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"...It didn't took her eyes long to close, so I closed mine as well and fell asleep again, while not letting go of my girl..."

Y/n pov:
I woke up in my girlfriends arms still tired as hell. I looked up to check if she was still asleep, but she wasn't. Instead she looked down at me and smiled „Good morning darling, how are you feeling?" She asked as she stroked through my hair „Traumatized" „Ohh baby" She cupped my cheeks „No it's okay" I took her hands and placed them back in my hair „Can we stay in bed today please?" „I'm sorry but I have much work to do because a new student is coming very soon. But you can stay in here, I'll tell your teachers you're sick" I nodded sadly and closed my eyes again.

After five minutes I felt her getting up and going in her office. I stood up as well and followed her to her office „Are you okay darling?" „Yes but I don't want to be alone" She patted her lap and I placed myself onto it. I embraced her and laid my head on her chest. „What's the students name?" I asked her „Willow Park" I nodded and closed my eyes again, trying to get more sleep.


„Darling wake up" I felt Larissa gently tapping my shoulders „Hmm?" „The new student will be here any minute" I groaned and got off of her lap „Go and spend some time with your friends okay? I'll call you when she's gone" I nodded and she gave me a kiss before I walked out.

„Enid, Wednesday are you here?" I called once I opened the door to our dorm „Yeah I'm in the bathroom" Enid called „Can I come in?" I asked „Yeah" I entered the small bathroom and found Enid redoing her make up „Your makeup looks already fine?" I laughed confused „Yes but it needs to look perfect, because I got a date with Ajaxxx" „Ohhhh" I smirked at her and she laughed „Do you need help?" „Yes please, I don't know what to wearrr" She whined out. I laughed and opened the door to our little room-closet? I pulled out some clothes „How about these?" I showed her and she squeaked „These. Are. Perfect. Y/n/nnn" I laughed and closed the door so she could change.

„Readyy?" She asked "Mhmm" "Okayy 1..2.. 3" She opened the door "Tadaa" "Enid that outfit looks so good on you" "Thank you for having such a good taste" She hugged me "Naww you're welcome baby" She pulled back "I have to go now, thanks for everything love youu" She called while she ran out. I laughed to myself and then my phone ringed.


"Darling you can come again now, if you want"

"Yes I'll be on my way"

I put my phone in my pocket and ran out as well. But of course I didn't made my way to Weems office, without bumping into someone "Oh fuck" I said under my breath "I'm sorry" The girl said. "Wait, you're Willow right?" She smiled at me "Yes uhm how do you know my name" She asked confused "Well Lari- Principal Weems told me earlier. I'm Y/n by the way" "Oh, well nice to meet you Y/n" "You too, where's your dorm?" "Ophelia hall" I raised an eyebrow "Huh ?" "Yesss? Is there an problem?" The confusion returned on her face "No uhm, it's just, we're already three" "Oh you're in there too?" "Yess, me and my roommates Enid and Wednesday.. UNLESS HUHH" My eyes lit up "I gotta go, don't touch my thingss" I called while I ran off.

"Hello Larissaaa" I walked in her office with a huge smile drawn on my face "My beautiful girlfriendddd" I added "Okayy what's gotten you so happy" She tried to suppress her smirk because we both knew that I knew. "I just bumped into this Willow girl" "Ohh, is she nice?" She tried to tease me "That so doesn't matter right now" I grinned and walked around to her desk. "Soo" I started while I placed both my hands on the armrests of her chair. "Yes go on darling" "Well she told me you set her in Ophelia hall" She pulled me on her lap and finally revealed that smirk she was trying to hold in "What are you trying to say my darling" "Well we are already three people in our dorm, so we would have not much space" "Mhmm, what would you suggest to do about it?" "Well I was thinking maybe you could let Enid switch to Yoko's dorm.." I put my arms around her neck "or me into yours" "Mhh I like the Idea of having you here" "Uh huh do you?" "Yes I doo" She connected our lips without any further words and I pulled her as close as I could. She laid her arms around my waist and did the same "Then how about, you already bring some of your stuff here" I grinned and got up, running out of her office

I slammed the door to my old dorm open and Willow jumped "Fuck you scared me" "Sorry but I need to be quick, can you help me, just throw my clothes in here" I stole a bag from under Enid's bed and held it open for her. She nodded and opened the door where our clothes were being kept. "Are you moving out?" She joked "Yes" "Oh, in which dorm" "Haha you'll find out someday" I waved her and ran out with the bag "Rissa I'm backk" I called in her office, but she was nowhere to be found. I opened her bedroom door and heard water splashing. "Can I come in?" I asked as I grabbed for the doorknob "I don't know, can you?" She asked teasingly "Well I suppose" I said to myself. I entered the bathroom and found her naked in the shower. I blushed and rolled my eyes "Uh uh not yet darling" She said, pointing out to my eyes "Can I come in?" I asked quietly "Thh I didn't seem to hear you" "Can. I. come. in?" "That's much better darling" She hummed. I waited a few seconds and raised an brow "Oh right, no you can't" My jaw dropped to the floor and my needy self was about to argue right and there "You're gonna sight right there and watch" She pointed to the toilet but I didn't move "Now." I groaned and sat on the toilet lid. "Good girl, that's how I like you, when you obey mommy" I went red and stayed silent. I watched and thought she was gonna touch herself now, but instead she just showered? „Are you being serious Larissa" I groaned „Whats wrong love, do you need something" „Is that even a questionnn" I whined out „Apparently yes" „YOUU" „Well then I don't quite understand why you're sitting there" She joked „Very funny" „I know"

She turned the water off and looked at me „How long do I have to wait, or do you need help?" She said sarcastically. I smirked „Yes I need help mommy, I can't do it alone" She walked out and wasted no time to undress me. I laughed and reached my arms out. She picked me up and kissed me while walking back in the shower. She turned the water back on and slammed my back against the wall at the same time. I gasped at the sudden action and she used the opportunity to slip her tongue in my mouth. I started slowly grinding against her thigh, which didn't went unnoticed. „What do you think you're doing missy" She broke the kiss and looked at me „I'm sorry mommy but I can't waitt" I whined out „Only good girls receive rewards and right now.." She clicks her tongue You're not very much of a good girl" „Noo mommy I swear I'm good" I pouted „But are you really?" I nodded and she hummed to herself. She began placing sloppy kisses on my breasts and caressing my thighs „Please stop teasingg" I groaned out. She chuckled but continued and sucked on my nipple. She started circling my clit and I moaned. As she finally plunged two fingers inside of me I let out a loud moan. "More" "Naww do you want mommy too add another finger?" I nodded and looked up at her "Words darling" "Yes please mommy" She hummed and added a third finger. As she was slamming her fingers in an out of me in a rapid pace, I felt myself clenching around her fingers. "Are you close darling?" "Mhm" She picked up her pace even more and I became a moaning mess "Fuck I'm gonna cu-" Before I could finish my sentence, I came all over her fingers causing her to suck them clean. She kissed me and then put me down again so she could wash me. "You did so good darling, are you tired?" I nodded and she hurried up a bit to get me faster into bed.

Once she was finished, she dressed me into some of her clothes, (even tho I had my own here now hehe) and tucked me into bed. She got in as well and pulled me close to her "Good night darling" "Good night Rissa, I love you" "I love you too" She kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes

I feel uncomfortable wtf

Word count: 1592

Her love || larissa x fem readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora