Broken x

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(You've just woken up the next day and your heads banging. All of a sudden everything hits you and you start crying)
G: hey hey calm down. It's okay everything will be fine I promise
Y/n: I know I know everything just hit me all at once
G: come on get up and get ready and then how about we go on a walk
Y/n: I'd love that
G: okay cool
(You both get ready and head out on a walk getting a coffee before you leave)
G: how you feeling then
Y/n: as good as I can feel i guess
G: at least you've gotten up out of bed
Y/n: I suppose
G: so about your low week?
Y/n: I think yesterday was just a warning you know
G: so you're probably gonna have one soon
Y/n: probably
G: well let's just get through these last few days at camp together yeah?
Y/n: yeah (you look at your phone and see hundreds of messages and missed calls of Katie and you start tearing up)
G: just turn your phone off (georgias phone rings and she answers it)
G: hello
Katie: why won't she answer me?
G: wow you've got some nerve
Katie: what have I done
G: you really don't remember
Katie: no please tell me
G: you kissed rue and you told y/n and you didn't even feel bad about it
Katie: no
G: yes
Katie: I didn't know. I was so drunk
G: okay but I don't think you can fix this. You've broken her
Katie: no I love her so much Georgia. More than I've ever loved anyone
G: you kissed your ex and she posted pictures of yous together on instagram
Katie: I'll get her to take them down. I didn't even realise. I need to talk to her. Please tell her to speak to me. I can fix this. I will fix this
G: you can try but she doesn't want to talk to you
Katie: I need to talk to my girlfriend, please g
G: she's not your girlfriend anymore. She ended it with you last night and it's Georgia not G
Katie: what no (she's crying) this can't be real. Just please get her to talk to me. I have to go train
(She ends the call)
Y/n: so that just happened
G: she wants to talk to you. She's crying her eyes out and she can't remember anything from last night.
(You pick up your phone calling her)
Katie: hi princess
Y/n: don't call me that
Katie: please I'm sorry let me explain
Y/n: go on then
Katie: I got drunk I had no idea what was going on. She must've kissed me because I don't have any memory of anything that happened last night and I can promise you now I love you more than anything in this world and I would never do anything to hurt you.
Y/n: well you have hurt me. I fucking feel so broken. You just told me what happened like it was normal. You didn't even care that you'd done it.
Katie: I was drunk I swear. I love you more than life y/n. I wanna marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. I can't lose you.
Y/n: I think it's best if we take a break
Katie: please don't do this y/n
Y/n: I have to, it's for the best, and you're not gonna like what I have to tell you but you're gonna find out eventually so
Katie: what is it?
Y/n: I kissed alessia. After you told me what happened I went out and I got drunk and I kissed alessia
Katie: did it mean anything
Y/n: what no I was angry and upset
Katie: do you like her?
Y/n: no
Katie: promise
Y/n: I can promise you now
Katie: okay I trust you
Y/n: okay. Look let's just get through our camps. Im still mad at you and I'm upset but we can talk when we're back home
Katie: okay. I love you just know that
Y/n: I love you
(You end the call and start crying)
Y/n: that was so hard
G: I'm proud of you.
Y/n: she told me she wants to marry me. How am I supposed to feel. Like is she just saying that to win me back or does she actually want to
G: I'm sure she actually wants to y/n. She really does love you. You know that but your decision is what's for the best.
Y/n: I need to find alessia and speak to her now
G: yeah that's probably a good idea
(You both finish your walk and you find alessia to speak to her and explain that you were upset and everything that was going on and she understands and agrees to just be friends with you. You go round to Beth's apartment as she messaged you to come over)
Y/n: hey pretty girl (you hug her)
Beth: is everything okay?
Y/n: sort of
Beth: talk to me girl
Y/n: me and Katie have broken up
Beth: wait what?
Y/n: she cheated on me with rue last night
Beth: oh my days I'm so sorry
Y/n: oh and I kissed alessia as well but it didn't mean anything I was just angry and upset and drunk
Beth: have you spoke to Katie then?
Y/n: she can't remember anything that happened last night but I just want to forget about it so I said we'd speak when she's home next week
Beth: that's good I guess
Y/n: anyways change of subject how come you never came out last night?
Beth: just didn't feel like it
Y/n: since when does my girl turn down a drink
Beth: since your girl might be pregnant
Y/n: wait what oh my days (you start jumping up and down with excitement)
Beth: calm down I haven't took the test yet that's why I called you over here.
Y/n: wait I have questions first
Beth: okay shoot
Y/n: how like when did this all happen?
Beth: me and viv went to a private doctors and it was quite a bit of money but it's worth it because the process is extremely quick
Y/n: well clearly, so when are you supposed to take the test
Beth: it can be any day after the one week mark which is today (she's smiling with pure joy)
Y/n: so have you had any symptoms ?
Beth: no morning sickness but my period is a week late and I feel really bloated all the time
Y/n: okay so last question why are you wanting to take this test with me and not viv?
Beth: well you're the only other person I'd want to take it with and I want to surprise viv if I am
Y/n: ohhh I see
Beth: you coming then?
Y/n: of course
(You both head into the bathroom and Beth takes the test putting it face down on the side)
Beth: right okay I'm not getting my hopes up cos it could be negative
Y/n: okay so what happens with football if you're pregnant
Beth: it'll be fine for me this week but I'll probably have to take maternity leave for a year it works out best because I don't want to chance playing pregnant and then viv will just do her maternity leave when I go back so we both aren't out at the same time
Y/n: yeah that's a great idea. It works quite well
Beth: yes
Y/n: so how long do we wait for that test?
Beth: 2 minutes
Y/n: okay cool so only a minute left
Beth: could you look first and tell me
Y/n: are you sure that's what you want?
Beth: yes 100% there's no one else I'd trust more
Y/n: okay...
(You pick up the test)

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