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Find a dream that is
MORE painful to give up on
than to climb to the top.
- Joy Matthews

Jungkook was awakened by the loud sound of a blow dryer which made his head throb. Before opening his eyes, he thought,

Who the fuck is using a hair drier in a hospital?!?

When he opened his eyes, he looked around and was quite confused about his whereabouts.  He was back at his bedroom in his Manhattan condo.

Was I discharged?

He sat up, rubbed his eyes and was about to leave the bed when Taehyung came out of the bathroom and looked at him. 

"Love! You're back!" Jungkook said, but Taehyung didn't say anything and was looking at the bed instead of him.

Taehyung slowly walked towards the bed, but still wasn't looking at him. 

"Love?" Jungkook said.

Taehyung still didn't say anything and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Jungkook stared at him and was surprised when he saw tears rolling down Taehyung's face. 

"Hey, love, what's wrong?" He said as he reached out for Taehyung's face to wipe the latter's tears with his thumb.

To his shock, his hand just went through his boyfriend's face, not able to touch him.

What the hell?!

"You're drunk again. How long are you going to do this to yourself?" Taehying softly said as his eyes were fixed on the bed.

"What are you talking about? I'm not drunk, Taeh, I'm..."

Taehyung suddenly leaned down and to Jungkook's horror, the younger just passed through him. This made Jungkook jump out of bed.

Jungkook watched Taehyung's actions and as he turned to where the latter was leaning towards, he saw himself lying on the bed. Taehyung kissed him on his forehead.

"Jungkook, what's happening to you? I don't know how long I can take this. I love you and God knows how much I want to stay with you, but you're not giving me any reason to stay any longer." Taehyung cried.

"No, Taeh, please. I'll make up for everything. Love, stay with me just please —"

"Taeh?" Jin called out as he entered the room.

Taehyung quickly wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

"Yes, hyung?" He answered without looking at Jin.

"The driver is already at the driveway. I'll take care of him you'll be late for your shift." Jin said.

"Okay." Taehyung said as he stood up and grabbed his sling bag.  When he turned around and faced Jin, the latter gasped.

"Taeh, did he do that to you?!" Jin said angrily as he held Taehyung's chin gently.  Taehyung had a palm mark on his face.

"He didn't mean it hyung. I was nagging him when he got home and he was so drunk, so I guess he got annoyed." Taehyung said trying hard not to cry.

"You shouldn't have come back with him. You should've just stayed in Korea. You don't deserve this, Taehyung."

"No, hyung! I didn't....I can't remember...did I really do that to him, hyung?!" Jungkook asked, but he was so frustrated as they couldn't hear him. He was crying so hard. He wanted to be heard but his effort was all in vain.

"Don't worry, hyung. I'm almost on my wits' end. I'll probably just finish my contract at the coffee shop. It's just for another month anyway. Plus, it's Jungkook's birthday next week and everyone's flying over for the surprise. So, maybe I'll go home with them after that." Taehyung said.

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