Sex & Pain

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I rushed into the hospital in tears.
"where is Adrian Brooks" I yelled at the nurse.
"he's in surgery right now you can't go in there." There was no point to act a fool in the hospital I remained calm and sat down. Shannon and Hazel was there to comfort me.
"Its been so long since I opened up to any guy like I opened up to Adrian" I cried on Shannon's 500 dollars shirt. Shannon would've been cursed me out but the situation I was in she didn't care. "I hope he's okay" I said. Adrian and I haven't been dating that long so the L word never came out of neither of our mouths, I wasn't in love with Adrian I really liked him, I liked him so much I couldn't imagine if he died.

It was going on 3am the doctors came out of the room.
"Adrian Brooks" I was sleep Shannon woke me up, we walked over to the doctor.
"Is he alright?" I asked hoping he wouldn't tell me bad news.
"He's fine his asleep right now the bullet didn't damage any organs." I stopped listening to the doctor after I heard he's fine.
"Can I at least see him?" I asked
"Visiting hours our over I'm sorry you can come see him tomorrow morning." I wanted to see Adrian to kiss him good night , I followed the hospital rules. Shannon , Hazel and I walked out the hospital and got into my car, I was too tired to drive Shannon took the wheel. Hazel lived all the way across town nobody felt like driving all the way to her house at 3 in the morning so she slept in my guess room and Shannon slept in the bed with me.
I woke up showered and got dressed, Hazel and Shannon were still sleep those two can sleep all day and both are heavy sleepers so I snuck out the house and went to the hospital. I was outside the hospital I didn't have time to put my makeup on while I was home so I put a little makeup with some pink lip gloss. I didn't want Adrian first thing he saw was me looking rough. After I put my makeup on I walked into the hospital. The same nurse was at the counter.
"Can I see Adrian Brooks?" I asked politely she nodded and guided me to his room. I opened the door Adrian was watching tv. "Hey" I smiled and walked over towards him and kisses him. "What happened?"
"There was a shoot out Harold and I went there I told Harold to stay in the car until I say the coast was clear before you knew it I felt a gun shot on chest and the rest I don't remember this is what I was trying to tell you before this is a dangerous job" I grabbed his hand and kissed it.
"I'm glad you're okay baby."
Apollo came running in the room.
"what I tell you Adrian" he said. "you know people don't really the police...well besides your girl right there." Apollo always knew how to make Adrian laugh when he was down, I see why they're really close ."Hey Sapphire" Apollo gave me the nickname Sapphire because my favorite color is blue and it kinda sounded like Safari.
"Hey" I smiled.
"So are you going to finally quit being a cop"
"I'm fine...I'm not quitting no time soon other cops get shot worse than me" I agreed with Adrian, he was just doing his job. Apollo didn't like the fact that Adrian decided to remain being a cop. Apollo sighed and walked out the hospital room. "Come get on top of me" Adrian said. I was confused...why would he want me to get on top of him he's in pain.
"You're in pain" I looked at him, he laughed.
"Pain gets more hornier and hornier it's gonna hurt so damn bad but it's gonna feel so good." I wasn't about to hurt Adrian even more.
"I'm not getting on top of you , you're in a hospital bed" Adrian shrugged his shoulders. Adrian was getting mad that I wasn't going to get on top of him.
"Can I get a kiss?" He asked of course I was going to say no , I walked over to him puckered my lips up to kiss him he grabs me by my hips picks me up and lays me on his chest. He moan and groan because of the pain I'm applying to his chest. "Damn" he said as he breathed heavy. The door knob began to move I got up quickly not knowing I accidently put my hand on his stitches. "SHIT" he yelled I fell on the floor as the door opened. It was Apollo, eating a breakfast sandwich and drinking some coffee.
"What is going on here" Apollo said. I got up off the floor fixed my hair as Adrian laying in bed groaning and holding his stitches. "I know you two didn't... Come on in the hospital though" Apollo shook his head.

Adrian was home from the hospital still being in pain the doctors told him he couldn't go back to work just yet, so Apollo and I decided to help him out. Of course the first thing on his mind when he got home was sex.
"BABY" he called me from all the way in his master bed room. I had on just a thong and a push up bra on Apollo was out the maid wasn't working today we had the whole house to ourselves. I walked up the steps and into the bed room. His eyes got big that wasn't the only thing that got big either. He was already naked with no blanket covering him. I got on top of him feeling his hard 9 inch touch my left ass cheek. I kissed him our tongues said hi to each other I grabbed his penis and began to stroke it while still kissing him. Adrian still wanted to use toys and other things while having sex pain wasn't stopping him. I knew the normal routine, Adrian got up from bed and I laid across the bed. He always liked to be on top rarely I would be on top when we have sex . I wasn't blind folded so I saw everything that was going on, I felt his two fingers go inside me he kissed me gently as he started going faster. He laid me on my side grabbed the vibrator from the night stand his two fingers were still inside me he took his two fingers out my vagina and put them in his mouth. He slid the vibratory inside me and turned it on high my body felt numb. He reached for the other sex toy on the night stand. It looked like one of those toys guys use to feel like they're receiving oral. Adrian put the toy on his penis pushed it back and forth as he did with the vibrator. We moaned simultaneously. sticking the entire vibrator besides the control panel inside me stretching my vagina.

It was going on 20 minutes we had forgot about the toys we had on and inside of us, we already had our orgasm he just continued to push the vibrator in and out. Sex was always the words after words would ruin the moment. He puts the vibrator and other toy back on the night stand and gets up off me. I got up and walked to the bathroom. My vagina felt like it was driller inside me, did he break my walls down?

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