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I think the loneliness is the problem...

"Tara" I look up to see my maths teacher Mr Kinle looking at me.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Care to share with the class?" He asked me, looking as red as the chick's lipstick next to me.
"What?" I asked more confused.
Without another word he pulled my book away reading the quote from my page.
"Miss Wilson, please Keep your personal problems outside the classroom." I stared at him with wide eyes,
"How. Dare. You" I say though gritted teeth.
"Excuse me?" He questioned.
"I said" I rose from my seat "how dare you, where you get off being an asshole I can't even write in my book."
"Miss wilson please stay behind after class."
"Like fuck I am in fact I think I will be leaving now actually." I said picking up my bag and walking out the classroom, towards the office, I walked over to the desk.

Welcome to,
My Fucked Up Life.

Thanks nettaisnumber1 for editing

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