Airplane Sex

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The plane has landed I didn't know where the fuck I was going all this shit was in Russian I don't speak fucking Russian. I called Adrian but he didn't answer, I remember the guy's name from when Jen showed me on her phone. I asked everyone.
"Do you know Heckler Blarice" I think I was saying his name right who names their child that anyway. One guy who spoke English came up to me.
"What do you need with Heckler Blarice"he asked me. We sat in some weird ass restaurant. I'm so glad I'm not Russian.
"He's trying to kill my boyfriend" I said nervous I didn't know if this guy was working with this Heckler guy or what. He sips his coffee.
"He killed my brother...I want to chop that mother fuckers head off" my eyes got big. Oh he's dead serious. "I know where his tower is at you loaded?" Loaded? I wasn't plan on killing nobody all I wanted to do is save my boyfriend.
"No I'm not loaded I just want to get my boyfriend and get out this weird sounding country" I began to shake. I felt like I was in a action movie but if I had to kill someone I will.
"Come with me" he said as we walked out the restaurant and got into his car I didn't even know this fool name and I'm getting in his car. "So your boyfriends a drug dealer" said. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. "So was my brother..."
"I'm sorry...I'm just uncomfortable we don't even know eachother why are you helping me... We don't even know each other's names" he laughs I didn't see what was funny my boyfriend was in danger and he's laughing.
"I'm not helping you just to help you I'm helping you because I want revenge on Hecklers punk ass ... Oh and I'm Noel and you are?"
"Nice to meet you Safari" we shake hands.
"What exactly am I doing?" I said.
"I'll tell you when we get to my house"...WOAH his house what was he trying to do have sex with me.
"I'm not going in your house"
"Look do you want your man back or not I am not trying to have sex with you if you're thinking that" I didn't say a word I just sat back in the seat.
We arrived at his house, nice big yard , with a fence around it, we walked in his house.
"DADDY!" I heard a little girl voice run up to Noel and hugs up. He picks her up.
"Hey sweetie" he kisses her on the cheek. A little blonde hair small chest and blue eyes walk towards us.
"Hey honey who's this" she said, she had a strong Russian accent. She kisses him and looks at me. I got a feeling she thinks I want her man. I smiled at her.
"Sweetie can you let mommy and daddy talk for a second" he puts his daughter down and she walks away. "Heckler has her boyfriend"
"Who is she though?"
"I'm right here , you could ask me instead of him I'm not his mistress if you're wondering I have a man like he said he's with Heckler and he decided to help me get my man back from Heckler is that okay with you" I smiled, she rolled her eyes. She don't know who she fucking with. We sat down at their kitchen table, Noel pulled out a bunch of guns. I've never held a gun before so this is crazy. "She's coming too" I asked.
"Of course I am, this is the day I've been waiting for" she helps load the guns. How does me being here make a difference? "You ever killed someone before" she hands me the gun I take it , it weighed me down.
"Uhh No...and I'm not about to I just came to get my man" I put the gun down.
"You think Heckler is gonna free your man that easy if you ask him , you gotta get your hands dirty..." yeah I guess she's right I almost pissed my pants. "Here put this on" she gave my a bullet proof vest. It felt like we were going to war...I have dance practice Monday. I put the bullet proof vest on we each got two guns.
"Sweetie we'll be back shortly" Noel said to his daughter she hugged.
"Love you daddy"
"Love you too sweetie"
"Love you mommy"
"Love you too"
We walked out the door and got into Noel's car. I sat in the back, as nervous as I was I felt like I was getting ready to throw up.
"What if this doesn't go as planned...wait we don't even have a fucking plan what are we gonna do go there and shot shit up"
"Hush Safari we got this" you stay in the car we'll get your boyfriend but when we get back in the car I need you to drove as fast as you can..." why the hell I got guns and a bullet proof vest. on.
