1 step forward, 3 steps back x (pt.2)

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Y/n: I'm sorry
Katie I don't know what to do anymore
Y/n: you don't have to do anything
Katie: do you not listen to me? it's just back and forth all the time, like have I done something wrong?
Y/n: no you haven't, you're perfect
Katie: I can't be tho, I can't keep being this perfect person who is there for everyone all the time, sometimes I just need to break down and let my feelings out for once
Y/n: tell me how you feel
Katie: I just feel broken, I'm the only thing holding this family together right now and sometimes I just need to cry you know, but I don't get one minute to even do so, and don't get me wrong I love spending every minute of the day with you and NoNo but I'm constantly going back and forth to the hospital and then I come home to sleep and I can't sleep because I'm so scared that I'm going to wake up and he's not going to be here. I've slept like 5 hours in the past week and that's only because of the news we had this morning. I haven't eaten, I just can't think straight and now this. I'm not putting the blame on you so don't think that, but I worry enough about the baby, I don't need to be worrying about you more than I already do. It's killing me that I'm not just sitting here saying to you eveythings going to be alright and supporting you, but I just can't bring myself to do it, because that's hurting me even more. I love you more than life, and if you didn't come back I wouldn't be here right now, I'm serious. I need you to be okay, I need you to want to be here and want the life that we're going to have. I can't do that on my own, if you, if you would've died then, god knows what would've happened. I would've had to raise Noah all by myself, I wouldn't have been able to cope. Everyone would've been in peices not just me, we all love you and we want you here with us, we don't want to be visiting a grave to be able to talk to you. Imagine that, Noah growing up and the only way he knows about you is what I tell him and photos, and what a piece of stone and some grass. I don't want that for him, and god knows you don't, so please just find a reason to be here. Noah needs his mummy, you don't want to leave him.  You're the best mum ever, and we can give him the life we never had, please just do this for me, stick around
Y/n: oh baby, I'm so sorry (you kiss her head) I'm so constantly thinking about myself that I never take one minute to think about how you feel. I will never ever do anything like that again, I promise you. I love you so much and I love the life we have. I don't want to leave my baby and I don't want to leave you.
Katie: I can't trust you though
Y/n: you don't trust me?
Katie: I can trust you with everything other than your own life clearly
Y/n: oh
Katie: I just need a minute okay, I'm gonna go downstairs for 10 minutes
Y/n: okay (she goes downstairs)

Katie's prospective:
shelly: what's happening
Katie: she's okay
shelly: she's not tho, she needs to be in a hospital or a psychiatric ward or something
Katie: so, we'll hide the knives, see if she perks up
shelly: we can't go on like that
Katie: she has this, we've got her, I don't know, we'll take turns watching her or something
shelly: I need to ring jill
(you come downstairs)
Y/n: It's fine, I'm going over to the hospital now
Katie: no, you need to rest
Y/n: I need to go see my baby
Katie: well then I'm coming with you to see OUR baby
Y/n: It's my turn
Katie: there's no taking turns anymore
(you walk out to the car and Katie gets in and slams the door)
Y/n: can you stop
Katie: stop what?
Y/n: being so pissed of with me, I did what I did, if you don't wanna be with me then just say
Katie: don't go there, you know there's nothing more I want then to be with you
Y/n: well you aren't acting like it
Katie: how do you want me to act y/n, I'm fucking scared
Y/n: I know, so am I
(Katie grabs your hand and holds it)
Katie: I've got you no matter what, I just don't want to lose you
Y/n: I know

( You both arrive at the hospital and go to see Noah)
Y/n: hi baby boy
Noah: mummy
Y/n: that's right baby, mummy
(You kiss him on the head, and he puts out his arms for you to hold him. You go get the nurse and she helps you pick him up)
Nurse: bet you can't wait to have him home
Katie: when will that be?
Nurse: did you not get a call this morning?
Katie: no why?
Nurse: the doctor said he can come home today
Y/n: wait he can?
Nurse: yes, he's got about an hour left on those fluids and then you can take him home
Y/n: aww you get to come home NoNo
Katie: thank you (she says to the nurse, the nurse leaves and Katie bursts out crying)
Y/n: why're you crying angel
Katie: he's okay
Y/n: he's perfect, come here (you give her a kiss and Noah giggles) do you think that's funny NoNo, come here mama ( Katie kisses you again, and Noah keeps giggling which makes you both burst out laughing )

