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"...She rolled her eyes and giggled before kissing the tip of my nose..."

Y/n pov:
It was two days after the parents day and everything was back to normal. I was sitting in Larissa's office talking about things and just enjoying her presence. „I'm gonna be right back love, I just need to do something" I nodded and watched her walking out as she shut the door behind her. I sighed and leaned back in my chair waiting for her to return, when suddenly someone barged through the door „Y/n you little slut come here" I could recognize this voice anywhere. „Mother" I said, not turning around. „I said come here, we're going home" „What?? No I'm not going home with you" I raised my voice. She grabbed me by my hair and forced me to stand up „Oh yes you will slut and don't you dare to ever raise your voice at me" „STOP IT YOURE HURTING ME" I tried to free myself out of her grip „I SAID DONT YELL AT ME" She let go of me and hit me in the face „OW" I reached out to hit back but she grabbed my arm „DID YOU JUST TRY TO HIT ME?!" She screamed in my face. Then she kicked my leg, causing me to fall to the ground „Oh just wait until we are home, then you'll really have a reason to cry for" Suddenly the door opened „Darling I'm ba-" Larissa stopped in her tracks and looked down at me „Don't be so extra, she deserved it" My mother snapped at her. Larissa rushed over to me and picked me up „Leave now or I will call the police" She told my mother and held me close to her chest after this „What are you doing to my daughter?!" She asked as she glared at us disgusted „SHE'S GIVING ME LOVE BUT YOU DONT KNOW THAT BECAUSE YOU NEVER GAVE ME LOVE. ALL YOU EVER DID WAS BEAT ME UP AND BE A TERRIBLE PARENT. I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR WHAT YOU DID SO PLEASE JUST LEAVE I CANT STAND SEE YOU ANY LONGER" I was tearing up at this point but she didn't listen. Instead she slowly walked closer to me and Larissa „Are you fucking your principal?" She asked in the most threatening voice I've ever heard „Yes mother I'm fucking her, but I would prefer if you would adress her as my girlfriend. Because that's what she is" My mother stood there in shock and disgust as she let out a loud and angry scoff. She glared me dead in the eyes and then turned around while slamming the door behind her shut. As soon as she did that, I couldn't hold it back any longer. I let out my pathetic loud sobs and clung onto Larissa's arms for dear life. She sat us both down on the couch and I sat on her lap, crying my little heart out. She rocked us back and forth and stroked through my hair. After ten minutes I eventually calmed down but was more exhausted then ever. „Close your eyes darling, I'm here. Nothing can happen to you" I listened to her angelic voice and feel asleep on her lap.

Weems pov:
I sat there for hours. In front of my fireplace, with Y/n on top of me. My thoughts were to much right now. ‚What does a child deserve to get such a mother?' This sentence played over and over in my head. I figured that Y/n was too exhausted to wake up again for this day, so I carefully stood up and carried her to my bedroom. I slowly took off her clothes and dressed her in a baggy shirt and shorts of mine. After I got myself ready for bed, I laid down beside her in my bed and pulled her in my arms. It took me some time but I finally got my head off of everything and managed to fall asleep as well.


I opened my eyes confused, but quickly understood what was happening. The only thing that I heard was the panting of the girl beside me, that got louder bit by bit. I started shaking her lightly and she shot her eyes open, along with a loud scream. „Pssht baby it's okay, it was just a nightmare" I tried calming her down. Y/n sat herself up and began crying. I pulled her in a strong hug and she let her head rest in my chest „She's there" She whispered „No she is not here, you're safe now"  "What if she comes back?" "She will not come back darling I promise, I'll make sure of that" I could feel her little nods against my shoulder so I laid her back down. "I'm here
Y/n" She moved further in my arms "Thank you Larissa" It didn't took her eyes long to close, so I closed mine as well and fell asleep again, while not letting go of my girl.

Word count: 849

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