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Soulmates That Aren't Meant To Be

It's been a month of studying at the University and not much has changed between Kageyama and Hinata, but that wasn't the case between Hinata and Kenji — even Kageyama noticed.

For the past two weeks, Hinata has been complaining more and more about his relationship to Kageyama. Before he'd usually talk about all the things that Kenji did which made him happy but now it was more about all the things that Kenji did which made him unhappy.

Kageyama didn't do anything except for just listening to Hinata's rants. Not that he could really do anything about it. He didn't want to appear nosy either so he only spoke if Hinata asked for his opinion on any matter; other than that, he never tried interrogating or comforting the redhead — Hinata didn't mind that, as long as he had someone to vent to, someone who'd listen to all his worries and problems, he didn't want anything more.

However, that doesn't mean Kageyama didn't observe all the changes though; like when Hinata walks up to Kenji and entreats him to hangout with him but the latter just straight up denies it with an excuse of "I have to study."

"Can you believe it?!" Hinata grumbled, "He cancelled our date plan!" He buried his face in Kageyama's pillow while kicking the mattress continuously as he lay on his stomach. "Stop that. I just made the bed," Kageyama responded before he placed a glass of orange juice on the bedside table. Hinata stopped and raised his head, he then said with a pout, "Am I not important to him anymore that he doesn't even have time for me? Does he not like me anymore?"

Kageyama sighed in frustration as he sat down beside Hinata on his bed. "He must have had an emergency come up," Kageyama reasoned, "Don't be so inconsiderate."
"He went over to his best friend's! What kind of an emergency is that?!" Hinata continued complaining.

"I don't know. If I called you because of an emergency in the middle of your date, would you not come over?" Kageyama argued. "Oh... well... about that," Hinata mumbled, "Erm... Maybe you're right."
"Jeez. Aren't you a so very understanding boyfriend?" Kageyama recalled what Hinata once said to him back in high school, "You should know better not to be unthoughtful."

"Yeah... I'm sorry."
"Why're you saying that to me? Go apologize to your boyfriend."
"I must have annoyed you... That's why."
"Forget it. Here."

Kageyama handed the redhead the glass of orange juice he had brought earlier. The situation was that Hinata and Kenji were finally going on a date after what felt like a million years to Hinata. They had decided to go to the movies but sadly enough, while Hinata was on his way, he received a very disheartening text from his lover who had decided to cancel the date in order to go to his friend's house — best friend's at that.

Hinata, absolutely devastated, couldn't think of anything better to do other than going to Kageyama's apartment, which was nearby, for the sake of letting out all his sorrows. Kageyama sure was taken aback by the arrival of the redhead but he couldn't turn him down after he saw how Hinata was on the verge of bawling his eyes out — plus, he was a guest.

The two now sat in silence while Hinata gulped down the soft drink. Kageyama thought for a moment whether what he said really was the correct thing to say or not. He had told Hinata to apologize to Kenji but did he really deserve his apologies? It wasn't Hinata's fault for longing to go on a date with his lover, plus Kenji very clearly brought his hopes high up just to crash them down. And to Kageyama, it seemed as though Kenji brought up another excuse to avoid Hinata — but he couldn't accuse someone without the knowledge of the truth.

Just what the fuck is he thinking? Kageyama wondered. He then clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, holding back his anger which is a very tough task for him indeed. He furrowed his eyebrows as he contemplated harder. If there was anything he could do for Hinata right now, he was ready for it. He genuinely felt horrible for Hinata now. And that's when a marvelous idea struck his mind.

He calmed his mind down and gathered up the courage. "Hey, Hinata," he calmly spoke up, breaking the silence, "Would you maybe... you know... like to go somewhere this weekend?"
Hinata was surprised at the suggestion made by the latter. He gripped onto the now empty glass tightly. "Sure, I'd love that. Now that I think of it," he then replied, "It's been long since we've gone out somewhere together."

"Mhm. There's an arcade around the corner, maybe let's go there?"
"Yeah! We haven't competed in a game for so long, you know?"
"I do know. And I also know that I won't lose to you as always."
"We'll see about that. I've improved for sure, Kageyama!"

The two sat there discussing about the outing — date, day, time, location, what as well as where to have food and everything else that had to be deliberated about. Kageyama also warned Hinata to be on time and that he'd cancel the plan if he was even a minute late. Kageyama noticed how it seemed as though all of Hinata's sorrows and worries had vanished and disappeared; he seemed happy... and excited.

This dumbass sure is easy to get distracted. He remarked internally.

───── ─────

"I was so close to winning!" Kenji exclaimed as he was defeated by his best friend, Hayashi Souta, in a racing game. "Hah! Sucks to be a loser," Souta teased him scornfully. They bickered for a minute or so before Souta brought up a sensitive topic, or so at least to Kenji it was sensitive.

"Hey... I don't see you and Hinata together as much nowadays, you know?" Spoke Souta with genuine concern in his voice, "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah... it's all good," Kenji mumbled, lying through his teeth.
"Is that so?" Souta suspected, "You can't lie to me."

Kenji furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his fists. "Come on, you can tell me about your troubles," Souta reassured him as his best friend. "I know. It's just that... that," Kenji paused. He bit his lower lip, unable to say what he was planning to say for he knew Souta, or anybody in general, would call him possessive for saying such a thing. But he was just that way, it couldn't be helped.

"Go on, say it already," Souta persuasively asked him to say what's on his mind. "You know about his best friend? Kageyama Tobio?" Kenji asked in a low voice. "Ah. Yes! His volleyball skills are impressive," answered Souta. "What about him?" He questioned when Kenji grew quiet again.
"You see," Kenji explained, "Shoyo would always and I mean always prioritize Kageyama over me."

"Huh?" Souta's face appeared to be engulfed with perplexity. "What I'm saying is that," Kenji clarified, "To Shoyo, Kageyama always comes first! He would choose him over me as well!"
Souta sighed, a bit disappointed at what the latter said but he wouldn't criticize his best friend. "I understand. But didn't you say you would choose me, your childhood best friend, over everyone else?" He asked.

"No. Shoyo is my boyfriend, he means everything to me!" Kenji snapped, "Unlike Shoyo, I cannot put anyone above him!"

Souta sure was heartbroken by what he said. And so, he remained silent.

"So I've decided not to give him my precious time unless he realizes his mistake!" Kenji disclosed.

You're a horrible person, Kenji. Thought Souta as he felt heavy-hearted; maybe he wouldn't feel that way if it weren't for his overwhelming crush on him. All he could do was nod, understandably — though he strongly believed that avoiding one another wouldn't solve anything and that Kenji should just talk to Hinata about the matter troubling him. Souta for a matter of fact knew Hinata would've used communication like a wise person though he wasn't one.

Hinata doesn't deserve you. He thought.

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