11 | Unsettled

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Make your faith larger
than your fears and your
dreams bigger than your doubts.

- Robin Sharma

Jungkook was having such a wonderful time with Taejun. Ever since they arrived, the two spent every second together. Jungkook fed him, played with him,  colored with him, and now, watching Ironman with him.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was getting grouchier by the second as he knew that Jungkook was deliberately avoiding him.  And he was blaming it all on Yoongi  and Jimin who have been trying to apologize to him for the past two hours.

Jimin was giving Yoongi the silent treatment as he was irritated with the fact that the latter told Taehyung about his thoughts on the house. It was just supposed to be between him and Yoongi, but the latter slipped.

Jin, in the meantime, couldn't stand the silence in the kitchen. Taehyung was washing the dishes, Jimin wiping the table and Yoongi preparing to take out the trash.

"You three, sit down here right now." Jin said in a stern voice.

"I'm not yet done with the dishes, hyung." Taehyung said.

"I said, now, Taehyung." Jin reiterated.

Taehyung huffed and turned off the faucet and sat down in the dininga area.  Jimin sat in front of him while Yoongi sat on the far end of the table, still regretting his life choices.

"You three should stop this. You're all acting like children right now, you're even acting younger than Jungkook is at the moment!" Jin said.

"It's not my fault hyung." Taehyung said.

"I already said I'm sorry!" Yoongi whined.

"Me too, Taeh. You already know my thoughts about the house. I just didn't expect some tattle tail to tell Jungkook about it." Jimin said, not looking at Yoongi.

"Hey, it just slipped. I apologized already. And I'll talk to Jungkook and explain it to him. He will listen to me." Yoongi said.

"You know how sensitive and insecure he can get, Yoongi hyung.  He might listen to you, but it'll take more than that to appease him." Taehyung said.

"Then, appease him. Shower him with love, that will do the trick." Yoongi said.

"Wow, hyung. You know how torn I am right now. After everything that happened —"

"I know that, but that was in the past. Shall I remind you about the tumor again? What good was the surgery for then if it wasn't meant to make everything better? I thought that was established? Were you really not gonna give him another chance, Taeh? Can you just drop him like that? What's your plan?" Yoongi snapped.

"I don't know okay?! It's so easy for you to say because you weren't the one treated like shit!" Taehyung yelled.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" Jin yelled. "Can we all be matured about this? Yoongi has a point, Taeh. Both of you have a point. But, you'd better tell me too what you want to happen. You wanted him to stay here, but if you're so sold to not giving him a second chance, then we should just go. I will talk to him and help him move on from you if that's what's needed. But, is that what you want?"

Taehyung looked down and stayed silent.

"Do you still love him, Taeh?" Jimin asked.

"Of course I do." Taehyung said.

"Then, help him. Help him remember the good times. He know he did wrong, we already told him about the things he did to you and he can't even grasp the thought of him treating you that way. Doesn't that count? Doesn't that say something, like he really didn't mean to?  His mind might be in shambles right now, but somewhere in that brain of his is his love for you too. Can't you believe in that?" Jin asked.

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