Chapter 31)

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I walk Into the living room to see Dana (Katie's side kick) kissing Ben!
"What the fuck!" I scream causing them to split apart. "what in gods name are you doing here?" I spit at her.
Her bleach blond hair covering her face.
"Ben please tell me you're not trying to fuck that walking STD" I sneer he look at the ground "what about Amelia? I ask
"What about her?" He says coldly
"One I'm not blind,two, do you not remember about two weeks ago she was bullying her,over not speaking. please tell me you're not that fucking insensitive" I yell furious.
He had nothing, the botch had the guys to sneer at me "get the fuck out" I say flatly,
"You can't tell me what to do Tara" she says
"Bitch please, the girl that can make you go fro next to ex in three seconds flat,us this is MY house YOU are not welcome here"
"I would like to see you try" she crosses her arms, I smirk
"Ben, she leaves for good or I do" bens eyes snap to mine. "is she really that important Ben?" I smile sweetly
"Laters Abby" he says the look on her face was priceless, she stormed out. I turned back to glare Ben.
"You're an ass hole" I say simply before walking into the kitchen.
Jake was sitting there. "hey" he says once he spots me.
"Hey" I mumble pulling a yogurt out if the fridge.
"When do you start at the bar?" He asked
"Tomorrow" I say licking the lid of my yogurt before sticking it in the bin.
"You nervous?" He asked with a sly smile
"I guess" I mutter "I haven't giving it much thought" I offer him a small smile spooning the yogurt into my mouth.
"Wanna tell me what that was about?" He nods towards the living room
"Ben was snogging Dana" I say flatly
"Why are you pissed exactilly?"
"Two weeks ago Katie and her side kicks one of which is Dana were Irving Amelia shit because she doesn't speak, to make matters worse when I sit with her Ben comes over,he went out and brought her a note book and a selection of pens so they can talk,then he throws all that away for some fucking walking stripper bar" I rant finishing my yogurt

Plus Ben can do so much better I he tried,I know those girls,they get attached,all they will do is ruin what he is building with my new friend.

"You're close to this girls then?" He asked
"As close as you can get with someone without talking" i smile "I've gotta get back to grans, get my stuff I'll be back later on" I pick up my keys, I offer him a smile and walk out the door.

The drive to grans was un eventful, I pull into her driveway and make my way inside
"Gran" I shout
"Living room" she calls, with a smile I walk into the living room to find her watching Ellen,
"I'm going home,thanks for having me" I kiss her cheek
"It's fine dear,but you tell that brother o yours he better get his but over here,tell him I have cookies of you must" she grins
"You want me to lie to the boy?" I act horrified
"If you must,don't worry I'll bake cookies...when he gets here, then he has to wait for them to cook" she winks
"You're evil" I laugh pecking her cheek walking upstairs to collets my belongings.

"Ben" I say as I walk into the kitchen.
"yeah" he says looking up from hi text book
"Grandma wants you to go over" I smile "she has cookies" his eyes lit up and he shit his book
"Say no more" he said heading out the door.

I smiled to myself an headed up to my music room.

Ashton was in there in the phone.
"Yeah, she told me" he paused
Is he talking about me?
"I know,its not like I care"
My breathing quickened
"Well that's her problem isn't it" he snapped
"To be honest I'm bored f the whole thing"

Breath,oxygen is essential.

He's not even talking about you. just walk away.

Walk away. pfft no

I barged into the room.
"Out" I tell him, he looks at me.startled "now" I say in a
Bored tone

"Yeah, I'll call you back later" he hangs up "tara,i wanted to talk to you" he starts, I hold up a hand cutting him off.
"Get.out" I grit my teeth "do you need me to say it slower,maybe define the meaning" I roll my eyes

"Geez, what's up your ass?" He snaps
"Maybe I don't want people in my music room without asking" I glare him
"Maybe if you were here I could have asked you" he yells
"bottom line is,its my place,not yours, this is the place I come to getaway from people,so tell me why I would want you in here" I can feel my heart break as I tell at him

It's for the best
I tell myself

But what if it's not
A voice calls.

It just is.

"You want me in here because I'm the only one that I here, I'm the one who cares the most about you! You want me in here because I love you"

"Stop" I say my voice low "I can't " I mummer
" why?"
"I jus-"

"Tara!" Someone yells from down stairs " I need your help" I could ear panic laced in his voice.

I rush out of the music room and down the stairs Mason is carrying a girl bridal style why she lay passed out in her arms.

He face is bruised and bloody.
"What the fuck happened" I ask
"I-I h-he fuck" he shouts
"Get her on my bed" I instruct, he heads up the stairs
"Gail I need a hand" I head up the stairs and into my bathroom I get out my medical kit and head over my bed, blood is seeping though her shirt.

I lift up her shirt,chocking down a gasp at the deep cuts.

"I need two dry towels and one wet one" I instruct jake runs into the bathroom, "Gail,gloves " she passes me a set I slip them off,picking up a pair of sozzers and cutting away her shirt," Gail,put pressure on this one" she place set hands over it.

"Fuck! I shouldn't have left her with him" mason yells he throws a chair

"Ashton"I yell " get him out,calm him down" he drags a crying mason out of the room.

"Stay with me darling" I Mummer.


I know I haven't updated in a while.

Happy late Christmas!

So something weird happened today, my mum woke me up because she found a present wrapped and left out side my house, it had my name in it.

It's weird because I live half an hour away from all my friends and it didn't say who it was from.

So yeah,

Happy we year all.

Sarah Xx

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