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Tw: kidnapping

"...she booped my nose and I leaned back until I feel asleep with her on the floor..."

Y/n pov:
It's been 3 days.
I was with Marilyn all the time because I'm too scared of Odalia. I recognized her eyes and the uncomfortable feeling she filled the room with, 3 times now. She was spying on me, waiting for the perfect moment.


"Are you okay Y/n" Marilyn asked me "I don't know, everyday I see her. Do you think she gave up, she wasn't there today" "I'm sure Odalia finally saw what she was doing" I shrugged and took a deep breath. We were in Jericho, taking a walk through the streets. "Ohh now I remember again why we came here in the first place, wait a minute I'll be right back" With that Thornhill quickly entered the store in front of us and I sighed. I wasn't telling her to stay, I've been enough work for the last three days.

I was still waiting outside the little store, it's been five minutes and I started getting anxious because we were literally in the middle of nowhere. "I'm back darling" I quickly turned around and embraced her because I started getting nervous. She kissed my forehead and spoke up "I missed you too darling, but now no one can tear us apart ever again" I recognized her low voice and when I pulled back I stared into the deep green eyes of the woman that tried to kill my Larissa "Stay the fuck away from me" I pushed her back and she just chuckled lightly "My my.. is there any way to treat your mommy?" I froze in place and she stepped closer, grabbing me by my neck "I know we just reunited but I don't think you would like your punishments when we're going back home" She whispered in my ear "NO IM NOT COMING WITH YOU" I screamed at her "I don't really think you have a choice darling" I could feel pain stinging through my body, before everything went black.

Mary pov:
I walked out of the shop with a huge smile on my happy tear stained face. "Y/n?" I called out for my student "Y/n honey were are you?" But still, she was nowhere. I took out my phone and called her number, she had given to me two days ago. Nothing, no answer.

My happy tears turned into sad tears. I was just about to tell her that the doctor called me, Larissa woke up.

Time skip

Y/n pov:
I woke up in the familiar bedroom of Odalia. I tried to move but I was chained to the bed. "WHAT THE FUCK, LET ME GO YOU CRAZY WOMAN" I screamed "HUSH BRAT, YOU DONT WANNA MAKE MOMMY MORE ANGRY HUH?" She slapped my thigh and I winced "What are you going to do with me?" I whispered in fear "I'm gonna do a lot with you" She whispered in a seductive but disgusting way "Please let me go, I don't love you" "Who do you love then? Larissa?" She asked harshly and I nodded "Well too bad.. she died this morning" My eyes widened and tears were falling immediately "No" I whispered "Shh my darling, it's alright mommy's here for you" She stroked my cheek "NO BACK THE FUCK OFF YOUR LYING SHE IS NOT DEAD SHE WOULDNT LEAVE ME" Odalia slapped me hard across the face "SHE IS DEAD OKAY SHE DIDNT LOVED YOU ANYWAYS" She yelled at me and I just stared crying harder.

Mary pov:
'Theres no chance Y/n would've just left she's too scared, I shouldn't have left her alone..' I started to overthink everything until it finally snapped and I thought back to the reason we were all acting like this, Odalia.

I immediately called the police

"Hello what's your problem?"

"I would like to report a missing person, my student actually."

I told him about Odalia, but he wasn't so convinced

"Im sorry ma'am but miss Odalia Blight died yesterday night in the hospital"

"No she didn't I saw her, please you have to believe me this woman is cra-"

"Okay, calm down. Tell me your location and we send someone to pick you up, you need serious help lady."

I hung up and let more tears roll down my cheeks. What am I going to do? I cant tell Larissa, she would freak out and risk her health for searching her. I know I need to save Y/n, but Odalia won't hurt her so I need to visit Larissa first.


„Hey Larissa how are you feeling?" I asked her quietly „Wheres Y/n?" Was the only thing she said as she sprung up, sitting on her bed „Y/n is okay, she is in her dorm sleeping" I lied „I need to see her" „Larissa keep it down, you woke up 10 minutes ago okay? I will bring Y/n to you later I promise" She was going to debate but I stopped her „Fine" She said, laying back down. „I'm so sorry but I have to go again, I promise I'll come back later, with Y/n." She nodded and gave me a weak smile before I left her.


„Tyler" I said panting as I barged through the door of the weathervane. He looked at me and slightly laughed „Yeah?" „The woman that stabbed Larissa, Odalia blight. Do you know anything about her?" „Yes, she used to come here quite often" He said „Do you know where she lives?" I asked quickly „Ilovemilfs-street 69, why?" „Doesn't matter" I turned to ran back out „Wait Marilyn, how's Larissa? Any news?" He asked me „Yes she woke up" I gave him a little smile and continued running out.

Time skip

Weems pov:
Its been 3 hours. I'm so tired of everything, I just wanna see my Y/n. „Hello miss Weems, how are you feeling?" Tyler walked through the door and my spark of hope for Y/n was gone. „I'm fine thank you. Have you seen Marilyn or Y/n by any chance?" I asked him "Yes I actually did saw Marilyn, she's off to Odalia's house" "What?" I asked in shock"Yes, what are you doing?" I took of all the cables that were on me and stood up, still feeling dizzy as hell "Saving them" I wiped the fresh tears of my face and started heading outside.


Word count: 1102

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