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Soulmates Aren't Always Lovers

"Kageyama? Do you know what it means to have a lover?"

They stopped in their tracks while Kageyama stared at the redhead, dumbfounded. "I thought so," Hinata snickered, "You don't, do you?"
"What do you take me for?" Kageyama snapped, "I'm not that stupid, of course I know what it means."
"Ah. Glad to know," Hinata giggled, "It'd be a pain in the ass to explain it to you otherwise."

"So?" Kageyama shot him a puzzled look, "What about it?"
"How would you react if someone told you they liked you?" Hinata asked back instead of answering, "Right to your face!" Hinata made a finger gun and pointed it at Kageyama.
"What the hell is up with that question?" Kageyama seemed unamused. "Just answer, don't ask so much!" Hinata retorted.

Kageyama thought for a brief moment. He didn't have an immediate, direct answer because how was he supposed to know? It's not like he's ever been in such a situation before. It's always been secret love letters from anonymous people - or at least to Kageyama they were anonymous, how was he supposed to know who the fuck is Naomi-chan from Class 2?

"Well, I don't know?"
"Of course, you don't. No one would propose directly to your scary face."
"What was that?" Kageyama was provoked, "I thought someone who literally looks like a gremlin said something?"

"Just so you know, I have a boyfriend!" Hinata spilled his secret which he was planning to share with Kageyama in a rather cool way, but now their old habit of bickering had spoilt it.

"I didn't know you were hallucinating nowadays?" Kageyama seemed concerned, "Are you feeling alright?"
"Shut up! I'm speaking the truth!" Hinata stated. He stared into Kageyama's eyes, brows furrowed, and honesty filled in his gaze.

Kageyama sighed. "I thought you were into... girls?" He asked, wasn't he always simping over their volleyball team manager, Kiyoko? "Oh... Uhm... about that," Hinata tittered nervously. "Did you switch sides because you couldn't get with girls?" Kageyama teased. "That's not the case!" Hinata denied.

"Anyway, how long has it been?" Kageyama asked a serious question this time, "Dating, I mean."
"We started dating last month," Hinata answered as they resumed walking together towards their respective destinations.

"Who is he?" Kageyama further questioned, "Actually... don't tell me, I bet I won't know who he is even if you tell me."
"That's true," Hinata giggled, "Anyways, he's in class 1, his name is Nakamura Kenji."
"Yeah, I definitely don't know who that is." Kageyama remarked.

"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because we're best friends. You've got the right to know my secrets."
"Sounds cheesy but okay."
"Shut up."

Soon the part came where they had to separate their ways. "Alright, see ya tomorrow," Hinata spoke as he got on his bike. "Before you go," Kageyama responded, "Answer me once again."
"Go ahead."
"Did you go to meet him earlier today in recess?"
Hinata smiled; his cheeks were tinted pink. "Yeah, that's right. I try to make time for him as much as I can."

After that, they bid their goodbyes. On his way home, Kageyama couldn't help but wonder, He sure can make Hinata really excited. The whole concept of dating, two guys at that, was so foreign to him plus he absolutely didn't expect Hinata, a volleyball idiot like him, to have a chance with someone.

Sure he was astonished at the thought of how happy Hinata looked when he received one single notification from the other guy. To Kageyama, only volleyball and curry over rice could do that to him.

Kageyama was suddenly engrossed in researching the topic further more deeply. What should he do?

That's when a spontaneous idea popped up in his head. He hurried home and got right to work. What was the idea you ask? Well, that's a topic to be discussed later in the story.

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"Good morning, Kageyama!" Hinata greeted the latter at the school gate. "Morning," Kageyama mumbled in response. "Whoa, you look sleep-deprived," Hinata remarked, "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I didn't sleep well last night," Kageyama clarified. Hinata found this as the perfect, golden opportunity to tease the taller. "Why is that, Kageyama-Kun?" He spoke mockingly. "Are you depressed because you're single?"

"Huh?!" Kageyama seemed provoked. Mission Accomplished. Thought Hinata. "Oh, or is it because someone stole your crush?" He teased further. "Who the fuck is this crush that you're talking about?" Kageyama threw him an irritated look. "Me, of course," stated Hinata loftily as though he was superior and on top of the world.

"My standards aren't that low," Kageyama smirked scornfully. "Why you!" Hinata seemed offended - his mission backfired. "Your boyfriend must have been desperate," Kageyama commented, "Why else would someone in the right mind date you?"
"Kageyama! Shut up!" Hinata whined.

After that bickering session, they continued with their day. Attending classes after class - though for Kageyama, it was mostly sleeping throughout classes.

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Recess time arrived, and so did Hinata in Kageyama's class. "Kageyama!" He called out before making his way toward the latter's desk. "Ah. You're dead asleep," Hinata commented. He didn't wanna get killed by Kageyama for waking him up the wrong way - that is, by doing any funny business. And so, he poked Kageyama's head a few times — gently, before shaking him — gently. "Wake up sleeping beauty."

Kageyama gradually opened his eyes — witnessing the sight of Hinata pouting in front of his face the first thing after waking up. He exhaled heavily before slowly raising his head and then rubbing his eyes along with a yawn. "Jeez. I was seconds away from screaming your name or tickling you... or something like that," Hinata grumbled.

Kageyama instantly turned his head at Hinata with a furious expression plastered across his face, shooting him daggers. "Chill, I'm just kidding, idiot. I know far better than anyone to not do that," Hinata emphasized. "What're you here for?" Kageyama got straight to the point. "I thought we were having lunch together?" Hinata replied, "As best friends, you know?"

The redhead spotted the empty seat in front of Kageyama's desk and occupied it. "Can't you have it with your boyfriend or something," Kageyama queried. "He's busy," Hinata stated. "Can't he make time for you?" Kageyama questioned as he took one of the rice balls from Hinata's lunchbox; Hinata didn't mind, that one was for him anyway. "Come on. I'm a very understanding boyfriend, alright?" Hinata spoke, "If he said he's busy, then I understand. Period."

"I see, Mister self-proclaimed ideal boyfriend," Kageyama spoke as he munched on the rice ball. "Ugh. Anyway! I was here to say something!" Hinata declared, changing the topic. "And that'd be?" Kageyama rejoined.

"From now onwards, I'll be sharing with you everything that's going on in my love life!" Hinata proclaimed.

ACTIONS OVER WORDS | KAGEHINATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon