7 | Struggles

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As soon as you begin to
pursue a dream, your
life wakes up and everything
has meaning.

- Barbara Sher

"Jungkook! What in God's name are you doing?!" Jin yelled as he watched Jungkook remove his IV and the wires attached to his body.

"The doctor said I'm clear to go." Jungkook smugly said while getting off the bed.

"The nurse will do that, idiot!"

"They're too slow! Come on hyung, let's go now." Jungkook whined.

"Wow, haven't heard you call me hyung for a while."

"I always called you hyung!" Jungkook teased.

"Back in high school and college, yes. But, you dropped that along the way."

"Oh. Did I? I'm sorry, hyung."

Jin got sentimental all of a sudden and hugged Jungkook.

"You're really back!"

Jungkook chuckled and playfully pushed him away. "You're such a drama queen, hyung!"

"Aish! Don't burst my bubble. Anyway, we still need your discharge papers before we can go. Ji-Eun is settling the bill now."

"How long will that take? I want to pack now. I need to ask noona to book for my flight to Korea tonight. You think she will lend me the money?"

"Jungkook, you're a billionaire. You don't need to ask money from Ji-Eun."

"Whoa, what?! A b-billionaire?"

"Yes...don't get that in your head though. That's where all the problems started."

"So, I also have my own place here?"

"Yes. One in Korea and a land in Hawaii."

"Why would I have a land in Hawaii?"

"Because that's where Taehyung wanted to settle down before. You bought it for the two of you, but then, never did do anything with it. You got busy, cocky and downright obnoxious."

Jungkook frowned. He felt really disappointed at himself.

"Did I...did I ever propose to Taehyung, hyung?"

"Almost, but when your third album won Album of the Year at Grammy's, you seemed to forget about it."

"Seriously?! What the fuck was I thinking? What good would a Grammy do if I can't share the success with Taehyung?!"

"Go ask yourself that question."

"I'm hating myself right now."

"When you remember all your life choices for the past five years, then let me know if you still feel the same way. I sincerely hope you do and then from there, learn from your mistakes."

Jungkook sighed and sat on the couch.

"I wanted to be a good performer to get Taehyung's attention, hyung. That's why I joined the theater org too."

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