(It's about 2 hours later and you have just got home with Noah, your mum is sat on the couch)
Katie: hey shell, look who we've got
Shelly: noahhh you're home (she comes over and takes him out of the car seat) come to nana
Y/n: where's mum?
Shelly: in the spare room darling
(You go upstairs and nock on the door, she doesn't reply, so you open the door, she's fast asleep, face stained with tears, you crawl into bed and hug her, she wakes up)
Jill: oh, hey babygirl
Y/n: I'm sorry mum
Jill: it's okay princess, I just don't want to lose you (she kisses your head) was Noah okay when you left?
Y/n: he's home
Jill: aww that's good news, I'll go see him (she goes to get up)
Y/n: wait mum
Jill: yeah babe?
Y/n: can you come watch a film with me in my bedroom
Jill: yeah of course darling I would love to come on
Y/n: I feel really tired
Jill: that's okay have a little nap
(You both lie down and put frozen on, you feel really tired)
Y/n: I'm sorry
Jill: you know your my perfect girl yeah and I'm always here for you no matter what, I just don't want to lose you
Y/n: I'm sorry mum, I just felt like the walls were caving in, sometimes I just think that maybe I'd be better off with dad
Jill: your dad would be disappointed in you if you did that and you know it. You have a beautiful baby boy downstairs and a gorgeous fiancé who would drop anything at the split of a second if you needed her. Don't waste it
Y/n: mhm (I just nod my head, about an hour later I wake up) sorry mum I must've drifted off (I look up)
Keira: hey (she gently smiles)
Y/n: oh (you get up and rush into the bathroom)
Keira: come on y/nickname, we need to talk
Y/n: I can't talk to you kei
Keira: why
Y/n: because you're my little sister
Keira: come on y/n please don't do this
Y/n: no I'm sorry kei i can't, I just can't
Keira: you can't run away from your problems all the time
Y/n: I can
Keira: just stop okay (you hear her crying) I can't do this anymore y/nickname, please talk to me
(You open the door and she instantly falls into your arms crying)
Keira: please
Y/n: I'm sorry
Keira: why did you do it
Y/n: Everything was too much
Keira: what about me
Y/n: don't kei
Keira: I'm serious, what about me? What about g? You are all we have in this world and you're willing to throw it all away just because it all got "a bit too much" pathetic
Y/n: kei
Keira: don't kei me, you don't change do you y/n
Y/n: wha-
Keira: it's always about you, you never stop to think about anyone but yourself
Y/n: that's lies and you know it
Keira: I can't with you, everything's always a joke and nothing is ever taken seriously. Do you love me
Y/n: of course I do
Keira: when was the last time you came to see me
Y/n: I erm-
Keira: see you haven't, I've been at Barca for what about 2 years and not once have you come to see me
Y/n: I have
Keira: oh yeah once because you needed a way out
Y/n: what? Kei come on
Keira: do you have any idea what goes on in my life
Y/n: course you live with Luce and narla, you guys are always happy (she laughs)
Keira: "kei you're my little sister" you show no interest in my life ever y/n. It's not just you that goes through shit
Y/n: but you always seem so happy, you and Luce are perfect
Keira: but you never stop to ask wether we actually are do you y/nickname
Y/n: I'm sorry kei
Keira: you're not though
Y/n: what is the point in this
Keira: I don't know I was coming here to make you understand the severity of the situation, but as I sat there I realised do you know, what's the point?
Y/n: so you wouldn't care if I would've of died
Keira: No I would've cared more than anything in the world and that's the issue
Y/n: kei (she walks out the bedroom slamming the door)

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