Chapter 20)

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"You ready for school?" I ask Mason as he slipped on his shoes.
"Yeah,me Ashton and Ben are riding together soon" he said
"Okay,tell Ashton I left and I'll see you guys soon" I say hugging him as I walk out the door and into my car.

Yes today I am taking my car to school.
Why? You ask.
Because someone got drunk and hid my helmet.
I know your thinking,why don't you ask them where it is?
Well because Gavin the idiot can't remember where he hid it.
To say I'm pissed would be an understatement.

So back to now.
The boys start my school today. this should be interesting.

Third period.
My head hurts.

All this shit we have to sit though.
The only maths we really ever use is the shit from first grade. like I'm not gonna look at a triangle and be all like
'Wow,i wonder what side 'c' equals'

If you haven't guessed by now I'm a mood.

"Miss Wilson I hope you're doing your work" mr kinle said.
"nope,just thinking" I said
"About what?"
"How useless maths is" I say with a smile "to be honest the only people In this room who uses trig on a day to day basis is well,you,but that's just your job.just like when teachers complain about my attendances the be like 'I don't get to chooses when I'm here' like hello you get paid bitch a-"
"Come in" me kinle cuts me off
"Oh,no please finish I was enjoying myself" Ben said leaning agest the door frame
"Can I help you" me kinle cut me off before I Ben started
"Yeah I need you to sign this" he said handing him a clip bored
"Where are Ashton and Mason?" I ask despite the looks from others
"Uh Ashton should be here soon he had to go see a music teacher" he said "mason is in the bathroom" I nodded
"Thank you" he looked at the name on the bored"Mr Wilson" he said with a strained voice causeing me to smirk
"Miss Wilson you will be jointing me for a lunch detention" he said
"But sir" I wined like a child "I wanted to spend time with my big brother" I said getting out of my chair hugging Ben who was fighting the urge to laugh.
"How red is his face?" I whisper
"Coke can red" he whispers as I let go of his
"Hey guys" I say to my class "this is my big brother,Ben" I smirk looking at me kinle "looks like your job just got harder"

"Can someone go get me a chcoclet milk?" I ask pulling my purse out of my bag
"Yeah I'll go" Gavin says ask I hand him the money
"Where's Ash?" I ask looking towards the door
"I dunno" mason says.
I let out a sigh. I haven't seen him yet today. I know signing in takes a while but really.
"Here" Gavin shoves my milk infront of me
"Thanks" I mummer "I'm going to look for Ashton" I say slinging my bag into my shoulder.

I turn down the hall not seeing Ashton. I let out another sigh.
"Looking for me?" A voice said from behind.
"Dude the last guy to hit on her is still paying for it" someone said in a hushed voice I turn to see Ashton with his big black ringed glasses.

Hmm damn.

"Hey" I smile "actually I was looking for ken" I say as his face drops" you know I was thinking of asking if he wanted to go for maybe some ice cream later" I put on a thoughtful face. smiling I look at him
"Come here you" he pulls me agest him "no Ice cream for ken,just me" he says before kissing me. I lean into the kiss gently before pulling back.
"Hmm I don't know ken has that while good boy thing going" I tease
"Tara I know your joking but you hurt my ego just a bit there" he says tucking me under his arm turning back to his friends. I almost forgot they were there.
"Hi" I say to them as they stand there in shock "are you okay?" I ask "you're turning purple" I say as his breathing kicks back in.
"Yeah,just never didn't know you two were a thing" he says quietly
I smile "where have you been, I was looking for you" I say
"Sorry, I was talking to the coach of the football team, about me an the boys trying out, as it turns out one of the team mates are out with a sprained ankle the captain got booted for using drugs in school premises so they have a few spots" he grinned
"Okay forgiven,what have you got next?"
"Double music" he says
"You're doing music!" I say
"Yeah,of course" he smiles
"We have it together" I smile pecking his cheek.
"Okay well I have to go to my locker so we should head out now" he said saying goodbye to his friends whose names I don't know.

People were staring. nothing new
"Can I ask a question, you know without you hitting me." a girl from my grade asked
"Sure" I said unsure
"You must have been like fourteen when you had the baby,dont you think that's a bit young,and why did you hide it so long". I chocked on air
"What?!" I screech
"Here" she says handing me a flyer

Hoe with a kid

It read the picture was one of me and Lilly on the weekend one of us in the pool the other of her on my hip.
"Where did you get this?" I demand
"It was in the lunch room" she said

I walk Ito the lunch room to see the flyers in every table. how did I not notice this before
"There she is" one girl whispered
"Do you think that's the farther?"

"Tara" Gail said nervously "do you know how good it is to see you,now let's go this way" he said grabbing my shoulders. I pushed her off walking to the closet table picking up the flyers the same ones.


I walked to my table and climbed on top standing.

"Can I have your attention please" I yell
"Oh lord,here we go" Gavin mummers .I glare him
"So these flyers" I say holding one up "if you Believe that you need help. This girl is four years old. I'm 17 so I would have had to be 13 when I was pregnant with her. her birthday is in April so I would have actually had to have be twelve when I fell pregnant," I say " that's a bit young don't you think. She is my god daughter. So no, I won't be papering in teen mum anytime soon thanks. now when I find the person stalking me talking pictures of me in their spare time I will personally make you wish you were never born. that is all" I say jumping off the table. "okay now we can go" I say to ashton.

the boys are finally at school with Tara
Yay or nay
Happy Halloween y'all

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