Ex From Hell

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We finally got off an almost 10 hour flight back to Hawaii, I was exhausted I missed my bed I just wanted to go home to my California king bed and not think about anything.
"I'll be at the house shortly I have to see someone" Romeo said as he got into his taxi.
10 minutes later home sweet home I turned the key to open my door. The sweet smell of my automated air freshener hits my face. I put my luggage down and laid across my bed.
"Safari!" I heard someone call my name. I was already half sleep once I hit my bed.  "It's your neighbor Pablo" I quickly got up from my bed and went towards my door.
"Pablo... come in" I said even though the door was already open. He hands me a purple box with my name written all across it. "What is this?" I opened the box. It was a beautiful ball gown dress that I saw while on a date with Adrian once. But it was almost $8,000 dollars. That wasn't all that was in the box diamond earrings to match the dress.
"Oops and I totally forgot" Pablo ran back to his apartment grabbed another box and came back. "This guy must really be the one" he laughs. "That's a gorgeous dress is that ..."
"Versace... yes" I interrupted him as I took the other box from him. "Oh my..."
"GIUSEPPE" Pablo yelled.
"Okay Pablo thanks you can go now" I politely said . Pablo walked out my apartment rolling his eyes. These gifts are lovely. But what's the catch? I just broke up with him is he trying to buy my love back. I called Adrian.
"My life" he answered.
"What're these gifts for?"
"Just treating my girlfriend right I can't do that?. Adrian laughs on the phone.
"Adrian I broke up with you"
Adrian laughs even more. "You see sweet cakes you can't break up with me"
"I did"
"You will do what I say"
"Are you threatening me Adrian? I do not respond to threats nicely. Adrian these gifts are lovely I appreciate them but I don't want them. Plus I am the new CEO for my company I have a lot on my plate. You and your drama..."
"You're apart of my drama now" Adrian said . I was about to say something but he went on. "Safari ... you cannot do this to me you can't have me feeling this type of way. You are mine, don't ever say you're done with me."
I couldn't take anymore of him going on and on . "Good bye Adrian" I said as I hung up the phone. All I want to do is just sleep in my bed that's all. Is it really that hard? I finally got comfortable in my bed was safely sleeping until.
"Safari!" I knew that voice. "Safari" the voice was getting closer and close. "Safari" they said once more. It was Adrian , coming into my room angry. "You don't break up with me"
"Adrian are you crazy? What the hell are you doing here?"
"Am I Crazy? You should already know that sweet heart" he sits on my bed. "So like I said you don't break up with me sweet cakes" he runs his hand through my hair.
"Now I don't want to hit , even though I know you would like that. You're a sex addict Safari you don't want to admit it. We had sex anywhere and everywhere you could think of. You think you're just gonna throw me away like that? I know you're a smart girl Safari, I've killed my own blood brother. Now if I can't have you no one can"
My heart stopped. I was speechless. Was he serious ? I couldn't believe it. 
"And going to the police about a police officer would be a bad idea. So I expect to you see in that 7800$ dress with those $5000 diamond earrings and those 1800$ Giuseppe's tonight at dinner okay?" He kissed me and walked out my room.
What have I got myself into ?
That Night
Adrian and I were at dinner. I was quiet most of the night.
"You look beautiful with your hair straight" I normally don't wear my hair straight I like my wavy hair flowing down my back. All night I was plotting about going to government not just the police about Adrian. Because what he's doing could land him in jail for year. "You've been silent all night are you okay?"
"Is that a rhetorical question Adrian?" I looked at him.
"I was thinking, since I know you're really smart you're thinking about going to higher level forces like the government on me right?"
"Safari , I'm not dumb okay. But if that happens I promise you I put this on my life" Adrian gets closer to me "you , and everyone that love will be non existent that's a promise too. I don't have to be here to make that happen my peoples knows where every single one of your friends and family members live. What're you gonna tell Hazel and broke ass Jennifer huh? Now Safari I love you , you know I make crazy decisions when it comes to you . I will kill all 3 of you and kill myself afterwards" Adrian smiled and kissed me then continued eating his steak.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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