Chapter 13)

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After the assembly we are given the rest of the day off well be we I mean me but I sweet talked my way with Sammy so now we at in the music room with;
Mason and Ashton,
my phone starts ringing I look at the caller ID it's work,
"Hey Tara, it's Steve"
"Hey Steve,what can I do for you"
"Can you work tomorrow?"
"I am" I say confused
"I mean can you do all day,Sal's in hospital" he said
"Oh shit is she okay?"
"She's fine,she busted her foot yesterday"
"Well I'm more then happy do do that shift,will it just be me?"
"Yeah but if you want someone I'm sure I can work something out"he sounded panicked little fact he has a thing die Sally (Sal) he's just to nervous to do anything about it,
"No I'll be fine"
"No problem talk later I'm at school"
"Right kiddo learn something"
"No promises" I said before hanging up and turning back to the group
"Who was that?" Ben asked
"Steve" I said
"What did he want?"
"I'm filling in for sal tomorrow" I said retaking my seat ben nodded and went back to his convo
"Hey" Ashton said sitting next to me, I lifted my head to look at him.
"I've gotta go" I said to our group as I got up I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room.

I pulled my helmate out of my locker
"Why'd you run out just then?" A voice said from behind me I turned to see,
Yep you guessed it,
"Have to pick up Lilly" I lied
"I'm doing that in three hours,plus you have your bike" he said
"I was gonna go get my car and I would have texted you about it" I said shutting my locker.
"Okay cool,now tell me why you walked out" he pushed the issue.
"I just did" I sighed not making eye contact
"Hey,look at me" he put a finger under my chin reading my head I met his eyes.
"What's worng" his voice was low and full of concern.
"Don't" I slapped his hand away taking a step back only to be restricted by the lockers "just don't" I said.
"Tar,i thought we were past this,past you running from me" he took a step forward "I thought you were gonna give me a chance" he said voice still low but full of fear.
I swallowed "chance gone" I said pushing past him so I was facing him and he was agest the lockers "you told me there was nothing happening with her" I said holding my chin high "you lied...again" I said
"I saw you...i saw you kissing her,before I went on stage" I said my voice coming out stronger then I felt.
"Tara, I,I" he shook his head my eyes welled with tears.
"I guess I'm not worth the time,but that's to be expected,but next time don't waste my time with second chances if your just gonna throw it back in my face Ashton" i said taking a step towards him poking his chest"I'm.done.with.that" I said though gritted teeth stepping back
"I will be picking up and stoping off Lilly from now on" I said turning and walking off.
"TARA!" Lilly yelled running out if class and into my arms "where's Ashy?" she said looking over my shoulder
"He had school stuff on" I lied as I carried her to my car I out her in the back seat and she clipped herself up.
"I spy with my little eye...something beginning with...A" Lilly sung as I pulled into the drive way
"Uh... a cat"
"No it starts with A"
"Okay I give up what is it?" I ask turning off the car.
"Ashton" she giggles I look up and sure enough there he is he opens the door and unclips Lilly.
"Thanks Ashy" she grins I smile at her happiness.
"Lilly do me a favour" I say.
"Okay,what is it?"
"Never grow up" I said tapping her nose she ran up the front door with her bag too big for her back to Ben.
"Ben I drew you a picture" she said proudly jumping into his arms I follow her inside. not giving any room for talk.
"What are we doing tonight?" Mia asked sitting on the couch
"I'm taking Lilly to McDonald's for dinner" Ashton said "so who ever wants to come May as well"
"Okay I'll tell the others,you in Tara?" She turned to me.
"Nah,I'm not feeling to great" I lied
"Oh,okay your loss" I nodded and turned back to my phone.
"Tara" a voice said I look up
"Hey ken" I smiled
"Can I talk to you for a moment?" he said quietly
"Sure" I said standing up "follow" we walked up the stairs and into my room.
I closed the door behind us
"What's up ken?"
"Well,its Mia" he blushed
"What about her?"
"W-well d-do you th-think if I asked her out she would say y-yes?" He asked

I called it I totally called it.

"I think if you asked her out in a date" I paused "she would really love that" I said with a smile. his eyes lit up
"But what if she turns me down?"
"Ken you're a babe, plus I've seen her trust me,I'm her best friend I know how to read these things" I stated
"But she isn't she into people who like football and sports,not a nerd like me" he said with sad eyes. I took a step forward placing my hands on his shoulders "Ken,don't doubt yourself,this is Mia we are talking about,and plus your great handsome,funny,heaps great,don't overthink,thats her job trust me you two are like perfect," I reassured him. he looked up and smiled
"Thanks Tara" he said then pulled me in for a hug
"I'm glad I can be of use" I said pulling away and opening the door he walked out before me " and ken" I say smirking
"I call dibs on being godmother" I wink
"Sure thing" he laughs walking down the stairs
"Kens preggas?" Jake said confused.i doubled over in laughter "idoits" I mummer.

Hey people,
I know I took ages to update well I'm only writing this in my phone and well I broke my phone so yeah,

How y'all been.

So I've started this new series my friend showed me and I finished the First two books in like four days and now I have to wait till at least tomorrow till I can get the next one,
Why is the world so cruel.
I need books to live argh.

You are in luck as I am currently sick and I have nothing to read so i have all this free time to write.

Have you guys ever got so hooked on a Book/series and when you finish it you start again straight away?
If yes what book/series.
I've got a few.

So imma shut up now


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