3. Severance?

96 11 16

4th September 2004

The sounds of someone running and giggles were echoing in the whole room.

"Hee hee catch me catch me"

She kept running here and there making the caretaker run after her. The caretaker started breathing heavily after all she was running after this small creature since last half an hour.

'This girl is really a pain in ass' She thought.

"Mi-rae please stop running around, come and eat this" She said trying once again to persuade that little devil.

"NO !! I won't eat first remove those begetatles only then I will eat" After running around Mi-rae went under the table and sat there pouting. The table was of short height so the caretaker could not get under it, making her unable to reach Mi-rae.

"Vegetables are healthy Mi-rae. You have to eat it. I won't listen anything now come outside." This time caretaker said firmly like an order as she was done with this little girl's tantrums, but Mi-rae just sat there and shook her head as no.

"But it tastes eww" Mi-rae kept making faces which was cute for caretaker but she needs to feed her too so she was trying hard not to melt.

"Give it to me Ajhumma I'll feed her" A voice interrupted them. "Oh Jungkook thank God you're here now please feed her. She doesn't listen to anyone other than you"

Jungkook took the plates from her hand and went towards the table. He crouched down and enter under the table. "I don't want to eat begetatles bunny" she pouted as soon as he entered her hiding zone. "It's vegetable, honey, not begetatles." "That's what I said"

"Ok, but do you wanna listen to a story?" She nodded in excitement. "But you have to eat it, if you want to listen to my story" After whinning and throwing tantrums she gave up since it was her bunny in front and she couldn't win against him. "Okay only 5 spoons." He said making her agree.

"Once there was a boy, he was very obedient and kind but he hated vegetables specially cabbage. One day his mother sent him to purchase a cabbage" He started feeding her spoon after spoon. With every spoon she threw some tantrums but as the story kept going her interest were more on story and less on the count of spoons.

"And after hiding place in his stomach for cabbage he shouted 'Mmm what a great spaghetti'" She was amazed by the story even though she couldn't understand half of it. "He ate everything?" She asked making him nod "Yes just like my honey ate everything" She looked at the bowl that was empty and then at him more like glaring at him which only made him chuckle.

"I won't talk to you" She looked away. Jungkook pecked her cheek and made her sit on his lap. The caretaker was standing all this while admiring their bond. In just three days both of them came this close.

3 Months Later (December 2004)

"Honey where are you?"

Another day of Mi-rae hiding from her enemy 'begetatles' I mean vegetables.

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