Chapter 23 - Façade

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No one's POV:

Stessed definitely didn't cover it.

No, Jeongguk and Taehyung were frantic as try tried their utmost best to make their house presentable.

Kang-min was coming over soon and looking like the perfect couple was imperative.

That meant doing the apartment up even more until all traces of fraud were covered up. Picture frames, certificates and medals were quickly added to the décor of the home.

Both men cleaned a little bit too in order to make the house presentable. Jeongguk felt horrible for putting this all onto Taehyung. He knew it wasn't what the male signed up for.

In fact, it had been the source of a horrible argument that Jeongguk dreaded to remember. However, it seemed to be engraved into the ravenet's mind like the argument happened just yesterday.

"Look I'm sorry Jeongguk but this just isn't what I signed up for!" Taehyung yelled as he tried to contain his frustration.

"Oh well I'm so sorry that my injury is inconveniencing you," Jeongguk snapped back, as he gestured to his leg before laying his hands back down onto the arm rests of his wheelchair.

"You know that's not what I meant!" The brunet stated angrily as he crossed his arms. Taehyung didn't blame Jeongguk for this situation, it just wasn't what the brunet thought was going to happen.

After all, Taehyung had only just started recovering from his best friend's tragic death.

"You can't seriously be happy that I'm the one taking care of you Jeongguk," Taehyung reasoned, looking straight into the marine's eyes.

"No! No you- you aren't taking care of me! I'm not a child Taehyung!" Jeongguk shouted angrily. His worst fears had come true after all. He was a burden to someone- that was the last thing he ever wanted.

"Jeongguk I- I don't mind it but- it's just-" Taehyung started but the ravenet quickly cut him off.

"No. Let's just talk about this another time. I'm just going to get angry and say something I'll regret," Jeongguk added as he turned away from Taehyung and wheeled himself over to the sofa.

"Okay," Taehyung whispered, just loud enough for his husband to hear it. He was far too busy trying to stop his tears from falling anyway to give a better reply.

Jeongguk sighed as he remembered the way they fought, he wasn't proud of what he said and he knew Taehyung didn't want this situation- neither of them did.

This marriage was supposed to be quick and extremely separated. Jeongguk was going to be away in Iraq and Taehyung would just claim the benefits and give half to his husband.

Then they would divorce. Simple. That was the plan. An injury definitely wasn't included in that.

Both of the male's frustrations just reached boiling point. They had resolved things now but Jeongguk still felt this unrelenting guilt for dragging Taehyung into something he didn't want.

No matter what his husband said about him being fine with helping out. Jeongguk just felt horrible about complicating what should have been very simple.

Getting injured wasn't in the plan and Jeongguk knew the predicament that Taehyung was in.

However, the Marine just wanted to put all of the arguing behind him.

Taehyung and Jeongguk were fine now.

Getting on well even.

Fiddling with the dog tag necklace that hung from his neck, Jeongguk suddenly remembered something he had been meaning to do for ages.

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