14 | Deep-Rooted Feelings

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And then suddenly, you meet
that one person that makes you
forget about yesterday,
and dream avout tomorrow.

- Himanshi Bittu

After the whole Bogum incident, Taehyung decided that he wanted to resign from the Park's ad agency.  However, if he does push through with it, he needs to pay the agency around 119M won. He opened his online banking account and checked his savings, then sighed. He was 5M short. Taehyung covered his face with his hands as Jungkook walked inside the room,

"Taehyung, is everything okay?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung abruptly closed his laptop and smiled at Jungkook. "Yup! Everything's good. Was just checking my emails."

Jungkook frowned and sat on the foot of the bed.



"Were you always like this with me?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You're hiding something from me. I can feel it somehow. I'm your boyfriend, Taeh. If you have a problem, shouldn't you be sharing that with me?"

"It's nothing I can't handle by myself, Jungkook."

"Why don't you want to tell me? If I have a problem, you'd be the first one I'd run to. Whether it's something that you can help me with or just something that's on my mind, I'll tell you because we should face everything together, right? Good or bad. I don't want us to be just boyfriends, Taeh. I can be your friend too...your best friend. You can tell me anything and I'd help you as much as I can."

"I...I just don't to be a burden, Kook."

"But, you'd tell Jimin. Won't you?"


"Why don't we try doing this. Pretend that I'm Jimin  right now and tell me what's on your mind the way you  would tell him."

"But —"


"Ok... I want to resign from Bogum's agency. But, I am under contract, which means that if I decide to leave now, I will have to pay the company and give them back everything that went with the package they gave me...including this house."

"Is this because of what happened with Bogum?"

"Yes. I accepted the offer thinking that he was really being a sincere friend to me. But, knowing now that he had a motive behind it, I don't want it anymore."

"I understand. But m, are you hundred percent sure about your decision? Will leaving the company make you happy?"

"I don't think I'd be completely happy about it, because I'm already fond of the people in my department. But, at the end of the day, leaving, it would give me peace of mind. Plus, I really don't want to see nor talk to Bogum in the near future."

"Okay, then, can you trust me and let me help you?"

"Jungkook, it's a lot of money."

"So? It's just money, Taeh. What's more important is your peace of mind. From what I've heard from Jin hyung, we have more than enough money. Let's use it. It can be earned again, you know."

"We're talking about around 119M won, Jungkook. Can't let you spend on me that much."

"Why? It's not just my money Taehyung, it's OUR money. How else should we spend it on?"

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