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Some Mistakes Take Us To The Right Place

"So?" Souta spoke up, turning his head towards the redhead, "How're things between you and Kenji now?" Hearing the question, Hinata sighed and reclined on the couch. "It's fine," he replied, "I guess."
Souta nodded in response and veered his gaze towards where the latter was looking. Of course, his eyes were glued on his boyfriend, Kenji who had participated in a 'who can drink the most?' challenge.

The two, meanwhile, sat in silence and watched the others who laughed and hooted during the competition amidst the loud music, creating a noisy ambience in the room. The lights have been dimmed; rather, red and blue lights had been put up instead.

Hinata wasn't enjoying to be brutally honest. He had put in efforts to look good for Kenji today - he had worn his favorite colored clothes and hair accessories, used makeup the way his lover preferred, yet still. Yet still, Kenji remained oblivious and didn't notice that Hinata was itching to get complimented by him.

Not just that, but Hinata had brought a small bouquet of flowers as a token of apology since he had come to the conclusion that he's been worrying Kenji with his dull behavior lately. Yet again, his lover didn't appreciate it enough; all he said was a "Thank you." Nonchalantly at that.

"It'll be raining today, it seems," Souta says, checking his phone which displayed the weather app on screen. "I see," Hinata mumbled, apathetically - it was June already so heavy rain was something expected. As Hinata sat there quietly, he gradually entered his reverie of him and Kenji dancing in the rain. That must be really fun... also romantic.

But deep down he knew Kenji would never take part in such activity. Knowing Kenji, something at the back of the redhead's head said his lover would turn it down by saying some bullshit like, "I don't want to catch a cold."

But what about Tobio? Hinata wondered. Would he do such a thing for his lover?

Right after Kageyama entered his thoughts, his reverie veered into him wondering what type of a boyfriend would Tobio make? And the more he pondered, the deeper his thoughts got.

Would he do anything to see his lover happy?

Is he someone who is willing to put in maximum amount of efforts in a romantic relationship?

Would he always appreciate and notice his lover's efforts?

Would he choose me as his lover?

And just then, his reverie was broken by the loud rumbling of thunder. He looked at the window and noticed the cloudy, gloomy sky. It's about to rain. He remarked mentally. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath; exhaling heavily.

He then shot opened his eyes and sat up straight. What the fuck was I thinking?! He thought when he realized what his thoughts on Kageyama were about - especially the last one. He covered his mouth using the back of his palm as he felt his face heating up.

"What's the matter, Hinata?" Souta asked, "Feeling sick?"
"Uhm... It's nothing... nothing at all," he stuttered, "I... gotta go to the washroom." And he quickly took off.

───── ─────

He shut the door behind him and cupped his heated face. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! He cursed inwardly. He proceeded towards the sink and gawked at his reflection on the mirror above it. He was totally blushing. Shit. This is bad. He thought.

How could he think that way? Kageyama wouldn't even accept him as a best friend now, let alone lover. Plus, he couldn't possibly fall for Kageyama, he was already dating Kenji. He had already chosen Kenji over him. He had also made up his mind. What the fuck was he thinking now then?

But then again, the thoughts of having Kageyama as his boyfriend, how much of a perfect boyfriend he would make, how suddenly he suited his ideal type, kept interfering. And out of the blue, an image of a Kageyama staring at him lovingly flashed in his mind.

Was he only noticing this now or was Kageyama always so very hot? The more he imagined, the more he realized. He sure had a well sculpted face. His jawline, his blue eyes, his dark silky hair, his voice, and his plump kissable lips...

FUCK! Hinata cussed in his mind, loudly, interrupting the... well, perverted thoughts. He took a deep breath. He shook his head vigorously before staring at his reflection on the mirror once again. "I don't like him," he stated under his breath, "I didn't fall for him." And so, he gaslighted himself.

He walked out of the washroom and then made a decision while advancing towards the living room. He should head back home before it starts pouring; he didn't wanna be stuck here with all these people.
Once he reached, he approached Kenji.

───── ─────

"Hey... Kenji," he called out softly. The guy was so engrossed in the conversation with his friends that he didn't hear Hinata the first time. "Kenji!" Hinata called out again, a little louder than before. "Oh... Shoyo," the latter responded in a drunk voice, "Where have you been?"

Hinata's face was instantly engulfed with perplexity. "I was here all this time," he answered. "Liar!" Kenji exclaimed, "You weren't! You went somewhere!" Oh god was he hella drunk right now.
"Yeah, I did. I had to use the washroom," Hinata explained a bit taken aback by the raise in Kenji's voice.
"I didn't see you around at all even before!" Kenji grumbled. "Is it my fault that you've been ignoring the living shit out of me all this time?" Hinata argued.

"No. I bet you went to Kageyama!"
"What the fuck? Tobio isn't here, Kenji!"
"You do wanna go back to Kageyama though, don't you?!"

Hinata fell silent. He blankly stared at the blonde, his mouth ever-so-slightly gapped as though wanting to speak but being unable to do so as he couldn't find proper words to say. Seriously, what was this guy on about? He wasn't making any sense right now. Well, it can't be helped, that's drunk Kenji for you.

"And what are these?" Kenji questioned as he grabbed, not so harshly, a portion of Hinata's hair that was tied, "You look so dumb!"
Hinata had it then. "Dumb?" He scoffed, "Right. I'm the fool here who tried looking good for you."

Hinata's eyes began tearing up; it didn't matter to him whether Kenji meant it or not as he was drunk and wasn't aware of what he was saying; whatever the fuck it may be, he, just now, did hurt Hinata nevertheless. However, he managed to hold them back and refrained his voice from cracking.

"Kenji, stop it," spoke Souta, interfering while the others just watched quietly. "Stay out of it, Souta," Kenji responded. "Alright. I'm leaving now anyway," Hinata informed before grabbing his bag from the couch. "Hinata, it's gonna start raining anytime soon," Souta said, concerned, "You sure it's okay to leave now?"
"Don't worry, my house isn't that far," Hinata reassured and proceeded towards the entrance.

"Stay safe," said Souta as Hinata opened the door just to be greeted by a gust of wind. "I will. Thanks," Hinata replied monotonously and left.

I should text Kageyama. Thought Souta.

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