23 | Realities (M)

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"The best way to make
your dreams come true
is to wake up."

- Paul Valery


"Where is Jungkook?!" Taehyung's voice echoed throughout the Golden Mic recording studio.

"Um, he went out, Taehyung." Jungkook's PA said nervously.

"Went out?! What do you mean went out?! In the middle of working hours again?! I just saw this note on my desk saying that he doesn't like how I designed the new album cover I'm working on without any explanations!" Taehyung said irritatingly.

"He left, looking furious as well. I hope you don't mind me asking but did you two fight? I've never seen him that angry. It's scary."

Taehyung huffed and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, Kaia. You're caught in the middle. No, we didn't fight. If he's that angry because of this design, he's overreacting. Did he meet anyone?" Taehyung asked.

"Not that I know of, but he was talking to someone on the phone before he stormed out." Kaia said.

Taehyung took out his phone and called Jungkook, but his call was redirected to voice mail. So, he decided to call Yoongi instead.

Y: Hello?
T: Hi, hyung. Do you know where Jungkook is?
Y: Yes and no.
T: Huh?
Y: Yes, I know where he is, but no, because I can't tell you.
T: What?! What's going in? What are you hiding from me?
Y: Nothing that you should be concerned about, really. Don't worry Taeh. He will be back to the studio soon.

What do you mean that was my direction?! I said purple! That's not purple. That's magenta! Are you color blind??

T: Wait, was that Jungkookie?!
Y: Yes and no.
T: The fuck, hyung!
Y: Yes, it was Jungkookie, technically. But, no because he's not too Jungkookie right now.
T: You're getting on my nerves, hyung. Where are you?
Y: I gotta go, Taeh. I have to stop your husband before he strangles someone.

Yoongi ended the call abruptly, leaving a bewildered and irritated Taehyung hanging.

Taehyung then called Jimin.

J: Hey, bear.
T: Where is Yoongi?
J: With Jungkook.
T: Yes, I know he's with him, but where?
J: I don't know.
T: You don't know or you don't want me to know?
J: I CAN'T let you know. There's a difference.
T: You'd better tell me Jimin. I'm at the brink of overthinking here. My husband has been coming home late at night for the past month and been leaving the studio on a whim, delaying projects left and right.

J: Taeh, I assure you that Jungkook is not doing anything that you'd be disappointed about.
T: And that's supposed to make me feel better?
J: Yes?
T: Well, it doesn't knowing that my husband and my best friends are keeping something from me.
J: Trust me on this Taeh, okay?
T: Fine. Be that way. Let's see how you two would be if I'm the one who goes on missing.
J: What do you mean by that?
T: Oh you'd know what I mean.

Taehyung ended the call and then went to the lobby area and asked the receptionist for a pen.

He took it and wrote something on the post it note from Jungkook.

"Nessa, please give this to Jungkook. And, can you hand me my car keys please?" Taehyung said to the receptionist.

"Okay, Taeh. What should I tell Jungkook in case he asks where you went?" Nessa asked.

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