Snowed-In With Levi Ackerman

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Fluff ☁️ :))

Context: Jean, Eren, Connie, Y/n, and Levi are all in a group together for specialized training...whatever that meant. You didn't mind because you got to be with your best friends. Even though you were a little older than them you fit right in. You're all outside the walls and are set to stop at a cabin during your halfway point. All was going smoothly until the snow started.

The snow blankets the ground. It's so cold, but so beautiful. You've repeatedly noticed that the snow practically silenced all the noise around you. It calmed the world down. You reach down to grab a handful of snow. Oddly you like the sting it gives and the way it changes the color of your hands.
"I love the snow..." you say.
"Well I sure don't," your friend Eren says.
You turn to look at him, "why's that?"
He stares back at you as you see him visibly shaking. You let out a small laugh and add, "maybe you would if you wore your actual coat you idiot."
Jean walks up to you two, "did someone say something about an idiot? Oh Eren's here! You must've been talking about him." He smiles exaggeratedly and Eren makes his little pouty face. You and Jean laugh and he pats him on the head.
"So what's the plan for today since the snow isn't stopping?"
You respond, "well Captain says if it goes on for the next hour it'll be too deep to trek through. We'll have to wait for the storm to move on and then for the snow to melt."
"That'll take forever!" Jean says.
"Well more time to relax" Eren adds and lets out a satisfied sigh.
You couldn't agree more. The three of you found cover under a wooden awning.
The cadets were to strictly stay outdoors to acclimate to the frigid cold (Levi wanted some alone time). You all thought it was a load of bs, but of course you still did as you were told.
You're all sitting at a picnic table. You see Connie's head peeking behind Jean and Eren.  Connie stands up to reveal a large snow ball he's clearly been working on for awhile. You hide your smile that tries to sneak out. You continue talking to the boys as if everything's perfectly normal. Then after seconds Connie throws the snowball at the two boys. You let out your laugh at last as they all erupt into screams and gasps. As if right on cue, you see a shadow loom on your friends. Their eyes turn towards you, well behind you that is.

("He's riGht bEhinD mE isNt hE??")

You shift your body around to see what the fuss is about. You understand now.
"Cadets, you can come inside now."
Connie cheered exclaiming, "FINALLY!"
Captain Levi side-eyed the boy.
The boys ran into the cabin. There were three rooms. You followed them inside with Levi behind you. Everyone found a spot to settle down while you and Eren started a fire in the fireplace.
"No no like this..." you tried to help Eren with the fire because he had absolutely no skills in that area. You all gathered around the fire. The boys talked and joked. You glanced over to see what Levi was doing. He was across the room leaning against the wall. He was sat down with his head tilted towards the window. You could see his eyes watching the snow fall. You couldn't help, but smile. Eventually everyone was tired and falling asleep, except for you and Levi.
"Perfect," you thought to yourself. You didn't in fact mean that sarcastically. No this was a great opportunity. You really liked a lot. Your friends were in one of the bedrooms practically piled on each other. Their snores reached past the closed door to you and your captain. The fire was settling down, but it still made the bedroom you all once had been in together glow. The ceiling was a deep orange. Levi was now laying down, but still looking at the snow fall.
"It's not gonna stop is it?" you ask. Your voice suddenly feels incredibly loud after the long pause of silence between you two.
Levi scoffs and leans his face towards your direction, "No Y/n, seems it's not."
You're across the room and decide to move closer to him. There's no furniture in the cabin so everyone is sleeping on the hard floors. You lay down closer than Levi would ever consider sitting next to you. However there's almost a look of approval on his face from your actions.
"You've been staring out that window this whole time," you turn your face to him so the side of your head is now on the floor. "What are you looking for?"
He does the same motion now looking at you, but when he speaks his eyes wander, "I'm just watching the snow."
You don't really believe him. He seems almost obsessed with looking outside. You get the idea to tease him a little. But that's a ridiculous idea. Oh well.
"You're not scared are you?" you let a tiny smirk creep onto your face.
"As if," he responds with no emotion on his face. His face devoid of feelings makes you say, "Captain I don't think I've ever seen you smile before."
He stares out into nothing. You can tell his eyes are unfocused, but his mind is clearly thinking hard.
"I'm gonna make you laugh."
"I'm gonna make you laugh," you say a little louder and giggling at the end of your response.
"That's a ridiculous idea Y/n."
"Yeah maybe..."

After awhile of small talk and long silences you scoot over closer to him. You carefully watch his eyes for approval.
He looks at you unfazed or almost content.
"Can I lay on you?" your confidence seems to wither away now. "It's just the floor isn't exactly comfortable so-"
You're interrupted by Levi pulling your upper half gently onto his chest. You smile and lay your head on him. The rise and fall of his chest sends butterflies to your stomach. His heart rate slows down after awhile. You wonder if he was nervous at first. You see Levi's hand on the floor all alone and decide to hold it. You entangle your fingers together.
"Goodnight captain."
You yawn quietly.
"Goodnight Y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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