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"..."Good night Rissa, I love you" "I love you too" she kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes..."

Y/n pov:
I was up early to get my stuff for class from my old dorm. When I opened the door, the three girls were still all there to get ready for class.

„Y/n have you already met our new roomie?" Enid said full of joy „Yeah I have, but it's your new roommate" I corrected her „What do you mean?" „Weems finally asked me to move in her dorm" As soon as I said that, Willow snapped her head in my direction, but I was too focused on the bubbly girl screaming in my ear out of happiness „I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOUU" „Haha thank you Eniddd" We got cut off by someone slamming the door shut. „She's weird" Wednesday pointed out, talking about their new roommate. „What is her problem?" I scoffed and freed myself out of Enid's grip. „Well I'm stopping by later again, to get the rest of my stuff" I quickly picked up all the books I'll be needing for today „Don't miss me too muchh" I called while I closed the door, quickly rushing to class.

Time skip lol

It was now lunch time and I decided to bring Larissa food to her office, since she was too busy to come outside. I put everything she liked on a plate and walked to her office.
„Yoo Rissa I brought you food" I entered the office, but she wasn't there. „Larissa?" I called again in case she was in her bedroom, but still no answer. I pulled out my phone and called her


„Larissa where are you, I brought you food?"

„Oh, I'm showing Willow to the library, it shouldn't take long. Do you mind waiting for me?"

„Of course not baby, I'll wait. But please hurry I'm starvingggg"

„Hahahha yes yess see you soon darling"

She hung up and I sighed out. Since what happened today morning I'm starting to believe that this Willow girl is really weird. I walked over to the couch in front of Weems fireplace and sat down.


It felt like hours since the call and I was still waiting for Larissa to return. The food got cold and I lost my appetite. I felt uncomfortable knowing that Willow for sure want's something and I'm afraid it's Larissa she want's.

Weems pov:
I was still in the library, I told Willow several times now that I really had to go, but every time she came up with new questions. I didn't want to ignore her because she's new and she probably just don't want to get lost here or something. Although, I promised Y/n I'd be quick. „Miss Park, you are welcome in my office every time you have a question, but I really need to go now" I didn't gave her the time to answer I just speed walked out the library. I took my phone out to look on the time „Fuck, 4 fucking hours?" I whispered to myself. I rushed to my office, Y/n must be so mad.

„Y/n? Darling are you still in here?" My eyes scanned the room and stopped when they saw my Y/n sleeping on the couch. I sighed and felt nothing but bad for her. After I grabbed a blanket I sat myself beside her as quietly as I could and pulled her in my side while I threw the blanket over both our body's.

„Rissa?" She slowly opened her eyes due to the sudden action „Yes darling I'm here" I stroked through her hair while I looked into her eyes filled with worry "Where were you?"
"In the library my darling, sorry that it took so long" "You said you'd be quick" "I know but I just lost track of time I'm sorry" A tear welled in her eye „I don't feel comfortable if you're around her Larissa" „She's my student darling" „So am I" I sighed out „Can we please go to bed?" She asked "Yes of course darling" I smiled at her and picked her up, carrying her to my bedroom. When I sat her on the bed I noticed how her eyes closed again, so I quickly but carefully undressed her and put some of my clothes on. "Thank you Rissa" "No problem darling" I laid her down and pulled the blanket over us both before planting a kiss on her forehead and whispering sweet nothings into her ear until she fell asleep.


Word count: 765

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