Chapter 20

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"But didn't he just check himself in like last week he's done already?" Romeo said confusingly.
"you know he's a drug dealer so he has to do his job" I said while putting my clothes on. Romeo was still confused, everything I was telling him he couldn't understand.
"But its really confusing Apollo told me his father was dead he never told me he had a sister"
"Look I'm not worried about their family , I am the new CEO of Dreams And Carefree" I button up my shirt and slipped on my high heel shoes. Romeo look me up and down. "What?" I laugh. He shake his head and walk away from my door. I follow him out into the kitchen. I fixed myself a smoothie and walk out the door. I had so much on my mind being CEO and practicing for Washington DC. I get into my car and drive away.

After work I decided to head over to Adrian's house.
"Ms. Fitzpatrick" Adrian's father shake my head.
"Where's Adrian?" I ask.
"He's at work"
"where is he at though"
"Ms. Fitzpatrick this is not a good time" I was starting to get angry. What the fuck you mean this is not a good time? Anytime is a good time. I smiled and sat down. "This is not a good time Ms. Fitzpatrick" I roll my eyes and ignored him. "that means you may let yourself out"

"Why do I have to leave" my face frowned.

"Because Adrian is at work" he say. I ignore him once again. "Very well than" he walk away. He comes back with a big muscular guy. The big muscular guy picks me up and walks me to the door.

"What the fuck, let me down" I screamed
"Adrian doesn't need any distractions" the big guy said as he opened the door and placed me outside then closed the door. I wanted to walk back in there but I know the same thing was going to happen. I fix my hair and walk to my car.

"You're late Fitzpatrick" Sasha said as I walk in the dance studio, I ignored her and walk towards them. "Let's get it" Sasha turns on "Buttons" by Pussy Cat Dolls. I was confused what happened to "When I Grow Up?"
"You change the song?" I asked furiously.
"Buttons is more sexier same steps tho" Sasha restarted "Buttons" and we danced. From grinding on the guys to giving them a lap dance in the chair. Adrian walk in the dance studio and see me giving Romeo a lap dance. He laugh and watch our rehearsal until we were done.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, he grab me by my hips pulls me closer and kisses me on my lips, he bites on my bottom lip and runs his hand through my hair. He picks me up take me outside and put me in his car. He drives somewhere I had no clue where he was driving. He pulls up to a cabin, we got out the car and walk inside the cabin.
"I miss you" he runs his hands through my hair again.
"I came by your place today your father through me out"
"I wasn't home , I was taking care of business"
He brushes up against me, I couldn't say no he picks me up I wrap my legs around his body he puts me against the wall breathing heavily. He throws me on the couch and takes my shirt off I unbutton his pants.
"Baby" he couldn't get his words out as he continue to kiss me.
He licks my chest from my breast to my belly button. He take off his shirt I stop him and get up.
"Adrian..." I know his was fucking pissed. "Take me home" I put my clothes back on.
"What the hell?" He said confused.
"I'm not a sex addict, I can control myself unlike you"
"Oh Gosh you're still on that" Adrian sighed as I walk out the cabin. He follows we get back in the car and he drives me home. "Unbelievable" he shakes his head.
"So you're mad at me now" Adrian start to drive fast.
"Damn right I'm mad at you"
"Because I don't want to give you any sex? We just had sex the other day" Adrian looks at me with anger.
"I'm a sex addict Safari the other day doesn't mean shit"
"Well I'm not a sex addict the other day means the other day to me" I said back giving him the anger stare too, but mine was less anger and more flirty Adrian laugh.
"Safari you can't be doing this to me , you know I'm crazy about you what you did in the cabin I didn't like that" I sit back in my seat and listen to him go on and on. "You could've said something when we were at the dance studio"
We arrive at my house, finally thank god I was tired of hearing Adrian talk. He kiss him and walk in my house.
"LOOK WHO IT IS" Romeo yelled, my eyes were down I was so damn sleep I walk over to Romeo and lay next to him. "What's wrong?"
"Adrian , we were about to have sex in the cabin I couldn't do it , I told him I'm not a sex addict so the whole car ride home he was talking his ass off" Romeo sat there and listened to me vent.

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