Media x

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(You head to the media room)
Jonas - okay girls I'll hand you all a strict timetable. Please complete everything and then you're free to go home.
Your timetable :
9am - interview with sky
9.45am - YouTube video with chunks and filly
10.45am - chicken shop date with Amelia
11.45am - media photos
12.30am - interviewed by Jen Beattie
1pm - Meeting with Alex
(You can't be arsed but you have to get on with it. You go and complete most of your media tasks for the day and you have just met Jen for your interview)
Jen - hey y/n
Y/n - hi Jen
Jen - so y/n, today I'll be asking you some questions and you have to respond as fast as you can with the first thing that comes to mind
Y/n - okay cool
Jen - favourite colour?
Y/n - red
Jen - best player on the team
Y/n - vivianne, miedema but don't tell Beth (you giggle)
Jen - who's your favourite on the team
Y/n - Beth
Jen - one person you miss from your old team
Y/n - Georgia stanway
Jen - favourite stadium to play in
Y/n - camp nou
Jen - are you single ?
Y/n - yes
Jen - do you like someone ?
Y/n - maybe
Jen - oooo I wonder who (she looks at Katie who's sat across the room)
Y/n - is that it ?
Jen - no there's a few more. Favourite player from childhood
Y/n - Kelly smith
Jen - messi or ranaldo
Y/n - neither (you laugh) Keira Walsh over both of them any day of the week
Jen - fair enough (she laughs) what colour is London
Y/n - red always
Jen - what colour is Manchester then?
Y/n - blue. Cmon I'm a city fan (you giggle)
Jen - how are you liking arsenal so far
Y/n - I'm loving it
(You finish the video)
Y/n - they were such random questions like what's with the questions about my relationship status
Jen - I don't know sorry y/n I just got told what to ask
Y/n - it's fine don't worry
(You so confused about all the random questions. It was one of the weirdest interviews ever. You go over to Beth)
Y/n - hey beffy
Beth - hey y/nickname
Y/n - I'm so confused right now
Beth - why what's up?
Y/n - so I just did this interview with Jen and she was asking me really weird questions. Like I know she didn't choose them but they were so random. I just feel dead awkward and uncomfortable.
Beth - what were the questions ?
Y/n - just things like "are you single?" And things about my family and relationships and stuff
Beth - ohhhh you had the routine interview then
Y/n - the routine interview ? (You look at her weirdly)
Beth - every time there is a new player we get some random interviewer who comes in and asks the most stupid questions that fans want to know and then they edit your interview and twist things.
Y/n - wait what?
Beth - yeah it's happened to all of us at least once. I thought you would've known about it because you've been at other clubs
Y/n - no that's never happened to me on a media day to be honest
Beth - it's fine don't worry about it. There's just some weird fans every now and then that are so invasive and don't give us privacy, and those interviewers just give the fans what they want to earn money of us. It's daft to be fair
Y/n - yeah it sounds it. I've got to go, I have a meeting
Beth - bye y/n, and don't worry about the interview it'll be fine
Y/n - i won't, bye

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