Big Tescos x

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(You both arrive at the Tesco)
Katie - right remind me what we are here for again
Y/n - pillows and quilts, a kettle because I need coffee in the morning and some food. Oh and some dishes and cutlery.
Katie - okay but that's it because you'd buy the whole shop if you get the chance and we are going shopping tomorrow after the game
Y/n - okay and don't kill me but I forgot to mention
Katie - mention what y/n ?
Y/n - the house doesn't come with the couch. I thought it did but Susan said it doesn't.
Katie - where are we supposed to sit?
Y/n - on the floor (you giggle)
Katie - for god sakes y/n. Trust you to not tell me something like that
Y/n - well if I told you, you wouldn't let us move into tonight
Katie - exactly, come on let's go get what we need so we can go home
Y/n - aww
Katie - what?
Y/n - home
Katie - who's the mush now (she giggles)
Y/n - you always
Katie - if you say so
Y/n - I do (you giggle)
(You get a trolley and push it with one hand whilst Katie is holding your other hand)
Y/n - I'm going to need that hand in a minute (you giggle)
Katie - well I'm just keeping it warm for now
Y/n - okay (you both giggle ) oooo candles
Katie - that wasn't on the list
Y/n - I know but they smell so good
Katie - right fine but you aren't getting loads
Y/n - Ughh okay I'll just get this one
(You put the candle in the trolley)
Katie - right here 4 pillows and 2 quilts. (She says whilst putting them in the trolley) we need bedding
Y/n - true, ooo I like that one
Katie - okay put it in the trolley then. I'm just gonna get white bedding
Y/n - you of all people should not have white bedding. You're the messiest person I know, and the only person to eat food in their bed.
Katie - that is fair but I'm getting it anyways (she laughs)
Y/n - okay but I'm not buying you a new one in a couple of days when that one is covered in chocolate or something you've eaten for tea
Katie - okay (she's just giggling)
Y/n - okay next we need a kettle
(You both head down the kitchen isle)
Y/n - look how cute that kettle is
Katie - how is a kettle cute
Y/n - it's rose gold
Katie - why can't you get a white one?
Y/n - erm because that one is rose gold
Katie - right fine put it in (she's just skating her head at you and your giggling)
Y/n - guess what?
Katie - what now?
Y/n - now we have to get the matching toaster and microwave
Katie - why
Y/n - because they match
Katie - oh my god we are supposed to be shopping tomorrow (she's annoyed)
Y/n - please (you pull a really cute sad face)
Katie - okay but calm down a bit because tomorrow we won't have anything to do if you buy everything now
Y/n - okay yayyy (you kiss her on the cheek, then get the toaster and put it in the trolley)
Katie - what about the microwave
Y/n - can you grab it i can't lift it
Katie - awww someone needs to start going the gym
Y/n - hey I do go the gym
Katie - I'm only joking, no need to get so defensive
(You carry on walking down the isle)
Y/n - oh my god
Katie - what now ?
Y/n - they have a matching blender
Katie - you're joking right?
Y/n - does it look like I'm joking
Katie - (she's shaking her head) we don't need it
Y/n - if we get it I'll make you one of my famous smoothies in the morning
Katie - right fine but this is the last thing you are going of list for
Y/n - okay okay
(You get the blender and do all of your food shopping. You buy two plates, some cutlery, two glasses and two bowls)
Katie - that should do for now
Y/n - yep
Katie - you ready to check out then?
Y/n - wait no
Katie - what do you need now?
Y/n - tooth brushes, and I need some shampoo, conditioner and body wash
Katie - okay I'm not going to argue with you over this one cos they're are actually valid things we need
Y/n - okay (you giggle)
(You both get everything and head to the check out, everything gets scanned and bagged)
Cashier - that will be £185.75 Will you be paying cash or card
Y/n - card please
Cashier - no worries just there when you're ready
(You go to tap your card on the machine and Katie comes up behind you and taps her card)
Y/n - hey why did you do that ?
Katie - because i felt like it (she kisses you on the cheek)
Cashier - would you like a receipt ?
Y/n - yes please (he hands you it) thanks
(Katie pushes the trolley to the car)
Katie - we should've brought my car
Y/n - mines nicer and cleaner
Katie - true but mines bigger
Y/n - fair enough, I'm sure it'll all fit
Katie - okay
(You put everything in the car and get in)
Y/n - see it all fit
Katie - barely (she giggles) we are taking my car tomorrow
Y/n - okay, thanks for paying for that by the way. You didn't have too
Katie - it's fine don't worry
Y/n - I'm paying tomorrow
Katie - we'll see
Y/n - I am
Katie - whatever you say
Y/n - ok let's go home
(You drive home and are now back at the house)

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