4 | Conviction

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The only thing
that will stop you fom
fulfilling your dream
is you!
- Tom Bradley

Jungkook just came out of the bathroom peeing for the nth time in one day. He was continuously given IV fluids to help flush out the sex drug in his system completely. While pushing the dextrose stand back to his bedside, the door of his hospital room suddenly opened, revealing a furious Taehyung.

"Love!" Jungkook yelled.

"You don't have the right to call me love anymore since we are broken up. Just to be clear, I didn't come here to get back together with you. I came here just to say do the radiation instead of the surgery." Taehyung said sternly.

"But, Taeh~~"

"I'm not here to argue with you also nor listen to a word you say. Just do what I tell you or you'll never see me and Taejun again."

"Taejun? The adoption has been finalized already?" Jungkook asked surprisingly.

"Yes. I will be picking him up this weekend and then will bring him to Korea with me."

"Taehyung, he's my son too."

"Can you really take care of him? You're not even home 90% of the time so it just make more sense if he stays with me."

"But why do you have to go to Korea? Why can't you just stay here in New York?"

"There's nothing for me here anymore, Jungkook. I will go back to advertising and I already have a contract waiting for me back home." Taehyung said, acting strong on the outside, but deep down inside he wanted to take back what he said as he saw the pain in Jungkook's eyes.

In a matter of seconds though, the expression on Jungkook's face turned dark. Jungkook felt his blood boil and was about to throw a fit, when he saw a kitchen knife that Jin used earlier that day to peel some fruits.

He grabbed it and cut his palm making him hiss. The action left him with a large cut on his hand, blood gushing out.

"What the fuck, Jungkook!" A horrified Taehyung yelled, running to his side and pulling the blanket from the hospital bed to wrap Jungkook's hand with it to stop the wound from bleeding.

"Have you gone mad?!" Taehyung yelled at Jungkook again as he put pressure on the wound.

Jungkook's eyes welled up in tears. "I'm sorry. I can't control it Taeh. I had to do something to distract myself. I'd rather hurt myself than hurt you."

Taehyung felt his heart clench after hearing what Jungkook said, but still retained the cold facade.

Jungkook kept his eyes on Taehyung as tears rolled down his cheeks. The latter, on the other hand just stared at Jungkook's hand.

"Taehyung, I'm so sorry for everything. I hate myself for causing you pain." Jungkook softly said.

"Just have the radiotherapy, Jungkook. At least while doing that, you can still continue to write songs, record or do whatever. If the surgery doesn't turn out well, it could jeopardize your career."

"I don't care about that right now, Taeh. I want the tumor out immediately so I could be your Jungkookie again. I can't go on without you, Taehyung. Please don't leave me. I beg you." Jungkook was full on crying by then.

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