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I Want To Go Further Along The Way
With You

"So that's what happened..." Hinata mumbled once Kageyama was done helping him recall briefly the important details of that night. "I've already confessed, huh?" Hinata hugged his knees and slouched on the couch, upset because that's not how he wanted it to go.
"What's so bad about that?" Asked Kageyama, "I'm glad you confessed. That way I can keep myself from thinking stupid things."
"No... that's not it," Hinata grumbled, "I wanted it to be more... special and grand... with a proper setting and all."

Kageyama quirked an eyebrow, uncertain of what Hinata was trying to imply, so he questioned, "A proper setting? How so?"
"You see... like at a restaurant or the beach or an amusement park..." Hinata clarified, "With flowers and rings and shit."
"Oh." Kageyama nodded, his face suddenly engulfed by apprehensiveness. "Uhm... well, you see... one thing that I've noticed is that you're very... demanding in a relationship and... I'm not sure whether or not I'll be able to fulfill every last wish of yours but... I'm gonna try my best."

Hinata gawked at him. What? He thought. He's worried about that?

"Say something, damn it!" Kageyama commanded when Hinata went awkwardly silent.
Hinata seems to have found some part of it very hilarious since he began chortling.
"...What?" Kageyama questioned.
"It's cute how you're worried about that," Hinata remarked, still chuckling.
"Of course, I would be! I don't want to..." Kageyama explained, "Break up with you over that."


Hinata could swear he felt his heart skip a beat.

"Don't sweat it, Tobio," Hinata reassured with a gentle smile, "Just your presence is enough for me."
"If you say so," Kageyama mumbled, "But I do have... something for you."
"Hm? Me? What is it?" Hinata fixed his posture, sitting upright in excitement.

Kageyama rose to his feet and began advancing towards the bedroom. Unable to suppress his curiosity along with excitement, Hinata thought it would be a good idea to follow him, and so he did.

Kageyama pulled out what seemed like a gift-wrapped box from the drawer of his bedside table. He timidly approached Hinata before offering him the box. "You didn't allow me a chance that day for this," Kageyama spoke while Hinata accepted the box, "I wanted to say... happy birthday... Shoyo."

Hinata blinked. He glanced at the taller, then the box, and then at the taller again before his eyes lit up and a huge grin formed on his face. "Whoa! Is this my birthday gift? For real? Tobio, did I hear that right?"
"What else does it look like to you?" Kageyama rolled his eyes before looking away in embarrassment.
"Aww... Thanks, Tobio," Hinata giggled, "You didn't have to though." And with that, he began unboxing.

He gasped at the sight. Before him, in the box, were multiple items: a volleyball keychain, colorful hair clips, a lip gloss set, a tiny Shiba dog plushie, and lastly, at the bottom, was a hoodie — an adorable, sage green hoodie.
"Tobio... this is..." Hinata trailed off, too surprised to speak.
"I didn't know what precisely to get you..." Kageyama explained, "So I bought everything that came to my mind."

Hinata blinked, his lips curving downward to form a pout, and of course, his eyes glistening with tears.
"This is the best birthday ever!" He attacked him with a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you so much," Hinata tightened his arms further around Kageyama's torso.

"Calm down, dumbass!" Kageyama struggled to utter his words, "My ribs are about to crack!"

Hinata chuckled as he parted from the hug. "You're such a cutie," Hinata remarked with a smile at the sight of Kageyama blushing uncontrollably. "Shut up," Kageyama retorted. After that, Hinata approached Kageyama's bedside table, put down the box on the surface and picked up the photo frame placed there instead.

"Oi, be careful with those," Kageyama growled with a death glare. "Obviously, I'm not five," Hinata scoffed. The redhead ran his fingertips along the sides of the frame, admiring the picture of him and Kageyama during their third year in Karasuno High School.

"We've come a long way," Hinata commented, his gaze still fixated on their younger selves, one grinning and holding up a peace sign while the other with his typical grumpy face. "You think?" Kageyama replied, unobtrusively standing next to the shorter and peering into what was on the latter's hands. "I do..." Hinata mumbled, "And I wanna go further along the way with you, Tobio."

That last sentence seemed to have done something to Kageyama. If he were to tell his younger self that hey, someone's actually willing to put in the effort to stick with you for a long time... a really long time, he would laugh at his face the hardest he's ever had. Nice joke, he would say. But look, this was reality, he was finally being loved, appreciated, cared for, and treated gently. Never even in his dreams was this a possibility. Instead, he gets nightmares of being abandoned and excluded.

Ironic, isn't it?

"...Yeah, me too," Kageyama responded. "I'm glad our feelings are mutual," Hinata smiled at the latter in his most bewitching way, which never failed to give Kageyama butterflies in his stomach. Hinata carefully settled the frame back into its place before turning to face the taller. "I love you, Tobio." Hinata gently wrapped his arms around Kageyama's neck, and stared deep into his enchanting blue eyes.

Kageyama slightly smiled — A smile of elation... a smile of relief... a smile of intense love and affection... all of it.

"I love you more,"
"I'm not gonna lose to you!"
"As if I would."

───── ─────

"Say, Tobio..." Hinata spoke up as they lay on bed next to each other, playing a multiplayer game on their phones. "Hmm?"
"What would be your answer now if someone asked you..."
"Asked me what?"
"Hold on I'm low on HP."
"Tsk... complete your sentence, damn it!"
"Alright! Jeez. What if someone asked you what are we?"
"Damn straight we are now, aren't we?"
"I mean... what else would be my answer? Cousins?"

Hinata bursted out laughing, resulting in him losing the game since the phone slipped out of his hand. "Since when are you so funny?" The redhead rolled over, his elbows propping him up as he lay on his stomach.
"We aren't playing anymore?" Kageyama questioned. "Nope," Hinata replied, swaying his feet in the air and staring mindlessly at the taller's well sculpted face. "Your gaze is that of a pervy old man," Kageyama deadpanned while keeping his device away. "Hey! That's my line!" Hinata chuckled, recalling the amount of times he'd called Kageyama that.

"Tobio... you see..." Hinata mumbled and Kageyama hummed in response. "There seems to be a problem." Hinata began tracing Kageyama jawline slowly, gently, feeling every inch of his skin.
On the other hand, Kageyama's face was immersed in seriousness. "What problem?" He asked sternly.

"Hmm... I wonder how it must have felt that night."
"...I did help you recall, didn't I?"
"That may be true but..." Hinata trailed off, leaning closer to Kageyama's face and planting a tender, sweet peck on the corner of his lips. "I would rather if you... showed me once more... how it felt." He smirked. Kageyama quirked an eyebrow. What the hell is this dumbass on about this time?
"Show you?"
"Mm-Hm. Do you mind?"

Kageyama's perplexed state of mind veered into realization.

Oh. He thought.

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