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To my surprise out here is raining so I close my eyes, letting the rain hit me, breathing in the fresh air from water giving life to the vegetation.

"What are we supposedly doing here?" he asks.

"Shut up, close your eyes" I instruct him and hesitantly he does.

"Breath in... deep breaths" I see his chest moving up and down.

"Listen carefully and try to notice everything"

"What else am I going to hear apart from rain and insects?" he jokes.

"What do you smell?"

"Wet grass"

"How do you feel?" 


I shot him a death stare and he must have felt it because he half opens an eye.

"I do feel wet, what the fuck else do you want me to feel?" I look down and notice that he's wearing boots, I kneel down and start taking them off.

"Woah woah, what are you doing?" I just signal to my bare feet and he scrunches his face as he takes his boots off.

"Now tell me, what do you feel?"

"Wet earth" I can't contain myself and this time I slap his head, not even he saw that coming. For a moment I'm afraid that he might hit me or scream at me but he seems... happy that I hit him.

"I feel earth, and rocks, and water" he says.

"Very well. What do yo hear?" he sighs and I can see his ears pointing up... listening intently.

"Water hitting the base and insects" I hit him again and he hisses.

"We're under the rain, stop mentioning the water!"

"Then what the hell do you want me to mention Anatuat!?" he explodes.

"Anat-tuat" I correct him.

"What?" his face of disbelief almost makes me laugh.

"My name, it is pronounced Anat-tuat"

"Ana-tuat" he says.

"Anat... tuat" I repeat slowly.

"Anat" I lift my hand as a warning sign that I will hit him again if he says it wrong.

"tuat. Anat-tuat" he says and I nod.

"Come on" I tell him and start walking, more like running, towards the forest, further from the base.

I start by showing him the plants that are affected by water and the bioluminiscence of everything here.

"Rain is a gift from out mother Eywa, it nourishes this plants and provides us with water to drink and clean."

"You drink this stuff?" He scrunches his face again.

"Of course, this or the rivers... they have the purest water."

He seems shocked.

"I guess we must had been able to do something like this back on earth, many many many years ago."

"Oh yeah, I heard that your planet is dying. It's all your fault."

"How is it my fault?"

"Is all of yours, you take and you take and you take and destroy. You need to learn some respect"

I show him how to drink from a plant without hurting it, without pulling too much. Giving thanks to the earth for such a blessing.

"It is important to always give thanks for what we have and what we take from the earth."

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