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Y/n - omg this is so nice
Katie - yeah it is let's go inside
(You both go in)
Y/n - this is so beautiful
Katie - I know this is nicer than the girls house
Y/n - Fully
(As you walk in there is a wall to the right with hooks for keys and a shoe cabinet underneath, it's very clean and all the walls are white. It's open plan, there is a huge L-shaped couch, with space for a tv on the wall. In the kitchen there is a huge marble island with for chairs. The back doors are slide in doors and they open to a huge garden. It's so beautiful. There is a 12 seated dining table facing the kitchen)
Y/n - we'd have enough seats to have the girls round for dinner
Katie - ahh yeh
Y/n - I'm in love already
Katie - does it come furnished ?
Y/n - yeh pretty much. We just need to buy a TV and then obviously everything for our bedrooms and the office but other than that we have everything we need.
Katie - that's good
Y/n - come on let's go upstairs
(You both head upstairs, there is three huge bedrooms, each with on suites. The biggest bedroom has a huge walk in wardrobe)
Y/n - I thought this was supposed to be a two bedroom
Katie - yeah I thought that too
Y/n - let me give the landlord a ring
On the phone to Susan (the landlord)
Y/n - hey Susan
Susan - hey y/n is everything alright at the house
Y/n - yeah everything is perfect I'm just a bit confused
Susan - why's that
Y/n - well I got told it was a two bedroom, but there's three
Susan - sorry I forgot to mention there was an issue with the marketing online. I hope it's not a dealbreaker
Y/n - no that's fine I was just double checking
Susan - okay no worries I'll see you soon
Y/n - bye
Katie - is everything okay?
Y/n - yeah she said it was an issue with the marketing or something
Katie - oh okay well it's better for us anyways
Y/n - true, we can have people stay round now
Katie - yes
(You walk of into the biggest bedroom)
Y/n - omg dibs on this room
Katie - that's not fair (she crosses her arms, pouting)
Y/n - (you giggle) is too
Katie - Ugh fine whatever you can have this room but I'm sharing your wardrobe (you both laugh)
Y/n - deal
Katie - come on let's go tell Susan that we want the house before someone beats us too it. Also the quicker we get the house the quicker we can move in.
Y/n - true. I wanna move in tonight
Katie - that's a lot of effort but we'll see what we can do
Y/n - yayyyyy
(You both get into the car and drive to the offices)
Y/n - I love that house so much
Katie - me too. It feels so homely
Y/n - I know. My manager is meeting us at the office because she has to go over the paperwork before I sign anything.
Katie - okay cool
(You both arrive)
Susan - hi guys, how did you like the house
Y/n - it was better than anything I've ever imagined
Susan - good I'm glad to here. So are you guys wanting the house then?
Katie - yes absolutely
Susan - okay well I'll get the forms for you to sign now. You do have to put down a deposit and the first 3 months rent if that's okay with you both.
Y/n - yep thats fine
(Vanessa arrives. You go up and hug her and she has a huge smile on her face)
Vanessa - hey you
Y/n - hey
Vanessa - did you like the house?
Y/n - I loved it 
Vanessa - I thought you might
Y/n - thanks
Vanessa - no worries
(You sort out all of the paperwork and only Katie's name gets put on the lease because of the agreement you made to move out if anything ever happened)
Vanessa - okay girls well I'm gonna head off now I hope everything goes well. Oh and y/n could you come by the office on Monday after your meeting with Alex
Y/n - yeah sure I'll see you then
(You say your goodbyes and you and Katie are in the car)
Katie - well that went well
Y/n - yeah it did
Katie - so I know you said you wanted to move in today but it is game day tomorrow so it's fully up to you because I don't want to add anymore stress.
Y/n - no it's fine I want to. Plus we don't have to move everything there. Just things we need for tonight.
Katie - yeah that's true.
Y/n - okay
Katie - who's Alex?
Y/n - oh erm my therapist
Katie - ohhh ok
Y/n - yeh
(You's listen to music the whole way, and are now back at the girls house)
Y/n - can I tell Beffy she can have her own room at our place?
