Hey Mama

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"Safari Fitzpatrick" I heard my name being called. I got up and walked in the building. I was auditioning for a dance role. "Show us what you got"
"Can you play a song for me" I stretched.
"what song in particular" the lady asked.
"something fast...I guess" she plays Watch Out For This by Reggae group Major Lazor. It was my first time hearing the song but I knew I could dance to it. The beat dropped I swung my hips from side to side dropped it low and shook my hair. I got back up and began to sexy walk. She stops the music. "uhh why you stop?" I was confused she must haven't liked my dancing.
"I've seen enough" she said while writing something down on her piece of paper.
"can I try another song?" I asked.
"That won't be needed"
I thought to myself what the fuck did I do wrong I mean that's how I dance it not like I was bad she gave me about 15 seconds to dance.
"I would be seeing you at practice next Monday" she said. My mouth dropped this bitch had me thinking I didnt make it. I hugged her and her dance partner then walked out the door making my ass go side to side. I smiled at the other girls sitting there waiting to audition.
"you must've got it" one girl said. I knew she was jealous by the way she looked at me. I didnt answer her I flipped my hair and walked out the door got in my car and drove off.
"You already knew you was going to get it" Hazel said. I laughed until my stomach started to hurt. "why are you laughing to so hard" I wasn't laughing at what she said I was laughing at what happened two days ago at the police station.
"We got it in..." I bit my lips than raised my eyebrows Hazel looked co fused. "at the police station she destroyed the back room... I mean the table almost broke there's a dint in the lockers files on the floor , Harold walked out so mad." I laughed. Hazel still looked confused.
"At the police station with people in the other room, you two are getting crazy but hey I'm not mad at you two I would be doing the samething if I had a man of my own" you could have a man but you're too busy trying to get with my old guy that doesn't want you. I rubbed on Hazel's shoulder.
"Your guy is out there somewhere" I got up and poured me some wine.
"Pour me some" Hazel got up too and walked over to me. "are you and Jen ever going to make up?" I took a shot back poured me another one and poured Hazel one.
"make up for what? I didn't do shit to her she's mad because I'm not giving her my fucking money anymore this is my money is it my fault that she works at Mcdonalds and not getting shit, and I knew if I told her about Adrian being rich she would want me to ask him if he can loan her a couple few hundreds that's why I told you to not tell her about Adrian" we took out shots back. "I have no problem with her she has a problem that I do not want to give her any of my money anymore" Hazel laughed spitting out her shot.
"she needs to get her shit together I agree" Hazel never gave her any she got her trust fund from her parents I dont know why she never asked her. Why she always had to come to me. I let her stay in my fucking house senior year in high school because she got pregnant and her mom kicked her out.
"has she even asked you for money?" I asked, Hazel looked at me crazy.
"Because this is my trust fund not hers" Hazel dad owned a business in Philadelphia, New York, Seattle, Miami , Honolulu, and Atlanta he was loaded Hazel had a whole bunch of money she wasn't a millionaire but close to it she had about 600 thousand in the bank but she still worked. She gets the rest of her money when she turns 25. "in plus you let her stay at your house senior year when she got pregnant so she still thinks she could use you, I mean she does need to get her act together but she did lose a kid" Jennifer was 6 months pregnant when she found out the baby stop breathing.
"Look I'm not giving her anymore money you use your trust fund"
"I dont even touch my trust fund I'll touch it when I get older."
"You're getting about 10 million when you turn 25 you can't loan her a couple hundred"
"Prime example...did you get your money back" I didnt say I word I just poured me another shot and drunk it. "Exactly , you choose to give her money not me"someone knocked on Hazel's door. She opens it , it was Bobby. Why was his ugly ass here.
"Can I come in" he asked.
"Bobby what the hell are you doing here?" Bobby and Jennifer been to together since freshman year in high school.
"I just need a favor"
"We don't have any money for Jennifer and you" I said. Bobby side eyed me.
"You two are Jen's best friends I wanted to know if this was okay to give her for her birthday" Bobby pulls out a case , he opens it there was a big diamond ring sitting inside.
"I thought you were broke" I said.
"I was saving up to get her this" so this fool been saving up money when he know they're struggling.
"you buy a diamond ring knowing that you two are getting kicked out your damn house" Hazel said. She took the words right out my mouth. "So you plan on purposing to her"
"that was my intentions but now I'm thinking I should pawn this ring"
"how much did that ring cost?"
"10 grand" he said. 10 Grant? That's about 10 months of fucking rent. I shook my head.
"you're a damn fool" I said. Hazel laughed. "pawn that damn ring and stay in that damn house... Bobby you are so slow, you rather her have a ring on her finger than be unstabled"
Adrian and I were in his bed room he was on a business call.
"It'll be there by Friday" I heard him say, I knew it was about drugs. He hung up the phone.
"You know you could really do some seriously time" I told him as I laid across the bed only in my bra and panties.
"I've been doing this for a good 5 years now I'm not gonna get caught unless you snitch" he laid next to me in his briefs his print showed.
"Why would I snitch" I laughed. We cuddled.
"I'm really falling for you Safari" he kissed me on my forehead.
"I'm falling for you too Adrian" we couldn't just sit there and cuddle we were horny he gets on top of me.

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