Rehabilitation Sex

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Adrian shot his brother. I couldnt get it out my head. Romeo haven't a word either. We wrapped his body in a duffel bag, Adrian put it in the trunk of the police car did he even care that he just shot and killed his own brother my body began to get cold, I had no idea Adrian would do that I thought he would just beat him up a little not shoot him in his head, he kisses me on my forhead no words exchanged as he walked out the door closing it as he leaves.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Romeo said.

I had the same feeling too seeing Apollos body make me sick.

"can you stay here with me" I asked. I hugged up against Romeo tight trying to get the picture of Apollo's dead body out of my head.

"sure" he said.

I couldn't sleep tossing and turning in bed thinking about his dead body hearing the gun shot, curious what he done with the body, I picked up my phone and called Adrian.

"Hello" he answered so calmly and soft. How the hell can he be so calm , my mouth began getting dry I couldn't get the words out my mouth.

"Safari..." he calls my name.

"Adrian..." I began to sweat, I got out of bed into the kitchen. "Adrian you didn't have to kill him" Adrian sighs.

"Safari you need to be sleep"

I can't sleep obviously

"I can't"

"want me to come over?"

"NO!" I said quickly "I'll try harder" I hung up the phone and drunk my water then climb back into bed, the bad dreams was coming I just had to fight it.

The next morning I woke up to Romeo cooking breakfast , it smelled so damn good. I walked in.the kitchen before even brushing my teeth.

"Morning" Romeo smiled while handing me a plate, I took a bite out the sausage.

Damn this is so fucking good

"Romeo I really enjoy your company" I took another bit of the sausage. He smiled and sat at the table we faced eachother , I see fear in his eyes he wanted to cry but he held them in.

"how would you like to stay here" I ate some eggs.

"that'll be great, I'll help pay the bills with you"

"Good" I smiled.

After breakfast I had to go to Adrian's it was killing me. It was real quite in his mansion I could hear my long heels hittig each marble steps as I walked up stairs into his room. I opened the door to a crying Adrian. I walk over to him and hug him tight.

"He betrayed my trust Safari he was going to tell the police on me what else was I suppose to do"

"I know Adrian I know" he puts his head on my shoulder I pat his back. "he was the last close family member I had left"

We sat on his bed hugging for about 20 minutes.

"Safari I haven't apologized to you"

"Apologize for what?"

"For snapping I know you were only trying to help me" he grabs my hand and kisses it. "I need help...I need your support"

"With your sex addiction?"

"Yes, I want to check in a rehabilitation center today"

I was so proud of him I kissed him.


We arrive at the rehab center I hold his hand as we walk into the building.

"I'm checking myself in" he said ti the front desk lady as he handed him a clipboard and a pen. We sat down he filled out the paper. "You have possession of my money right now , I want you to stay at my house while I'm gone"

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