Katie - yes (she giggles)
Y/n - yayyy thankyou (you kiss Katie on the cheek and run upstairs to Beth's room. You knock on the door)
Beth - come in
Y/n - omg beffy you won't believe it, but there is three bedrooms at mine and Katie's new place which means you can have your own room
Beth - I don't give two shits, get out of my room now
(She's screaming at you)
Y/n - whoah what's up
Beth - you, that's what now get the fuck out
Y/n - I don't understand
(All the girls have ran up after hearing Beth shouting)
Viv - I think it's best if you leave her alone
Y/n - no I wanna know what's going on
Leah - y/n not now. She said leave
Katie - (grabs your arm) come on
Y/n - don't touch me (you storm of to your room and slam the door. You decide to go on your phone to see if you've missed any news or anything. You see that your interview has been posted, so you watch it.)
Your interview:
Jen - so y/n, are you single?
Y/n - yes
Jen - do you like someone?
Y/n - yes, Vivianne Miedema, but don't tell Beth (you giggle)
(You start talking to yourself)
Y/n - what the fuck, I never said that
(You go onto instagram and these are the comments on the reel)
Meademafan101 - how fucking disrespectful when Beth's one of your good mates. Get a fucking grip of yourself
EllieRoebuck - this y/n has balls disrespecting my girl. Hope you're okay Beth ❤️‍🩹 xx
Vivfanpage234 - how disgusting. Beth you need to put her in her place!!!
LeahWilliamson - why the fuck would she say something like that!!
JordanNobbs - I hope you know what's coming y/n. Stupid girl !!
GStanway - y/n would never ! You guys are horrible. We all know the media twists things, especially the other players in the comments. Sort yourselves out. Giving her hate, you're just as bad as the "fans".
LucyBronze - I thought you girls new better! Always here for you y/n ❤️‍🩹
Elle13hague - y/n you deserve nothing in life! You're a horrible person 🤮
Anna213447 - such a fat bitch. Viv would never like you anyways.
Jennasmith987 - I hope you sl*t your wrists. You horrible bitch.
(You slam your phone down and punch the wall. Your nuckles are bleeding badly. You go into your bathroom, and take out a blade. You couldn't help it, you needed to feel something. You don't realise but Katie has walked into your room without nocking. She sees the blood on the wall and goes to your bathroom)
Katie - y/n can I come in?
Y/n - no fuck off
Katie - I'm coming in
Y/n - I said no
(She walks in anyways)
Katie - shit y/n stop now
Y/n - I'm sorry (you're crying)
Katie - it's okay pass me that please (she's tearing up but trying to be strong for you)
Y/n - (passes her the blade) I didn't say it I swear
Katie - I know you didn't baby. Let's get you cleaned up
Y/n - I wanna go
Katie - let me help you first and then we can go to the new house okay?
Y/n - okay (a tear falls down your cheek and she wipes it away, and kisses your head)
Katie - everything's going to be okay, I promise
Y/n - okay
(Katie cleans all your cuts and your knuckles. Then she puts a bandage on your wrists)
Y/n - Thankyou
Katie - it's okay don't worry
Y/n - I need to talk to Beth
Katie - are you sure that's a good idea ?
Y/n - please could you just get her for me?
Katie - yeah sure.

Katie - Beth could you please go see y/n
Beth - no I don't want to talk to her
Katie - please just go hear her out. She's not in a good place
Beth - right fine whatever
(She comes to your room and you pat the bed for her to sit down next to you)
Beth - I'm not staying long so just say what you wanna say and hurry up
Y/n - Beth I promise I didn't say that.
Beth - how am I supposed to believe you
Y/n - I'll ring Jen right now. I would never do anything to hurt you like that. You're my Beffy. I love you so much, ever since I've gotten here you have been by my side, your my best friend here.
Beth - I don't know what you want me to say. I can't just believe you like that, it's literally a video of you saying it
Y/n - I get that but Beffy you know I'm head over heels for Katie, how many times have we sat together and I've talked about her for hours, and to think I've only been here hardly a week. I do not like viv like that, I promise you now. Here look...
