6 | Confusion

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You've got to follow that dream,
wherever that dream may lead.

- Elvis Presley

Jungkook woke up feeling dizzy and with a slight headache. He turned to the left and reached out for something on the side of his bed, but was confused when he didn't feel his bedside table. He squinted once, twice and rubbed his eyes to check why it wasn't where it's supposed to be and was shocked to see a hospital machine beside his bed instead.

"What the fuck?!" He muttered.

"Jungkook?! You're awake!!" He heard a voice say.

He looked at the person and then frowned.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Jungkook said.

"Haha. It's not funny." Jong Suk said.

Jungkook looked around and he was on the verge of a panic attack as he was so confused as to why he was in a hospital room with a stranger who seemed to know him.

"Where am I? Did I get into an accident or something? And, you didn't answer my question. Who are you?"

"Are you being serious right now?! Wait, let me call the doctor." Jong Suk said. He was about to open the door, but it suddenly burst open revealing Jimin, Yoongi and Jin — all carrying take out food.

Jungkook felt slightly relieved seeing his friends.

"Yoongi! Jin hyung! What happened to me?!"

"Jungkook! Thank God, you're finally awake!" Jin said as he and Yoongi rushed to his side.

"What do you mean I'm FINALLY awake? Have I been sleeping that long?! Did I miss anything?!"

"Jk, you've been in a coma for almost a month after your brain surgery." Yoongi said.

"BRAIN SURGERY?" Jungkook gasped as he held his head and felt the bandage.

Yoongi quickly grabbed his wrist. "Hey! Stop touching it! Your stitches are still fresh."

"Yoongs what the hell happened to me?! And — and who are they?" Jungkook said, pointing at Jong Suk and Jimin.

Yoongi looked at Jungkook worriedly and asked, "You remember me and Jin hyung, but you don't remember them? Hold on. What do you actually remember?"

"I — I remember talking to you yesterday about my plans for going to the library today to finally confess to Taehyung. We were drinking at your house. Wait...did I druve home drunk and got into a car accident? Is that what happened?!"

"Jungkook, calm down okay? The doctor is on his way and he can explain everything." Jin said.

"Hyung, just tell me!"

Jin sighed.

"You had a brain surgery to remove a tumor that's been pressing on your brain. The doctors were able to remove it;m. After that, you went into a coma. It's been almsot a month since your surgery, Jungkook. But, we knew that was a possible risk, including what might be happening now...some form of memory loss. The doctor said that it could be temporary though we just don't know when you'd regain all of your memory back."

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