"So you two got me strapped up for no reason"
"Oh no...there's a reason for this his guys are going to chase us we'll get your boyfriend but just know it's gonna be a bumpy ride" I should've stayed home I didn't want to end my life right now. But falling for a guy will make you do stupid shit.
We arrived at Hecklers tower.
"You don't even know what my boyfriend looks the fuck are you going to rescue someone and you don't even know what the hell he looks like" this is crazy I could've been with Hazel getting a damn massage right now but no I'm In Russia rescuing my drug dealing boyfriend.
"What's his name what do he look like?" Noel's wife said.
"His name is Adrian, he's kinda tall , tan-ish , low cut of he has a tattoo of a dragon on his shoulder" Noel and his wife put on their mask and got out the car , I got into the driver seat and watched them go inside. Russians are as crazy as I heard I just prayed they get Adrian out safe . I hear gun shots fired, the sound of POW made my blood level go up.
"START THE FUCKING CAR START THE FUCKING CAR" I heard Noel say as they ran out the tower with Adrian I cranked up the car. They got in the car I drove up before I knew it guys on motorcycles were behind us.
"Baby are you okay" I said while driving fast ass hell.
"Baby!" He was in complete shock seeing that I came all the way to Russia to save him. Noel and his wife shot their guns from the window. I some guy on the motorcycle fall off. "Drive to my plane it's at the end of this road" I didn't want to leave Noel and wife in danger but these fools was up for war. They made the perfect team I feared not a damn thing that was so attractive to me. I wish Adrian and I could be like that one day. We lost the guys on the motorcycle we were at the end of the road Adrian plane was sitting there. We parked the car away from the plane so they wouldn't know that we were in the plane we got on the plane quick. The pilot took off.
"My baby!" Noel's wife screamed.
"Don't worry I told Taylor and Bianca to go over there" we were all breathing heavy. "Noel Trinity" Noel shakes Adrian's hand.
"Adrian Brooks...umm how can I repay you two he was getting ready to shoot my head off before you got him before he got me"
"Nothing... we had to do it he killed my brother I had to get him back"' I hugged up against Adrian.
"You're never coming back to this country ever" I kissed him on his lips. We dropped Noel and his girlfriend off at the nearest airport.
"Call Me if you need anything" Adrian have Noel a piece of paper as they got off the plane. After they got off the plane we were still in total shock. "Baby you really risked your life for me" he kissed me. I couldn't believe it either I came to Russia , I risked my life to save him. "We're all alone" he said. I knew what that mean. We couldn't be as rough as we were in the police station we were on a plane.
I took my shirt off he took his off we laid on the couch.
"Baby I got a little treat for you" he pulled out a blunt and lites it. I needed to smoke the shit I just went through... he takes two puffs and hands it to me. As I was smoking he kisses me from my chest to my vagina. He takes off my panties and pats my fat vagina, he licks it. "I missed this pussy" he spreads my legs open and began eating me out. I continued to smoke I forgot how many puffs I took I just wanted to get the fact that I risked my life for this fool out my head. He first slides two fingers in...than 3...than 4 it felt so good. I handed him back the blunt. I took his pants and breifs off and plays with his dick it was already hard before I even took it out. I began giving him oral I grabbed his ball and sucked his dick.
"SHIT GIRL"'he grabbed my head. He wanted to fuck me so bad he pushes me off him and gets on top of me, and slides in quick. He hands me the blunt he's fucking while I'm smoking. He stops reaches in his pants pocket and pulls out a bag of cocaine. I wasn't about to do no damn cocaine, I continued to smoke as he snorted his cocaine. He gets back on top of me and continues to fuck me, but this time it was bigger and better strokes I felt that shit in my stomach. He stops again but not to snort anymore cocaine he slides his dick inside my anal., now that shit really hurt.
"Ahh" I screamed I tried squirming away he pulls me back.
"Where you going" he continues to fuck my ass, it felt good and felt bad at the same time.

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