9. Shatter

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A week passed just like that and nothing changed in Jungkook's life. He was living the same life where he would walk around with a lovely smile in front of others, but whenever he will be alone, his eyes will get moist in the memory of Mi-rae. Like always he was waiting for any news related to Mi-rae.

While on the other hand minor changes had started in Mi-rae's life. The girl who didn't make a friend in her whole life after leaving home, today she had one friend, Ara.

25th January 2021
(One week later)

12:42 pm

"Make a list of the points discussed in today's meeting and share it with Mr. Han, also tell him to start working on it with his teammates as soon as possible," Jungkook told Hyun-bin as he headed to his cabin.

"And as far I remember, tomorrow we have a meeting with Mr. Kim, right?" Both of them entered in the cabin as Jungkook made his way towards his seat. "Yes, Sir. Tomorrow at 11:00 am"

Jungkook nodded while removing his coat and then sat on his chair. "Ok, check if everything is ready for it or not. It's a very important deal for us."

"Yes Sir, noted"

"Umm- Sir" Hyun-bin asked getting a hum in response. "Sir, Mr. Lim Ju-Hwan wants to meet you. He said, he managed to gather some information" As soon as Jungkook heard the last sentence his hand that were undoing cuffs' button, stopped.

He looked at Hyun-bin with wide eyes and his heart started beating fast. Lim Ju-Hwan is that private investigator who is working for Jungkook.

Jungkook took a deep breath and looked at Hyun-bin one more time, which was enough to tell him what to do next.

1:00 pm


Mi-rae turned around to see the owner of the voice only to find Seo-jun running towards her.

Usually, if you reject someone's offer of friendship, he doesn't even talk to you again, but Seo-jun was not affected by Mirae's rejection, infact he has become more determined to be her friend.

"So Miss Beautiful, should I drop you off" He asked as soon as he came near her. She blinked and looked at him in confusion thinking why do he keep coming to her everytime she push him away. She immediately shook her head and started making her way away from him but he started walking beside her.

"Some people either withdraw themselves from the rest or push people away from themselves because they are terrified to open up" He said which made her halt on her steps.

"When someone's heart gets wounded again and again, then the person often has difficulty in giving place to someone in that heart. Am I right?" He was looking directly in her eyes and there was something in his eyes, which she never saw before. Or maybe she never saw his eyes before as this was there first proper eye contact.

"Often people do not allow anyone to come into their scattered life because of the fear that someone may come and scatter their scattered life further, but they forget that they have to let someone come to collect the pieces of their scattered life, isn't it?" She kept looking at him not knowing what to do. This person was reading her like a book and she didn't know how.

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