Boxing Day

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Christmas day had been uneventful. I hadn't had any money to get anyone much in terms of gifts, and the handmade cards I gave to everyone turned out pretty ugly, but nobody minded.

Weston, Kalynn and their parents had collectively got me some pyjamas, a notebook and a cute mini mushroom lamp. We had a big Christmas dinner altogether and slept early. It was pretty great.

Boxing day was what we were really looking forwards to, when Scott and Hillary were leaving for the night and we could stay up late drinking. The hope that I'd have a chance to spend some one on one time with Weston on boxing day night had been keeping me awake the last few nights.

They left at midday, and just after they did Weston, Kalynn and I headed down to the frozen lake where we'd been ice skating the other day. My mind jumped to the moment the other day where Weston held my hand to help me balance. I glanced at him then, as he stretched, scrunching up his face, and sat down on a bench.

We sat packed together side by side on the bench, overlooking the snowy scene. Our breath coming out in smoke infront of us as we talked.
"I'm thinking we should invite Ethan and Meg over later." Kalynn said, leaning past me to raise her eyebrows at Weston.
"Yeah, why not?" He said.
"Who's Ethan and Meg?" I asked, pulling my coat sleeves up to cover my hands from the cold.

"Just some friends we went to highschool with, they'd love you." Weston said to me. "Meg and I were in band together."
"Band, huh?" I asked, smiling.
"Yup," Kalynn laughed. "Weston played...
the triangle."
"I played drums, actually." He said, shooting her a look.
"What, you don't think triangle's a respectable instrument, Weston?" I asked him, sarcastically.
"Yeah Weston! What the hell?" Kalynn added
He raised his hands defensively, "Guys, guys, I just would never have the skill for an instrument like that. That's all I'm saying."

"So wait," I started. "When are your friends gonna come around?"
"Later on, I'll text them now and figure it out." Weston replied, getting his phone out of his pocket. I glanced at a little snowflake as it landed on his cheek, just below his eyelashes. He glanced up and caught me looking at him. I flashed a smile at him.

"God it's fucking cold," Kalynn complained, getting up. "We should really get back." She turned to look at me. "Oh Anais, you're not sick or anything are you? your nose is kind of red."

Weston glanced up from his phone to look at me then, and I covered my nose with my hands, feeling how cold it was.
"I hope not, I do feel kinda sluggish though." I said, getting up from my place on the bench. "And bed sounds appealing right now. I think the cold weather just makes me tired."

"Bed it is." Weston said, stretching before he got up. "We should all recharge so we can stay up late tonight anyways." The three of us started the walk home together.

As we trudged through the snow, Weston and Kalynn teased each other, tossing lighthearted insults back and forth until she yelled at him for kicking snow at her. I listened and smiled to myself, walking alongside them quietly with my hands stuffed in my pockets. As we approached the house I could feel the warmth radiating from inside, and I hopped from foot to foot impatiently as Weston fiddled with the keys. He opened the door, and we all stepped inside.

"I'll make some hot chocolate," Kalynn announced, already heading towards the kitchen. Weston took off his boots and threw himself onto the couch, grabbing a nearby blanket and pulling it over him.

"I can move over if you want, I'm gonna watch a movie I think." He said, peeking his eyes over the top of the sofa to look at me as I took off my own shoes.

𝔸𝕕𝕦𝕝𝕥 𝔻𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 // Weston KouryΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα