practice for New York" I said. I turned on my salsa music and we danced, from moving our feet fast to him lifting me in the air. We finally got done a full dance practice without being interrupted.
"What's wrong" he asked.
I took a drink of my water.
"Apollo's great...thanks" he put he's arm over my shoulder I smiled he smiled back. He kisses me on my cheek, I was a little uncomfortable at first, but I know how gays are when they like to kiss on both cheeks. "I have to go , text me whenever our nice practice is"
"New York is in two weeks we have to be focus ...be here tomorrow same time" I said as he walked out the door. I told Adrian to meet me for coffee.
I walked into the coffee shop Adrian was sitting there with his button up shirt loose. I had my hair straighten white jeans on with a half shirt I sat down at the table.
"Hey gorgeous" he said as he leaned in and gave me a kiss. I didn't know how I was feeling Hazel & Jennifer was right but than Adrian is the love of my life I haven't felt like this for someone ever.
"Adrian...are you not worried at all?" I said, I took a bite of his sandwich.
"I try not to think of it, and you shouldn't be thinking of it either baby" he grabs my hand. It wasn't easy to just forgot about what Noel and his wife told us we can fucking die...well him because they don't know what I look like. He touches my leg and licks his lips. Sex was on my mind but also the fact he could die, what if he was pounding me and a bullet came through the the window and he dies inside me. I rolled my eyes and I didn't pay him no mind.
"I love you girl...you're really my ride or die chick as much shit I do and stick with my flaws, it's crazy I could really see myself with you for the rest of my life" he kisses me passionately and bites my bottom lip. That was sweetest thing he ever said to me , we never exactly said I love you to each other before we said love you that's it.
"I Love You Too" I smiled and kissed him back.
Noel , his wife and I were sitting in my living that night watching horror movies.
"Shantel you remember..." Shantel finally I found out her name I was starting to think I was never going to know her name. They talked throughout the whole movie I was getting annoyed.
"I'm kinda tired I'm going to head to bed" I walked to my room and got into bed. All I could think about is when Adrian said he loves me and thinking about him dying. I couldn't sleep I would dream about our future than wake up go back to sleep and dream about being at Adrian's funeral. Being in love with a drug dealing cop is really dangerous basically if he goes down I go. Adrian's my boyfriend Hazel & Jen are my best friends I wasn't about to choose between them.

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