(You ring Jen)
Y/n - hey Jen
Jen - hey y/n I'm so sorry about everything that's being said
Y/n - it's okay, I'm here with Beth and she doesn't really believe me when I'm telling her I don't like Viv so can you please just tell her what was said
Jen - oh yeah, um I basically asked y/n who was the best player on the team and she said Vivianne Meidema don't tell Beth though and then a few questions later I asked her wether she liked someone and she said maybe. But she definitely did not say Viv (she giggles) the interview was clearly edited and they swapped the answers around. Plus y/n clearly has eyes for Katie.
Y/n- seeee (Beth rolls her eyes) thanks Jenny I'll see you tomorrow
Jen - bye girly
(You end the phone call)
Beth - I'm sorry y/n
Y/n - it's okay I'm sorry too
Beth - I should've trusted you in the first place
Y/n - well I'm not going to argue with that, but please trust me when I say I would never do anything to hurt you
Beth - I do I'm so sorry. Everyone was being so awful to you online
Y/n - it's fine
Beth - it isn't I'm sorry
Y/n - stop apologising
(Beth hugs you)
Y/n - shit ouch
Beth - what's up, are you okay? (She turns her head)
Why the fuck is there blood on the wall ?
Y/n - (you just show her your knuckles and start laughing)
Beth - you really are the drama aren't you
Y/n - yep always have been (you both laugh)
Beth - do I really get my own room at your new place ?
Y/n - yeah course. Ughh now you have just reminded me I need to pack a bag for tonight. (You walk out your room to the hallway and look over the balcony)
Y/n - (you shout) katieeeee
(She runs upstairs)
Katie - what's up? You okay?
Y/n - yeah just wanted to see wether you wanted to lend some clothes for tonight or wether you were gonna go back to yours first ?
Katie - fucking hell why did you shout me like that then (you both giggle) I thought it was serious
Y/n - I'm fine promise (you kiss her cheek)
Katie - okay good, and any chance I get to steal your clothes I will take so yeah I'll borrow some of yours
Y/n - okay go in my wardrobe and choose what you want then, my bags on the bed
Katie - okay yayyy
Beth - right y/n I'll leave you to it
Y/n - okay I'll see you tomorrow, I love you beffy
Beth - I love you too y/n
Y/n - I know you do (you giggle)
Beth - too soon y/n (you both laugh as she walks off)
(You're talking to yourself)
Y/n - okay what do I need, laptop, laptop charger, phone charger
(Katie walks out)
Katie - are you talking to yourself? (She laughs)
Y/n - probably (you giggle)
Katie - okay can I lend this (she holds up your brand new Nike tracksuit)
Y/n - erm let me think. Absolutely not
Katie - pleaseeeee it's so nice
Y/n - I know especially with the tags on it
Katie - I'm not going to ruin it
Y/n - no I've never worn it
Katie - pleaseeeee
Y/n - ughhh fine but if you ruin it you're buying me a new one
Katie - yayyy okay
Y/n - oh Katie
Katie - whats up?
Y/n - can we go to the big Tesco's before the new house?
Katie - yeah sure. (She goes back into your wardrobe. P.S. It's a walk in wardrobe by the way 😂 this ain't some lion the witch and the wardrobe type of shit 😭)
Y/n - (talking to yourself again) I feel like I'm forgetting something
Katie - maybe clothes for yourself
Y/n - shut up you mush
Katie - not heard that one in a couple days (she giggles)
Y/n - be quiet (you walk into your wardrobe and start getting clothes for yourself)
Katie - right I have my kit in the car but could I lend one of your training kits to go in?
Y/n - yeah sure they're all hung up over there
Katie - okay cheers
Y/n - could you get me one aswell and then that's all we need I think.
Katie - yeah
Y/n - right I'll take the bag down to the car
Katie - okay I'll meet you down there
(You say bye to all the girls and they all apologise about earlier. You and Katie get in your car and drive to Tescos)

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