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"...The last thing I saw, was the monster running away before my vision went black..."

Larissa pov:
I was still searching for Wednesday, as she ran up to me "WHAT DID U THIN-" Before I could finish I went silent, looking at Wednesday. She held Y/n in her arms and she looked even more pale than usual, she looked somehow dead?

"What happened to her" I spoke numb because I was fighting against my tears. Wednesday pulled Y/n's shirt down a little, revealing the three big scratches on her chest. I stared at it, completely under shock, when I started crying.

"Is she a- alive?" Wednesday nodded. I took  Y/n from her and carried her to my car.

(just pretend someone's driving them, but I dunno how to call these driver guys)

I got in the back and laid her head on my lap. I stroked my fingers trough her hair while sobbing endlessly. "Please be okay my love, please" I whispered, looking down at her pale face.

We arrived at Nevermore, and I quickly carried Y/n to the infirmary. The school nurse took her from me and told me to go and wait outside, but I wouldn't leave her alone like that.

"No you can't tell me what to do, I am the principal of this school and I shall be coming with her!" I said raising my voice at them. They gave in and I sat myself on a chair next to where my Y/n was lying. First they wiped the blood off of her wound and then got something what seemed to be a needle.

They started stitching her scratches and I find myself intertwining my hand in with hers because I felt so bad and was still crying like shit. Once they were finished, they laid her back in her bed and left. I didn't want to leave so I just sat there and held her hand "You'll be okay my love, everythings fine now" I said in between sobs. I placed my head on her thigh careful not to hurt her and fell asleep because all the crying made me tired.


"Miss Weems" Someone said while shaking me "Yo Weemsie wake upppp" The voice said again. I looked up and saw Y/n "Oh my god my love you are okay" I cried out and hugged her careful "You are okay right?" I asked to make sure. "Yes miss Weems I am okay" She said giggling.

"This is not funny Y/n! Don't you dare laughing, I almost lost you!" I said, holding back tears again. "I'm sorry Weems, thank you for not leaving me alone tho" She said putting her innocent eyes on "Don't give me that look darling, tell me instead what happened" I said. "Maybe we should talk about that later. But care to show me what the fuck, that monster ripped apart"

Y/n pov:
Weems moved her hand to my shirt exposing my bare chest with stitched scratches "Oh well, it ripped me apart" I joked. She gave me an daring look „This is not funny Y/n. And what do you mean by monster?" She said. "Maybe we should discuss that in your office, with Wednesday" She sighed and picked me up.

"I can walk on my own y'know" I said still giggling "Shut up you can't. And even if you could, I don't want you to risk your life again."

She opened the door to her office where Wednesday was already waiting "How is he" I asked her "How is who?" Weems asked confused "Rowan, he's dead" Wednesday answered. "WHAT?!" Weems yelled at her "HOW COULD HE BE DEAD?"

She put me on her chair because it was more comfortable and turned back to face Wednesday "Miss Weems, it was the same thing that scratched me, it was a monster"

"What are you talking about? There is no such things here, he probably just ran away" I wanted to talk back but a knock interrupted. Weems went to open the door when the sheriff came in looking at Wednesday

"You wanted to talk to me?" He asked. Wednesday explained the whole situation, and we were now alone with him. "My search party looked all night for a body but They. Didn't. Find. One."

"Well then your 'search party' must be blind if they missed a dead body" Wednesday said. "Look I'm tired of your games Addams and L/n" He turned to face us both "Tell me, why should I believe you?" I slammed my fist on the desk and sprung up not caring that that just hurted so much.


The door then opened, "Sheriff you might wanna see this" The lady stepped aside and Rowan stand in the doorframe, looking all alive and happy "See there you have your dead guy" sheriff Galpin said to me while leaving with Wednesday following him. I gave him an angry glare before walking up to Rowan

I grabbed his chin and came close to his face "I don't know who you are but you're not Rowan" I wispered, looking down at him "And if I find out who you are, it might as well end dangerous for you" I said chuckling while leaving. "Oh and one thing" I stopped but didn't turned around "I promise I will find out" with that I left him standing there, walking back up to my dorm.

"That wasn't Rowan" Wednesday said as I opened the door "I know but they won't do anything. I think I made it pretty clear that they're in danger while they're around me" I said shrugging. I could see a smile creep up on Wednesday's face "Well I think I should rest now, today was hard" I said yawning.


I have no clue how to continue this shit 😭 so it'll probably be a random start next chapter

Word count: 1022

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