Getting to know the girls x

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Jonas - okay girls gather around. I want to introduce you to our new signing y/n, y/l/n.
Y/n - Hi everyone.
Beth - Hey I'm Beth.
Leah - Hi I'm Leah.
(Everyone else introduces themselves apart from Katie)
Jonas - okay well you girls can have a half an hour break get to know each other. Also decide between yourselves but for now y/n will have to live with some of you guys until she get housed.
Leah - you can stay with me Beth and Viv if you like because we have a spare room.
Jonas - that's perfect thank you Leah. Ok be back here in half an hour to finish tactical and then we have 10 minutes in the ice and 20 minutes in the relax room. Oh and y/n get into kit.
Y/n - will do boss
(You and all the girls head to the changing room)
Beth - so y/n which team were you previously at?
Y/n - Bayern Munich.
Leah - OMG. Does that mean you know G ?
Y/n - yeah she's my best mate
Leah - No way. Me, Lotte and Beth all play internationally with G.
Y/n - oh my gosh. Does Georgia call you Le ?
Leah - yeah haha why ?
Y/n - I've heard a lot about you (you laugh)
Leah - course you have haha
(You continue to talk with all the girls and you're getting on with them really well. Apart from Katie whose not even said a word to you since you got there. You whisper to Beth)
Y/n - what's up with Katie? She hasn't even said hi
Beth - she's just missing Jordan at the minute
Y/n - Jordan ?
Beth - yeh Jordan Nobbs. She used to play here but she just transferred to Aston Villa.
Y/n - oh. Where they close?
Beth - we all were but for some reason Katie is just taking it the hardest
Y/n - should I introduce myself to her?
Beth - you can try but good luck getting anything out of her. She won't speak to anyone.
Y/n - okay I'll just give it a minute
(Everyone starts to head out the changing room to get a coffee and is just you and Katie left. She's sat staring at the floor whilst you are tying your laces.)
Y/n - ugh for fucks sakes. This stupid lace.
Katie - (she lets out a little giggle) you alright there?
Y/n - no I'm not (you cross your arms in a strop)
Katie - what's up?
Y/n - I can't do my stupid lace
(Katie gets up and walks over to you. She kneels down and does your lace up)
Katie - see it wasn't that hard was it
Y/n - ugh whatever. (You get up in a strop about to walk out)
Katie - no thanks ?
Y/n - (you roll your eyes) thanks I guess
Katie - someone's in a mood
Y/n - can I ask you something ?
Katie - yeah ?
Y/n - how come you never introduced yourself to me, or joined in the conversation before ?
Katie - just trying to keep to myself at the minute
Y/n - is that because you miss Jordan ?
Katie - yeah I guess. I don't know why but I'm kinda taking it worse than the others, but she was like my best mate here. It just feels weird without her.
Y/n - yeah I get you, but you should at least speak to the girls cause they understand how you feel and I think they worry about you. Beth said you haven't even spoken since Jordan left.
Katie - I just don't know what to do without her.
Y/n - speak to the girls about it. They all love you, you can tell.
Katie - (she smiles a little) thanks y/nickname
(You both walk out together and meet the girls in the cafe)
Y/n - hey guys
Viv - you two want a coffee?
Y/n - yeah I'll have a double espresso please
Katie - fucking hell it's like half 9 in the morning and your drinking a double espresso
Y/n - yeah and?
Katie - are you on crack?
Y/n - no (you and all the girls giggle)
Beth looks at Katie - what's cheered you up then McCabe?
Katie - just y/n not being able to tie her own laces
(all the girls laugh)
Y/n - I can tie my laces
Katie - did I not just have to tie your lace for you ?
Y/n - yeah bu-
Beth - haha y/n can't tie her own laces
Y/n - ugh you guys are so childish
(Viv hands you your coffee and you all head down to the pitch)
Jonas - right girls Kaylen and Manu need some practice so we will do some pens.
(You all line up and start taking pens. You don't miss a pen and you hear everyone whispering)
Y/n - what you all talking about ?
Beth - just you being a little show off
Y/n - am not
Leah - you've literally taken 15 pens and not missed a single one
Manu - I'm fucking dying over here
Viv - I'm not surprised
Jonas - right girls that's enough for today because we will do more in depth training on Thursday you have tomorrow off. Go spend 10 minutes in the ice.
(You all head upstairs and are in the ice)
Katie - hey, you were really good today
Y/n - thanks you little mush
Katie - I'm not a mush
Y/n - if you say so
(You both laugh)
(Afterwards you all go down to the relaxation room.
You sit with Beth and viv who are just watching old games)
Y/n - can we not just watch a film
Beth - no (they both laugh)
Y/n - why not this is boring
Viv - no it's not, it gives us ideas of ways we can become better
Y/n - I'm already amazing
Beth - you really love yourself don't you
Y/n - no I just know that I'm good at what I do, and I don't think that watching old games is going to help us improve. It's what we do now that will help us to improve.
Viv - she does have a point
Beth - right okay what do you want to watch?
Y/n - the lion king
Beth - and I'm childish (you all giggle whilst Beth puts on the movie and you all just chill on the bean bags)
About half an hour later Katie walks over to you.
Katie - y/n
Y/n - Katie
Katie - will you come play basketball with me ?
Y/n - no
Katie - pleassseee (she pulls a really cute face and you can't resist)
Y/n - right fine but I'm not happy about it because I'm watching my favourite film
Katie - yeyyyyyy
(You both go up to the basketball machine and have a couple of rounds. You are flirting with each other a lot, but don't think anything of it)
(Beth talking to viv)
Beth - look at them
Viv - aww
Beth - I haven't seen Katie this happy in a while
Viv - I know
Beth - do you recon they like each other ?
Viv - they might
Beth - I guess we will see
(You get bored so walk back over to watch the film)
Katie - ugh why can't you carry on playing
Y/n - I'm bored and I want to watch the film
Katie - right fine
Y/n - (she looks mad and is about to walk off) kattieee
Katie - whattt
Y/n - come sit here and watch this with us
(She shares the bean bag with you)
(You fall asleep on her and about half an hour later get woken up)
Katie - hey it's time to head off. Sorry to wake you
Y/n - omg I'm so sorry I fell asleep on you
Katie - it's fine don't worry
Y/n - it's not
Katie - it is trust me (she smiles and you both get up and head to the changing room)
Beth - did you enjoy that sleep then ? (She winks at you and then looks at Katie)
Y/n - yeah Beth I did. You jealous or something ?
Beth - oh yeah so jealous that you fell asleep on Katie's bony shoulder
Katie - oiiii
Y/n - was actually quite comfortable thank you very much (you smile and look at Katie who's got the biggest grin on her face)
Beth - right ok love birds
(You all get changed to go home)

 You jealous or something ?Beth - oh yeah so jealous that you fell asleep on Katie's bony shoulder Katie - oiiiiY/n - was actually quite comfortable thank you very much (you smile and look at Katie who's got the biggest grin on her face) Beth - ri...

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^^ your outfit ^^
(You notice in the corner of your eye that Katie was staring you up and down but ignore it)

Y/n - hey would any of you guys be able to give me a lift home
Leah - yeah you can come with me because Beth and Viv will go home together anyways
Y/n - okay cool thank you
Leah - no worries I'll meet you by the car
(You say bye to everyone)
Katie - bye y/nickname
Y/n - bye you mush

Woso X y/nDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora