Chapter 26)

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A/N at the end please read.

Ashton's P.O.V
"Ashton" Sammy called my name. I look at meeting his eyes "come here for a sec" I nod making my way I've to him,
"What's up?" I ask sitting
"Tara" he said,making my heart stop a moment
"What about her?" I lean back in my seat
"I just had a chat with her,you need to talk to her" he says
"Yeah I'm sure she told you everything" I said sarcastically
"She did" he confirms "and what she told me was shocking,what she told me about you, about her farther,about Katie and about this Kyle guy" my head shot up,he shakes his head, "I know you think I'm just a teacher, but I really do care about her,shes like a sister,as weird as that sounds, like I said I care" he places his hands in the desk.
"What did she tell you" I said looking at the ground
"About how you guys dated for eleven months until you slept with Katie" again my head shit up
" I didn't sleep with Katie"
"She saw you" he said,
"She wouldn't let me explain" I groan
"But you won't let her explain about Kyle" he said "you need to talk to her, let her explain,then you explain about Katie,your hurting each other and yourselves" he finished
"You're right" I mumble
"What was that?" He smirks
"You're right,do you know where she is?" I ask
"She left for work,but if anyone asked I don't know" he says with a wink.

Right, I nod my head and walk back to the guys "I'll be back there's something I've gotta do" I say slinging my bag into my back,"Jake" I say as he looks at me "I'm sorry for last night,what I said was outta line" I say he nods "Ben,sorry for yelling at you this morning an throwing shit" he nods, I turn on my hill and walk away.

Ben's P.O.V
5'7 brown eyes,hair falling half way down her back, her big black rimmed glasses fell slightly down her nose, my fingers itched to push them back up.

She looks at her text book,wrinkled her nose for a second looking at the question. a slight smile forms on her face as she finds the answer.

"Hey Ben" I'm pulled from my daze,
"Yeah, you okay man, you zoned?"
"Yeah,I'm fine" I look back towards Amelia, but she was gone.

Mason's P.O.V
Maddison (Madi)
Strawberry blond hair,falling past her shoulder blades, dark green eyes, body that slays.


She stands at her locker looking for something I take a deep breath walking over to her.
"Hey madi,is it?" She jumps at her sound of my voice "sorry,didn't mean to startle you, I'm Mason,i kinda spaced out in English and didn't get the homework, I was wondering I you did" I smile
"Uh yeah, one second she says softly"
"Thanks" I say she pulls out he book and I take a picture of the writing,
"You're a life saviour" I smile, he looks up at me and smiles.
No joke my heart stops,
Oh god I sound like a chick
But lord she has dimples,

"I like your dimples" I blurt out
"T-thanks" she tucks her hair behind her ear, revealing a purple bruise,
"What happened to your cheek?" I ask brushing her hair away,
"I-I-I was at home, I wasn't paying a-attention and w-walked into the door" she stumbles
"Oh,shit, hope your okay" I smile
"I there a problem?" A voice says from behind me, I turn to see a dirty bond guy standing behind me I have about two inches on him in height and he's a bit smaller in mussel as well,
"Nah,i was just asking Madi what happened to her face" I say
"She got out if the car at my place and fell in to the side walk" he says causally I turn my head to look at her, a flash of,fear? Across her eyes brogue it's gone again,
"Right,I'm mason" I offer my hand for him to shake
"Mark,Madi's boyfriend" he shakes my head,
Boyfriend, ouch.
"Right, thanks again for the home work" I say giving her my best fake smile before walking away.

Sorry it's so short, this chapter was really hard to write,
Not Tara in this chapter but there is;
Amelia and Madi,
I felt Ben and Mason were a bit lonely so I thought let's add some more girls into their lives, don't worry about Gavin I'll get to him too,

I wanted to say a huge thank you to all those people who took the time to read my shitty little book, it Actually means a lot to me so thank you,

Also I was thinking,
After I finished writing this book, would you guys like a prequel,
Where Ashton and Tara meet,
When they date and everything that happens then.
I also wanted to do a spin of or two
Ken and Mia,
Men and Amelia,
Mason and Madi,
Gavin and ??
Jake and Gail,

You know it's up to you let me know what you guys want, cause I have so many ideas that I haven't put in this book because I haven't found the right space for them yet.

Again, thanks so much.
Be happy


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