Stay away

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"...I laid her down and pulled the blanket over us both before planting a kiss on her forehead and whispering sweet nothings into her ear until she falls asleep..."

Y/n pov:
I was outside with Enid to get some breakfast.
„Soo did you ask Weems alreadyy?" She nudged my arm and I stared at her confused "What do you mean?" I asked her "Don't tell me you forgot the Raven" "OMG THE RAVEN! I totally forgot" She laughed and I just grew nervous. How should I ask her? I don't even know if we can go together, since I'm still a student. "Enid I gotta go" I ran off to Weems office and barged in "Woah what got you in such a hurry my love?" "The Raven is in THREE DAYS" She looked up from her work and smirked "Mhh yes" "Do you wanna go with me?" "To what?" She teased "The Raven" "The Raven what?" I sighed and walked around her desk, before placing myself onto her lap „Larissa" „Mhh yes darling" „Will you, go to the Raven with me?" She looked up and pretended to be deep in thoughts „Hmm I don't know" „Omg just say yes" I rolled my eyes playfully and she laughed „Yes I will go with you darling" I smirked and leaned in to kiss her. As the kiss got more heated I pulled away "Oh my god I gotta go" I jumped off her lap and ran out.

I remembered I still had to buy something to wear for the Raven. I ran to Marilyn's dorm and knocked like a psychopath. She opened the door and looked at me confused "Y/n?" "No shit Sherlock" I gasped sarcastically and she smirked "Can my absolute favorite teacher give me a ride to Jericho?" „I'd love to really, but unfortunately I don't have time, sorry sweetie" I groaned „It's fine I'll just ask someone else" I left her standing in the doorframe and ran to my old dorm. „WEDNESDAY" I shouted while I barged through the door „Ever since you moved dorms I see you more often" „Isn't that just awesome" I squealed „What do you want" She groaned „Your mom" I replied with a straight face „How funny you are these days" „No I'm serious Wends, except Weems and Thornhill, she's the only one I know who has a car" I explained „And what do you want me to do" „Could you please ask her if she could give me a ride to Jericho? No buses drive till the Raven and it would be too long to walk" „No" She said „Wednesday please I'll do anything" „I'll ask her if you help me to stay away from the Raven" „I'm not even gonna question it but okay thank you so much Wends" „Yeah yeah whatever"


We all sat at lunch, me with Enid and unfortunately Willow. "...Yeah and that's basically what the Raven is" Enid just finished explaining to Willow when Wednesday approached our table „Tomorrow 13pm" Thank you so much Wends" She nodded and sat next to me „What's then?" Enid asked confused „Oh her mom's giving me a ride to Jericho, so that I can buy clothes for the Raven" „Who are you going with?" Willow asked in that sweet fake friend tone „Hmm with my girlfriend" I knew Enid would take over the rest and she did „Her girlfriend is principal Weems" She whispered in her ear and Willow looked at me like I killed someone. I just smiled at her because I knew that she knows that I know. „I'm so sorry guys but I have to go" She excused herself „Oh no so sad, hope you'll stay there" I waved and grinned at her until she left completely. „She's in love with Weems" Wednesday said „I know, and she's gonna regret it" „Do you really think she is?" Me and Wednesday both looked at Enid „Yes." We said „Oup okayy"

I looked around confused and sniffed a few times „I can still smell this bitch" I slammed my fist on the table, causing a few heads to turn but that wouldn't stop me from being mad. I stood up and walked to where I think Willow was.

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