The next day x

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( you get ready to go to training and grab your bag and your boots before heading downstairs)
Y/n - morning
The girls - morning
Y/n - we going to head off then?
Katie - yeh
(You all get into your cars and drive to the stadium)
Jonas - okay girls today we are going to be doing some in depth training on the pitch, then I want you all to go to medical to get checked as we have a big game coming up. There's in interviewer coming at 2pm to interview y/n on her arrival here, and she will need another person to be there with her. Preferably someone who has gotten to know her quite well for the past two days. Afterwards you can all head to the pool)
Y/n - Beffy do you want to do the interview with me then?
Beth - yeah sure bestie
Y/n - okay well that's sorted then
(Katie just stares at the floor. She's upset that you didn't ask her and you can tell somethings up so you pull her to the side)
Y/n - are you okay?
Katie - yeah I'm fine
Y/n - you don't look it
Katie - just thought you would've chosen me seeing as we've gotten to know each other the past couple of days
Y/n - I would've but we already have the girls speculating that we like each other. We don't need to make it more obvious then it already is
Katie - oh ok I get you
(She still looks sad but you both walk away and finish training. Afterwards you all head up to medical)
Medic - so y/n I've noticed you look quite tired today. How many hours do you usually sleep a night?
Y/n - usually about 8-9 I just had a rough night last night and couldn't sleep that's all.
Medic - okay well we are just going to do a couple more checks before you go
(They weigh you and do other checks. The medic clears you and you get sent to your interview)
> Interviewer is called Caitlin <
Caitlin - hey y/n, hi Beth how are you guys?
Beth - we are great thankyou
Caitlin - so y/n how are you finding this tansfer so far?
Y/n - well it's certainly a big change but I feel like I'm starting to fit in really well here
Caitlin - that's good. So y/n we know that you are currently valued at the most expensive player in womens football at around £450,000. What are your thoughts on that?
Y/n - well I certainly didn't expect it as there are some incredible players out there like Alexia Putellas and Lucy Bronze. However it's great and I think it's what we need in the industry at the minute, it just shows that women's football is only going up and up.
Caitlin - absolutely, and Beth how has it been training alongside the most valuable player in womens football?
Beth - well so far it's been amazing. Y/n is an extremely great player and I think she's going to bring so much to the team. We are definitely lucky to have such and incredible player.
( you carry on the interview and afterwards head to the pool)
Leah - heyyy how was your interview
Y/n - it was alright. Nothing exciting
Leah - fair enough
(All the girls are in the pool and you are just sitting on the edge hanging you legs over)
Beth - come on y/n get in with us
Y/n - no I'm fine thanks Beth
Beth - come on pleaseeeee
Y/n - I don't want too
Beth - you're actually so boring
Y/n - right whatever (you get up and storm off into the changing rooms and just chill)
Katie - you okay ?
Y/n - yeah fine
Katie - why'd you storm off then
Y/n - because she annoyed me and I get in a mood easily
Katie - well we can see that
Y/n - shut up
Katie - you going to come back with me then ?
Y/n - yeah but I'm not coming in
Katie - why not
Y/n - (you whisper) I can't swim
Katie - you what?
Y/n - I can't swim alright
Katie - you could've just said that
Y/n - it's embarrassing
Katie - it's not, literally nobody cares
Y/n - they'll all laugh at me if they find out
Katie - at least come back
Y/n - ughhh fine
(You and katie head back to the pool and you sit back with your legs in the water. Katie swims over to you and puts you on her back)
Y/n - (you whisper into her ear) I swear to god if you drop me
Katie - I won't don't worry darling
Leah - aww look at the lovebirds
Beth - you out of your strop now
Y/n - yes (you roll your eyes)
(You all have fun in the pool and end up back in the changing room)
Viv - so what you guys up to tonight then?
Leah - I'm going to Jordan's new place
Beth - aww okay
(Katie gets up and storms out the room)
Y/n - what's up with her?
Beth - fuck knows it's probably because Leah mentioned Jordan
Leah - I thought she was fine now
Beth - doesn't look like it
Y/n - should I go after her?
Beth - if you want. Are you coming straight home after training ?
Y/n - no I've got a meeting with my management team and then I'll be home
(You finish getting changed and then try to find Katie)

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