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It was a few more brief moments of awkward silence as Killua avoided eye contact with the girl. He still felt somewhat guilty for his outburst but he had to push it behind him to take the hunter exam.

The most frustrating part of it all was how fine Kamine was. She watched the clock aimlessly as if the event from just minutes prior hadn't affected her at all. But of course, it hadn't. She's a butler, she gets paid to deal with Killua's tantrums.

He sighed once again as the doors opened, showcasing an underground channel with about a hundred applicants who already arrived.

Killua looked at the applicants in wonder as a small green man in a suit handed him a badge. "Hello! My name is Bean, congratulations on making it to the exam site! Here is your badge number." The small green form spoke enthusiastically as the pale boy reached for the badge, eyeing the large "#99" engraved on the front of it. Ninety-eight other people found the site before him, he frowned.

Although, if he hadn't fallen asleep it's safe to assume he would've found the site sooner.

"And one for you, little lady." He handed Kamine a badge with a large smile as he skipped away. Killua's eyes glanced over, "#100" was engraved on her badge. "One hundred huh..." Killua commented simply as she neatly pinned the badge onto her blazer. Killua struggled to get his badge to sit right and it was only moments before Kamine turned to help him put it on properly.

Almost immediately as she was done a new presence interrupted their thoughts, "You two must be new here!" A loud boisterous voice called as the duo turned to face an older man with brown hair and a large nose. "My name is Tonpa, it's nice to meet you!" He reached out his hand for a handshake and the two stared at the gesture wearily.

"How do you know we're new? This could be our fifth attempt at the Hunter exam." Killua bluffed as the man raised his arms in defeat.

"Woah! No need to get defense buddy!" Tonpa laughed lightheartedly as he kept a comfortable distance from the two. "You see, this is my 36th attempt at the Hunter exam. You tend to get a feel for the applicants after a while. It's a talent of mine!" He grinned as Killua scoffed, in what world would be failing the Hunter exam thirty-six times be something to be proud of?

"It's important to gain allies before the exam starts in order to secure a win, that's why I'm starting the game early this time and trying to become friends with you two." He explained before digging into his bag and pulling out three orange-colored juice cans.

"Oh, I got it!" He smiled before offering up the drinks, "Here! A toast to our new friendship!"

Killua looked at the drink for a brief moment before accepting it, he was feeling a little thirsty. He cracked open the drink as Kamine reached out to take hers.

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