Ice cream

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"...I looked around, searching for Larissa but she was nowhere to be found. I decided to stand up and ran away too but I only came to the stand up part till the fire caught me..."

Y/n pov:
I fell to the ground and caught a glance of all the people screaming and running around. I saw Larissa running in my direction, but my head hurts too much to stay awake.


I woke up 2 hours later in the infirmary with Larissa crying beside my bed "This school really has it against me huh?" I laughed quietly and Larissa shot her head up "Oh my god darling you're okay" She hugged me tightly and I hissed in pain "I'm sorry I'm sorry" She quickly apologized and I looked down to where the pain came from. I had a bad burn across my waist and it was all red and swollen "Am I going to be okay?" I asked quietly "Yes my love you're going to be okay" She assured me "Why did this happen?" I asked, I knew who it was but I also know why, so I'm covering her "More like because of who" She gritted through her teeth "Wednesday Addams." She added. I was about to say something but her phone rang, cutting me off. Weems groaned and looked at her phone "Walker" I rolled my eyes and turned away from her "What's wrong?" She asked while caressing my back "Nothing just pick up" I said without any emotion "Darling what's wrong, tell me" "It is nothing okay just fucking answer your fucking phone" I raised my voice a little at her "No now I certainly won't answer his call" She declined and turned me over "Are you jealous?" She grinned "No but he should be" "And why is that?" "Cuz you're already taken" "Uh huh and with whom should that be?" "Me, okay you're mine not his" I hissed out. She smirked at me and then her phone started ringing again "Oh my god just leave me alonee" She groaned out. She answered the call and started shouting "Yes I'm sorry I will find out who that was and expel them please just leave me alone for at least five minutes" With that she hung up and threw her phone on my bed "He's clearly in love with you" I said while crossing my arms "Oh shut up Y/n" She laughed out "No I won't cause I dont support this" "Go back to sleep love" I groaned but did anyway.

Weems pov:
It's cute how she's jealous but I got no time to think about that right now, I gotta deal with the Addams girl now.


„THE MAYOR IS FURIOUS" I yelled at Wednesday „I've lost count to the number of angry phone calls emails and people in the town alumni and parents THEY WANT ANSWERS AND SO DO I" „I would lead that inquisition but I left my thumb screws in rack at home" She said in a calm yet threatening voice Miss Addams you're already on thin ice, wafer thin ice" „I swear on my late scorpions soul, my hands are clean" She said. I must admit that it is weird because I know she never breaks promises Well I hope, I really hope for you miss Addams because if miss L/n lays in the infirmary because of you, that's going to be big consequences" I said while I copied her dead look What" She asked with her face surprisingly full of concern Yes, that poor girl suffers from a third degree burn" „Can I go to her" She asked. I sighed because I wanted Wednesday to stay away from my Y/n but they share a dorm so it's impossible anyways Go" I sighed out.

Y/n pov:
I woke up with the worst pain ever, my waist was burning like shit and my whole body just hurts. I tried to sleep a little more but just then Wednesday barged through the door How are you" „Obviously not good Wends you fucking burned me" I snapped at her It wasn't me" She said Oh I'm sorry I forgot, Thing fucking burned me down" I said sarcastically. "I'm sorry but you cannot tell Weems" She said
"I won't, but she's not stupid" Wednesday sighed "I gotta go to Enid" With that she left, leaving me alone again.

Thornhill pov:
You okay sweetie?" I asked while I passed trough the door, after a surprisingly concerned Wednesday stomped through it. „Yes I'm fine but my body hurts like shit" Y/n said Do you need something?" "Painkillers would be nice" She groaned "Oh sweetie lemme see what I can do for ya" I left her bed and searched for the nurse so they could give me some painkillers


„Here you go sweetie, and heres also a glass of water" I said as I handed it both to her Thank you" She swallowed the pill and put the glass on her tableHow's Larissa" She asked From what I've heard and seen she's furious and quite intimidating" Y/n chuckled and laid back down I'm so bored in here" She groaned out „I can teach you something bout plants if u want to" I shrugged Shut up Thornhill I dont wanna hear it" I started laughing and so did she, well kinda Ahh fuck don't make me laugh it fucking hurts" She said still laughing. I felt sorry for her but I couldn't stop either „I'm sorry I'm sorry" I laughed out „Can you walk?" I asked her „I don't know I haven't tried why?" „Okay wait here" I walked around and looked for a wheelchair.

„Are you serious?" She laughed out Walk if you don't like it" She slowly stood up and tried to make a step forward but fell Ahh fuck" She cussed when I caught her just in time. She glared me annoyed in the eyes Fine" She breathed out. I helped her in the wheelchair and rolled her out Soo where we going?" She asked You'll see" It took a few minutes until we stopped in front of the kitchen Huh?" She looked at me confused. „I sneak in here every day and steal the ice cream" I whispered while laughing Are you being for real?" „Mhmm" She bursted out laughing.


We sat outside on a bench and ate our ice cream Can we go back inside it's getting cold?" She asked Yeah sure except for, you can't go" I laughed out Omg you're so funny Thornhill" She said sarcastically. We went back inside and I left her at her dorm

Y/n pov:
Thornhill brung me to my dorm and left directly after Did you tell anyone" Was the first thing that came from Wednesday
No Wends I didn't tell anyone don't worry" „Good because if you did you'll be dead" She threatened I know"

„What didn't tell?"

I dont know when I can update next but I try to do it in three days or so 🫶🏻

Have a good day my loves

Word count: 1186

Her love || larissa x fem readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن