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You're My Once In A Lifetime Person

"Yeah I do," Hinata stated to which Kageyama nodded in response. The two then, without uttering a word, munched on their food for a little while before Kageyama spoke again, "I'm going to be honest, I do think that guy only cares about your looks."
"Yeah. He's always judging me based on that," Hinata complained while drawing circles with his spoon on the plate, "Plus he's very inconsiderate of others' feelings. He only ever cares about his happiness."

"I can tell," Kageyama mumbled as he chewed. "I'm always willing to give up my everything for his happiness," Hinata disclosed softly, "But... my efforts always go unnoticed by him."
"Is that why you were willing to give up our friendship?" Kageyama asked, "For his happiness?" Hinata slightly nodded in response, ashamed of admitting the truth. Kageyama sighed.

"Were you happy?" Kageyama questioned further. And Hinata slowly shook his head 'no' in response. "You don't have to force yourself to do the impossible, you know?" Kageyama uttered, "You can straight up decline instead."
"I did!" Hinata replied quickly startling Kageyama, "I did decline! But..." he paused.

"But what?"
"Souta told me I had to make a choice."
"And your choice was to abandon me?"

Hinata didn't realize but silent tears were already rolling down his cheeks. "I didn't... mean to," he said feebly, "I would never... do that to you... Tobio."
And he dropped the spoon on the plate before cupping his mouth using his palms to suppress the sobbing noises.

How many times had he cried that day?

"I know," Kageyama spoke calmly, "I know you wouldn't." He paused for a second as it hurt him equally as much to state the truth; that is, "But you did."

"I'm... so sorry," Hinata wept, his voice muffled. "I don't want to forgive you," Kageyama uttered painfully as he watched the latter with a sympathetic gaze. "Please give me..." he sniffed, "One last chance."

"What're you willing to prove if I give you a chance?" Kageyama inquired. "Anything... Anything that you want me to prove," Hinata wept.

Kageyama sighed and passed Hinata the tissues, indicating him to stop crying. The two then sat in silence while Hinata quietly wiped away his tears. "I want," Kageyama spoke up, grabbing Hinata's attention and causing the latter to look at him with puffy, glossed eyes, "I want you to prove it to me that you're capable of making the right decisions."


Hinata tilted his head to the side, his face displaying visible confusion. Kageyama clicked his tongue at the redhead's dumbness. "Next time you have to make a decision," he clarified, "Make sure to choose the option that you're certain of," he paused. "And make sure the option will make you happy," he continued in a dulcet tone while looking away as he felt his face heating up in embarrassment.

Who would have thought one day he'd be sitting across from Hinata and giving him life lessons like this? In the past few days, no matter how much Kageyama tried to accept reality and move on, he couldn't bring himself to stop worrying about the redhead. He had this unexplainable desire to protect Hinata, defend him with all that he's got, and keep him happy every day - maybe that was because Hinata had always treated him that way. And maybe he wanted to return the favor.

Despite his anger and frustration towards Hinata, he pushed them all aside, and ran to search for him once he got the text from Souta, that read: maybe he didn't reach home and is freezing outside, you should check.
It didn't matter to him then how he got treated by Hinata. The only thought that clouded his mind thickly was he's alone... I can't leave him alone.

Why was it this way?

And oh god did he feel a heavy sense of relief when he spotted Hinata on the pavement - not so far from his house. It ached him to see the latter's condition - how helpless he appeared. He was always labelled as sunshine by the others, but only a few knows what happens once the sun sets. And all at once it hit Kageyama - how fucking difficult it must have been for Hinata as well.

"Alright," Hinata mumbled, pulling Kageyama back from his thoughts. Kageyama fixed his eyes back at the redhead and folded his arms on the table, listening to him attentively. "Alright. I won't make any more regrettable decisions," Hinata stated, "I'll prove it to you that I can."

Kageyama lowered his head and let a half smile form on his face. Hinata noticed it. He finally witnessed Kageyama smiling. The face he just made right now, was the face he only ever makes when he is playing volleyball at his best mental and physical state. But this time, the face was directed at Hinata; for once, it wasn't just volleyball that could make him smile.

Hinata smiled back, his cheeks heating up and turning more pink than it already was, his eyes melting at the sight of Kageyama's soft side. How comfortable and safe did the moment feel, only if it could last forever, heaven knows how desperately Hinata wants to feel this way all the time.

"Dumbass," Kageyama mumbled in a voice so low that it was almost inaudible.

"You're ugly when you cry."
"Shut up!"

Kageyama sniggered whilst Hinata sat, staring at him with a pout and creased eyebrows while folding his arms.
"Jeez. Anyway... do you forgive me?" Hinata asked, timidly. "Whoa. I never said I would do that," Kageyama replied before he grabbed the water-filled glass and sipped. "Ouch! So mean!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Why don't you find a better way to make it up to me?" Kageyama teased. "Wow, now that's demanding. I'm not making amends again," Hinata stated, referring to the time he bought him gifts at the train station. "Then forget about my forgiveness," Kageyama retorted. "Ugh... Fine! I'll find a way," Hinata groaned.

"If you've finished eating then do the dishes," Kageyama commanded, "I'm not planning on giving you princess treatment." He then stood up from his seat as he completed having his dinner.
"Do you seriously make your guests work like that?!" Hinata snapped. "No. Just you. You're an exception," Kageyama stated. He'd have walked away had Hinata not paused him by muttering under his breath, "Tsk. What a king,"
"What was that?" Kageyama shot him a death glare. "Nothing. Allow me to do the dishes now, your highness," he joked before running off to the kitchen.

"Watch me make you do the laundry now."
"I'm not your peasant!"
"But I'm the king here, ain't I?"
"Oh my god... You're so annoying!"

To Hinata, it no longer mattered then if Kageyama forgave him or not. If Kageyama still held a grudge or not. As long as they were back to behaving like their normal selves, Hinata couldn't wish to ask for anything else. That's all he ever wanted - to achieve Kageyama back into his life, to continue with him like the world and it's inadequacies didn't matter. Just them, bickering and taking care of each other in their precious... friendship.

I'm never letting you go again, Tobio. Hinata thought as he rubbed the plate using the sponge. I can give up everything... but oh god... not you.

I'm always willing to give up my everything for his happiness. Kageyama recalled Hinata's words as he made the bed. Yes, Hinata was staying the night.

Yeah, right. Me too. He exhaled a smile as he thought. For your happiness, I'm always willing to give up my everything too.

ACTIONS OVER WORDS | KAGEHINAحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن